Black Monk Tats
The Sensei
Hi, I'm Sensei, seems kinda odd to me that i spent all that money on my 15k and 1.5k black tats, and they show up blue on the chara selection screen. I was just making this thread to see if i can change that, if anyone can tell me how plz e-mail me @ [email protected].
Do they only show up blue at the Character Selection screen? Or also In-Game?
My monks tattoos sometimes show up as undyed after I have logged in on another character. Yet, after I play my monk they will show up as the dyed color in the character selection screen. It is very odd. Not something I'm too worried about though.
Marty Silverblade
This also happens with helmets. It has no effect on the game though.
sometimes the game just doesnt load armour fro the server properly and your armour will look it's undyed olours. Nothing to worry about as they are still the colour you died them. leaving the game a while tends to make them show up the right colour. if your only interested in showing off.