Surfing on the website is very slow for me, playing GW or not, and sometimes i timeout / get a blank page, im using latest Firefox browser with connection settings modified but within RFC Specifications.
Also the website doesn't "remeber" me, my login times out after about 30mins-1h and i have to relogin, witch is very annoying when surfing on the website or posting an auction.
I have a decent internet connection, Cable, i can test the speed if anyone wants the numbers, also my computer, 2.6ghz 2gig 0.6tb, shouldn't be a problem for a mere website, but still i crawl tru the website as if i was on a 486 with 26kbs connection
Please help me ! Thanks !
GuildWarsGuru pages loading very slowly
Malice Black
this is down to guru not you, guru experiances high server load during the busy parts of the day and this causes it to run slowwww.
yea guru server is always busy cause so many ppl are on, as for the login thing, I dont know why it resets on you. There should be a time duration for logins.
Alright, i'll manage, thanks anyway.