Guys, this whole "Index of Ideas" thing has to be the *most* counter-productive thing I have ever seen! The idea behind a suggestion forum like this is for good ideas to get out and get heard by the devs, not be hidden away in a thread that will grow to an unreadable length and get completely ignored!
I know you're trying to stop repeat posts, which you who frequent this forum for intillectually stimulating reading material see as spam, but this is not how you get things changed!
I'm not advocating unrestrained spamming or flaming or anything, but please people... get these ideas out in the open and heard! Especially the really important ones that have no reason not to be in the game like an auction house! Stop hiding them away and flaming people who repeat post, that's just flat-out ridiculous.
Also, before someone points this out, I know Anet isn't constantly patrolling these forums looking for the next brilliant thing to add to the game. But that's exactly my point. I'm sure one or two guys check this board every few weeks to see if anything's in high demand, and if they don't see anything starting riots, they forget about it. We need to get things we want changed/added SEEN. So if we have to fill every freaking forum on every fansite with spam begging for an auction house before they'll add a freaking auction house, SO BE IT. More power to us I say.
I know I'm going to get flamed off this board for this. But someone had to say it.
Index of Ideas: You've got to be kidding me
Stone Reaver
Originally Posted by Stone Reaver
I'm not advocating unrestrained spamming or flaming or anything, but please people... get these ideas out in the open and heard! Especially the really important ones that have no reason not to be in the game like an auction house! Stop hiding them away and flaming people who repeat post, that's just flat-out ridiculous.
How an auction house doesn't have a reason to be in game?
Originally Posted by Kaguya
How an auction house doesn't have a reason to be in game?
No no no, he said "have no reason not to be in the game". So he means, with the use of double negatives, that the auction house does have a reason to be in the game.
But yeah, generally the idea is to bump old threads to bring them to everyone's attention, since these threads have since died slow, agonzing deaths. That action is what is know as "Thread Necromancy", which tends to be looked upon much higher than posting a similar topic two, three, or twenty-five times.
At least, that's how I understand it.
Originally Posted by Stone Reaver
I know you're trying to stop repeat posts, which you who frequent this forum for intillectually stimulating reading material see as spam, but this is not how you get things changed!
I know I'm going to get flamed off this board for this. But someone had to say it. |
I see you find our "index" somewhat counter-productive, but I fail to see why you think this is the case.
Ideas such as "Hair Sylist" already has a single massive and long outstanding thread for the orginal idea, plus additional and similar ideas in the thread.
Due to the limited space of the forum, we created the index in order to link to the most popular ideas and threads, for to see AND forum users.
This is done to filter people towards to the best and popular ideas and also prevent duplicate threads from being created.
Since the fourm window is limited, whenever a duplicate thread of an existing idea is created, it bumps a unique idea off the front page.
Thus to avoid 10 or 20 threads about "auction houses" and "nerf the touch ranger" the index exists.
Now if you wish to dicuss the matter further send a Private Message to one of this forums mods, or post in the Site Suggestion forum here:
/reported thread for closure.