why is it no-one wants to farm the area outside Sorrow's? ok, the bosses aren't as good, but they can still drop greens! i'd really like to spend some time with a good group, clear the outside then go in and clear that aswell.
and why are some players so damn arrogant? warriors flaring at the poor monks cuz they ran into a huge aggro and died, people moaning at the MM's cuz there's not enough minions, MM's moaning at warriors for not targeting gnashers and the like first... oh my.
Sorrow's Furnace Farming.
Sir Skullcrasher
Peoples act weird.... so yeah!
Plus you get those high price greens inside Sorrow Furnace not outside. You can get Brohn, Razorstone, Malinon, Bortak, Rago, Drago and others when doing farming for Final Assault, Orozar or eve the regular SF run.
Plus you get those high price greens inside Sorrow Furnace not outside. You can get Brohn, Razorstone, Malinon, Bortak, Rago, Drago and others when doing farming for Final Assault, Orozar or eve the regular SF run.
Two April Mornings
the stuff outside doesnt sell for much except for yakslapper..stuff inside worth a lot more...tahts y ppl farm inside
Pevil Lihatuh
heh if i go SF farming with my mate, we usually do the area just outside SF over and over a couple times. He's a Warrior, I'm a ranger, we take Mhenlo, Lina and Cynn. We do well, we can clear all of Grenths with no deaths as long as we aren't stupid about it and usually make a good bit of money. We may not find any super-rare greens, but we do make plenty in salvage materials/runes/gold, and we don't have to stand around for hours at a time shouting "WTS..."

Flesh of Satan
just solo outside with a M/W using spellbreaker/bleeding/disrupting chop/ savage slash/final thrust/bonnets/mending/prot spirit
use a firey dragon sword 15^50 customized with encht pommel
use a firey dragon sword 15^50 customized with encht pommel