newbie question - Necromancer


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2006

I rolled a Nec to try out the skills and I am confused about one aspect of the class. One of the first quests involves going into the catacombs and using Bone Horrors to trigger the fire geysers. How in the world do you control the horrors I have so far only been sucessful in having them follow me around and attacking once I am being attacked. I died at every geyser because I could not figure out how to get them to run through it. On WoW there was a key (icon) that you could press to send in your pet to attack your target. Is there something similar in GW?


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006



That was problematic to me when I first started playing. I ended up running into the geysers myself.

The trick is that on the other side the geysir, is a corpse. You use animate bone horror to raise a minion from the said corpse, then just wait. The minion starts coming over to you, steps on the geysir, and blows it up.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006

There are corpses on the other side of the geysers, all you need to do is get reasonably close to them, and animate your fiend, it will then run across the geyser to get to you, and thus activate and kill the geyser. I was confused the first time i tried this, and made the same mistake.

yamyam of swad

yamyam of swad

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005

south derbyshire england

Coffin Dodgers Unite [RiP]


beat me to it,lol.
the only way you can control your minions/fiends is by attacking a target,they will then attack the same target,unless something else gets in the way.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2006

Thanks, I don't know that I would have figured that out. I kept summoning the horror off the corpses before I got to the geysers. Thought I was missing something somewhere.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2006

Prefer Unlight Beer [PuB]

My friend, when he just stared, didnt know the minion bit. He tried to walk around them, in the tiny gap when is shrunk.. He made it :S

Tetris L

Tetris L

Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005


Servants of Fortuna

Originally Posted by yamyam of swad
the only way you can control your minions/fiends is by attacking a target,they will then attack the same target
Henchmen behave that way, but minions don't. Minions don't care about the target of their master, they have their own AI to determine their targets.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2006

Yeah, if minions acted like henchies, that would be pretty cool. I just use them as my meat shield. I walk in the aggro bubble then start walking backwards as I transfer aggro to my minions.

But yeah, that mission mentioned above, took me a few seconds to figure it out, hehe. Tricky, tricky.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2006


Clan Of Elders


Outside of using the aggro circle, henchies will follow called attacks (CTRL + attack) or called targets (CTRL + SHIFT + space bar/attack) but minions will only move if you actually attack. And as Tetris noted they won't always attack what you are targeting. But at least they'll move w/o you having to wade in w/your aggro circle. At least they will for me.

I've also noticed that if I'm being attacked sometimes they'll come to me after they finish killing their current target. I always get warm fuzzies from that.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005

Urmston, Manchester, UK

Greener Pastures [DVDF]


Originally Posted by BladeDVD
I've also noticed that if I'm being attacked sometimes they'll come to me after they finish killing their current target. I always get warm fuzzies from that.
"good little loyal horror!" *lowers beef wellington into horror mouth*

Fungus Amongus

Fungus Amongus

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare] | [Rare] Alliance

Originally Posted by Tetris L
Henchmen behave that way, but minions don't. Minions don't care about the target of their master, they have their own AI to determine their targets.
Only if you stand around to let them engage. Otherwise you can send them to the first target you choose by attacking. After that it is up to their AI.

Swinging Fists

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006


Minions attack when something is in their aggro bubble, whether you attack, call a target or not. BTW, their aggro bubble is slightly smaller than ours.