Is this true!?

Dante the Warlord

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2006


'I missed the ending and a few cutscenes from prophecies. My brother told that i could review everything. Now i am wondering who has this capability.... where to find this person. I really want to view all of prophecies as a "movie like" cutsscene.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by Dante the Warlord
'I missed the ending and a few cutscenes from prophecies. My brother told that i could review everything. Now i am wondering who has this capability.... where to find this person. I really want to view all of prophecies as a "movie like" cutsscene.
tell your brother to tell you how.

also have him tell us as well so we can see it as well



Join Date: Jul 2005


As far as I know, it's not possible to review Prophecies as a whole. In fact, I don't think it's possible to re-watch any of the cutscenes in Prophecies...

Anyway, if you want to review the plotline of Prophecies, go to and check out the Prophecies campaign page. Each mission will have a summary of each mission and an overall plotline somewhere.

Bo Azum

Bo Azum

Academy Page

Join Date: May 2006

Mongoose United


Why doesn't your brother tell you how and where you can watch these cutscenes?



Hall Hero

Join Date: Jul 2005

California Canada/BC

STG Administrator


I imagine your brother meant by redoing the missions over agian then you can see all the cutscenes.I am at a lost if you want to see it as a video if so tell you bro I would like to know to.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2006

At my computer

Teh Nine [lll]


The only way to rewatch the cutscenes is by doing the mission over again.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

The Sunset Riders [Ride]


As far as i know, rewatching the cutscenes from any Prophecies mission without redoing that mission is impossible (unless you find another means outside of the game to do so)

This however would be a nice feature to add, it was a welcomed addition in factions (for me anyway), because so many people like to just skip the cutscenes and some of us like to watch them.

What's funny about this is that those are the same people that complain the game lacks a good storyline

Maria The Princess

Maria The Princess

Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2006

Aequitas Deis

its availble in canthan missions if im not mistaking

Dante the Warlord

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2006


Ahhhh...I brother is a factions only he dosen't know about much of prophecies. I see now...i'm just a lil angry because at the very last cutscene I went afk. it took me two hours to do that last mission :-(. O well......



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2006


Well it's not available in factions either.

The only cutscene you can watch is the mission intros, the end cutscenes and mid mission cutscenes are only available when you play the missions.