Cost of Factions after Nightfall?


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2005

I don't have Factions now mainly because I'm tight on money and haven't convinced myself to spend the full price for the game. I was wondering if anyone thought if it was likely that the cost of Factions would drop any after Nightfall came out. My guess is that Factions is probably still too new to drop much if any, but was curious to see if others thought otherwise.

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


Factions is already 40 bucks at some stores.

You just gotta find when the SPECIFIC STORE decides to take it down.

Remember some Big Chains and the Online Store from ingame will ALWAYS keep each chapter at full price it seems (Chapter 1 is still 50 bucks there), but some stores will slowly lower them. Like Chapter 1 at some places is 30 bucks. already prices Factions at 45 instead of 50 bucks.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2005


Angels Symphonys [AnSy]

you could buy an access key which in general is cheaper anyway as you dont get the manual or anything but worth it if you just want the game, then you can simply add it to your current account.

Knightsaber Sith

Knightsaber Sith

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2006

Few Fallen Heroes [FFH]


If you do buy an access key online; only buy it from the in game store. Absolutely do not buy it from someone on ebay. There was a thread a while back about some guy that had an existing Prophecies account he worked on for a year and bought a Factions key off ebay. Turned out the key was originally purchased with a stolen credit card and Anet permanently banned his GW account and he lost everything. But you could buy an unopened retail package on ebay.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2006


Black Widows of Death


Guild wars still seems to be arround the same price so I would not think Factions will drop too much maybe a couple bucks but since it is a no monthly charge game the retail will not drop too much. You can always hope for a going out off business sale and get it cheap

Knightsaber Sith

Knightsaber Sith

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2006

Few Fallen Heroes [FFH]


I just checked out the bestbuy website to see how much they had it listed for and I saw something I thought was just hilarious; they have an offer for $10 off GW Factions if you preorder WoW Burning Crusade !!!!!!




Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005

Ascalon City, Tyria

Free Agent


Originally Posted by Knightsaber Sith
I just checked out the bestbuy website to see how much they had it listed for and I saw something I thought was just hilarious; they have an offer for $10 off GW Factions if you preorder WoW Burning Crusade !!!!!!

LOL thats really funny lol



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2006


Prophecies hasn't become cheaper where I live so I don't see why it should happen to Factions - would be nice though.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2005

Nightfall will be more expensive than factions and will have around the same content.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

Song of the Forsaken


Originally Posted by TB_
Nightfall will be more expensive than factions and will have around the same content.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2006

At my computer

Teh Nine [lll]


Originally Posted by Knightsaber Sith
I just checked out the bestbuy website to see how much they had it listed for and I saw something I thought was just hilarious; they have an offer for $10 off GW Factions if you preorder WoW Burning Crusade !!!!!!

Haha, that just made my day.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2005

Originally Posted by Knightsaber Sith
If you do buy an access key online; only buy it from the in game store. Absolutely do not buy it from someone on ebay. There was a thread a while back about some guy that had an existing Prophecies account he worked on for a year and bought a Factions key off ebay. Turned out the key was originally purchased with a stolen credit card and Anet permanently banned his GW account and he lost everything. But you could buy an unopened retail package on ebay.
I appreciate everyone's input. I went to to check out buying a factions key to see how much they charged and it showed $49.99 for a Factions key. Geez, I might as well get the full game with the manual etc. has it for $47, Amazon now has it for $45 new, but there is one for $38.50 used, but even then I've never bought a used game before and I'm a little leary of it.

Well you know there was a couple used for $25 that had missing access keys. I suppose I could do that and just find a hacked key on the internet somewhere..... Just kidding.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2005

Mystical Chaos


I've seen Factions at my local Best Buy for $40. Same for Prohpecies. I don't think they'll get much cheaper than that. And I don't recommend buying them online except from reputable sources where you know you will be getting a new, sealed product. Never, ever, ever buy a used online game. Ever! Bad idea, waste of money.

Kayla Slays

Kayla Slays

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2006

Round Rock, Texas

Can't Stop Texans


Last year just before Christmas Best Buy had Prophecies on sale, thats when I got hooked!