Aspect of Error 7 (The Deep rant)



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2005


Soul of Destruction


For the three last runs to the Deep, each party I've been in has come to a dramatic stop halfway through. Each time due to 3 or more (once 5) getting error 7 at the same time. Each time several others who where lucky enough to not get error 7, complained about heavy lag. Of course after something like that happens, people tend to get angry and ragequit.

My question is, has anyone else experienced this? It didn't seem to happen during the Elite weekend. Neither has anything like that ever happend to me outside the Deep. There's obviously a problem with the deep. When is it going to be fixed?



The 5th Celestial Boss

Join Date: Jul 2006

Inverness, Scotland

The Cult of Scaro [WHO]


I don't play the elite missions but it's just as bad in the just seems to be getting worse. This problem really does need to be looked at closely, apart from anything, people just get angry at other people for no reason, since the more ignorant think someone just "decided to leave" rather than "probably was error=007d". It took me 3 attempt at Dunes of Dispair since so many people kept getting error=007 just as we entered the mission.

the sly edge

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006

[eoe] Edge of Extinction


reson ppl get error 7
sucky internet
a. to help internet work better un plug the power from your modum every 2 weeks or so and let it sit for 30 secs or technical term (reste the cash)
b. run a daily spysweep and a anitivirus
Also you might want to check your computer about speed and why it laggs it could possibly be your computer
Hope this helps



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2006

Eastern USA

The Eternal Vanguard of Tyria [VNGD]

Originally Posted by the sly edge
reson ppl get error 7
sucky internet
a. to help internet work better un plug the power from your modum every 2 weeks or so and let it sit for 30 secs or technical term (reste the cash)
b. run a daily spysweep and a anitivirus
Also you might want to check your computer about speed and why it laggs it could possibly be your computer
Hope this helps
Wow, that's not true. First of all, you can reset the cache without unplugging power from your modem (which you shouldn't do without reason anyway, as it certainly doesn't prevent err7's).

As for your claim people with sucky internet get err7's, that's also false. I have a 15mbps download, 2mbps upload FiOS package, that's as stable and reliable as I have ever seen. Despite this, I got three err7's yesterday.




Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2005


Gui1d War스 P01ic트 [Pr으]


Originally Posted by the sly edge
reson ppl get error 7
sucky internet
Sucky internet is the reason that several people err 7 at the exact same time?

I see.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2005


Soul of Destruction


Originally Posted by explodemyheart
Sucky internet is the reason that several people err 7 at the exact same time?

I see.
Exactly my point. I haven't got the best line in the world myself. All I got is a wireless 700kbs line. I get the occational error 7, but their far apart and I can live with that. I have yet to error7 out of the Deep myself btw. But when I venture down to the deep and four people simultaneously drop from error 7, I get suspicious. Also, when it's been times that good friends of mine also drop in those runs, friends who I know have 100/10mb lines, I can't other then conclude that it has to be the game. I'm basically sitting in the same ventrilo room as them and hear they complain about heavy lag just before they error7 out. Everything else work, internet, ventrilo, etc. We have speculated in if the reason could be that the groups are made from people from all over the world; Asia, Europe and America. Most people idle in the international district, so that's basically where you can find your Deep groups.

Usually one or two people are bound to drop from a run anyway. Usually it's no big deal. The run can take from 1h 30mins to 4 or 5 hours. Not everyone have the time or patience for it. But the worst part is that when alot drop at the same time, people tend to loose hope. Some just say it's hopeless now and quit. Some yell some profanities and rage-quit. And then you are there, alone with your friends, with no prospect in clearing the deep by yourselfs. And you realize that you've just wasted one or two hours of your life.

Just had to get this of my chest.. :/ I hope can figure out if there's anything wrong with the deep. Or at least figure out some way to let people reconnect to the group again. Anyway, thanks for all your opinions and tips in this thread. I hope we can figure this out.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006


there are SEVERAL glitches in the deep...
-the Error 7's
-getting stuck
-aspect of e-surge(i dunno what its called) spam
^^seriously tho it triggered like 10 times on me at once..
to name a few ive encountered.. i steer clear more profitable going to uw xD



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2005


Soul of Destruction


Yeah, that aspect of e-surge thing has happend to me once also. Also, I'm pretty sure the Aspect of the Scorpion (teleport to nearest foe and kd) is triggered more then once every 30 sec.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2006

Manchester UK


Its not only the Deep, it happen everywhere. I usually get 007 after or before some patch.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2006

It really is just sucky internet. How do you explain that there are people like me that have been playing Guild Wars for over a year and have never had an error 7, ever? If there was some bug in the game, surely over the thousands of hours, I would have experienced it.

People don't like being told it's due to "sucky internet", because they see that as their problem, a personal insult in some way. But it isn't. It can mean there was a problem anywhere between you and the servers. Even if your internet connection is stable, and never disconnects, you can experience lag and packet loss to a server, so much so that it causes you to error 7.

If you think it's suspicious that 4 people drop at the same time, perhaps they were all routed over the problem area. The problem seems to happen the most when players from different continents play together. This suggests that a tier 1 provider is to blame.

I don't know any more about this than the next person, I'm just saying, don't instantly blame ANet. I'm sure their servers are not the problem.

the sly edge

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006

[eoe] Edge of Extinction


sry u guys read me wrong it can be 1 of the reson ppl error 7 the ppl error 7 at the same time is when the game is messed up
sry man just tryin to help


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2006

It's true that the game could be messed up, but it's unlikely. Having a "fast" internet connection, (as in cable, dsl, etc.) isn't nearly as important for Guild Wars as the quality of the connection all the way from you to anet's servers. Err 7's (basically) happen when your packets take too long to get there, (Latency) or when successive ones don't get there at all (packet loss). (I say successive because one dropped packet here or there won't make you drop)

Chances are, somewhere along the line a facility somewhere is, for some reason, dropping packets (either broken equipment, oversaturation of the lines, etc.) and many people are routed through that facility. Basically, what carth said.

The Deep requires a good bit more data to be moved around than most areas, and therefore is going to have less tolerance for packet loss and latency spikes than most areas, which could be why you see the err7s there, and not other places. People routed through oversaturated facility + higher percentage of packets dropped = err7s all around.

Getting everyone who had the err7 to do a traceroute from their machine to the anet server could turn up the approximate location of the bad routing place. Of course, from there, there's not much you could do. If Anet thinks there's a problem, they might be able to use that kind of information. I remember a while back there was a routing problem that the anet Network Ops team sorted out.

Still, probably not the game, and probably not their servers.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2005

Toronto, Canada


most error7s up until now were due to people on wireless connection.. due to the nature of lost packets of a weak signal you'd get error7s... because GW requires a constant stream of Data..

but the recent error7s were not from our end atleast not by what im seeing... can't tell you how many gvgs we had to suffer through because of error7s.. atleast 8 of our 10 lossses were due to error7s of one or more people... there are even error7 spikes where 3 or more people on both teams would get disconnected at the same time... they had come up with a reconnect button soon... poeple are getting really fed up.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2005

at the beach

Gamerzunlimited (GU)


Ok I have two different internet connections a Fios 15/2 meg setup and a
comcast broadband account, played on comcast for a whole year with no
problems till around last Feb. then the err-7 started showing up big-time.
So I ordered fiber to see if it was better, had fiber for two months now
and have gotten 4 err-7's.
How come I can play any other on-line game and have never gotten an
err-7 in my life, if this problem is an internet packet loss problem then
Anet might need to figure out a better way help prevent this like other
companies seem to have done. Maybe we are running the game with to many
details turned on and this is really hurting our data flow ??? I think it is
more than one thing at play here.




Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2005

Toronto, Canada


Originally Posted by SirShadowrunner
Ok I have two different internet connections a Fios 15/2 meg setup and a
comcast broadband account, played on comcast for a whole with no
problems till around last Feb. then the err-7 started showing up big-time.
So I ordered fiber to see if it was better, had fiber for two months now
and have gotten 4 err-7's.
How come I can play any other on-line game and have never gotten an
err-7 in my life, if this problem is an internet packet loss problem then
Anet might need to figure out a better way help prevent this like other
companies seem to have done. Maybe we are running the game with to many
details turned on and this is really hurting our data flow
??? I think it is
more than one thing at play here.

running the game on max res with everything turned up will in no way what so ever affect the data being streamed to and from Anet and you. The gfx card in your computer handles most of that stuff. If you want to see how much you are transfering i suggest adding the -perfs (short for performance) to your gw shortcut name... gw error7s are very annoying at any time. Hoping for a fix.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2005

The Black Hand Gang [BHG]


Originally Posted by Celestial Beaver
It took me 3 attempt at Dunes of Dispair since so many people kept getting error=007 just as we entered the mission.
Ok, the chance is good I was in one of your groups. I was attempting Dunes bonus and got err-7d out yesterday the first 3 groups I went with. I appologize if I was with you one of those times.

Later yesterday our alliance was doing THK bonus, my monk needed it, had to redo it 3 times, I err7d out every time, but the 3rd time it was during the fight with the Confessor, so they finished (thankfully I'm in a very understanding guild/allaince). (just to note, our MM kept lagging/freezing, and our other monk dropped out the exact same time as me the first two times, then he just gave up).

This is a recent problem for me. I've never errd out during our frequent Urgoz/Deep trips besides that one time where they patched right before we got to Urgoz and EVERYONE in the party got errd out.

It's quite annoying, and I can understand sometimes its a personal connection problem. But when people in your party are freezing up or getting err'd out with you at the exact same time, it's not your connection.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2005


Soul of Destruction


Actually, Carth and Mr Goat make valid points. Thanks. I'll try getting a tracert next time and see where that leads. Also, it's good/sad to know I'm not the only one with this problem. Thanks for all the input guys..

Mo Joe Joe Joe

Mo Joe Joe Joe

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2005

Where the sun don't shine


I had a nice relatively err7 free existence until Sunday night thru Tuesday (seems to coincide with your experience). During that period I got err7ed about once per hour regardless of the GW area I was in; primarily HA then jus went solo farming so I did not effect others. I reset my cable modem, rebooted, ran virus and spyware scans, defrag, reinstalled GW, even opened the PC and blew the dust out. None of this made any difference or provide any clues. All my other internet activities were working fine.

Then magically last night everything was better again. Yeaaah!!, but WTF took 3 days for someone/somewhere to fix??? So the good news is that your problems have hopefully been corrected as well. Who knows for how long thou..

So a poster above says it's not Anet. Well maybe not Anet's server, but somewhere on what I would consider "their end." Or perhaps their servers could be modified to handle the loss of a packet or two and keep us from disconnecting. I can handle lag, but err7s really suck. All to frequently I am hearing from friends that were err7 immune have become infected. This game needs to become more stable prior to releasing nightfall.

By the way, there is a new network and graphic diagnostic tool built into GW. If you press Shift-F10, it brings up a graph window, and TAB will cycle through the various graphs that are available to users. The network graph shows how much data is being sent over the wire, and the frame time graph shows how many milliseconds it takes to draw a frame. I did not get to employ the tool during my err7 problems because I had not heard about it until yesterday.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005



Originally Posted by SirShadowrunner
Ok I have two different internet connections a Fios 15/2 meg setup and a
comcast broadband account, played on comcast for a whole year with no
problems till around last Feb. then the err-7 started showing up big-time.
So I ordered fiber to see if it was better, had fiber for two months now
and have gotten 4 err-7's.
How come I can play any other on-line game and have never gotten an
err-7 in my life, if this problem is an internet packet loss problem then
Anet might need to figure out a better way help prevent this like other
companies seem to have done. Maybe we are running the game with to many
details turned on and this is really hurting our data flow ??? I think it is
more than one thing at play here.

Routing is not based on the connection you have, routing is based on your regional location. Once you reach your CO they link up to a teir 3 or higher system to route you to the next hop, typically based on where you are on thier grid and what links they have available to them. In most cases the DNS systems that you link to use a static set of routes. Having one connection or another will change nothing in most cases even if you go off brand many small providers rent pipes from larger local providers. Most major providers that extend fiber and broadband will route you and everyone in a region the same way, buying a different connection type does not save you if you are in a situation where the hop you are being routed to is oversaturated or experiencing problems.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2005


Angels Symphonys [AnSy]

i know your problem with the Deep, the flowers, DO NOT TOUCH THE FLOWERS EVER!!!!!!!!!! people have touched the flowers in groups ive been in and then up to 3 people have simultaneously erroed out, i went in a group once to delibrately test this out, the flowers seem to have dodgy reactions to people and dc them, so just don't touch the flowers and you should be ok.