Ritualist weapons

Beatrix of Alexandria

Beatrix of Alexandria

Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2006

I'm wondering what's a good weapon to use for a communing ritualist..recommendations really I suppose. I'm using a wand right now, but it's pretty much just an ok wand (no mods, etc - just purple).

Any ideas?


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

Stars of Destiny


Depending on what communing spells you are using. If you are spirit spamming, I believe people have said that the spirit spells are not affected by the 20/20 communing. For my defensive rit lord, I use Rajazan's Ferver (or totem axe) and Quansong's Focus. Basically anything that gives you plus energy and enchanting extension and an offhand that will give you the energy plus some other desireable mods, health, armor etc. The collotors item right outside vasburg (45 and armor +5 while enchanted is nice as well).

When running an offensive rit lord, I crafted a spawning lotus staff with an insightful +5 and enchanting 20%. I use the staff for offensive because sometimes you need to attack something to get your spirits to start attacking.



The 5th Celestial Boss

Join Date: Jul 2006

Inverness, Scotland

The Cult of Scaro [WHO]


Yeah, Collectors weapons FTW! Whenever I feel the urge to find a new weapon, unless I happen to have picked up a really good one I look here...go to "General Collectors" for Kaineng City/Echivald Forest/Jade Sea...I just browse through these until I find a nice weapon with stats that suit me and find the necessary collectors' "payment method".

I like the look of the lotus staffs as well...nice addition to the game I think, although I found a celestial staff with a Restoration requirement so I use that mostly, since I prefer to use restoration. But yeah, I would suggest looking down the collectors lists and deciding which weapon has the best stats on for yourself, and then mod if further if necessary.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2005

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Originally Posted by Cherno
Depending on what communing spells you are using. If you are spirit spamming, I believe people have said that the spirit spells are not affected by the 20/20 communing.
That is true. The reason being that Spirits are created with Binding Rituals, which are by definition no Spells. The halves recharge / cast time only applies to Spells.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2006

Manchester UK


Originally Posted by eightyfour-onesevenfive
That is true. The reason being that Spirits are created with Binding Rituals, which are by definition no Spells. The halves recharge / cast time only applies to Spells.
And that is the reason why you shouldnt use Backfire on sprit spammer which people always like to put it on me when im spamming spirit. The only spell i use is Boon of Creation and casting that wont hurt me much, cos after summoning 2-3 spirit, i got the health back.

Beatrix of Alexandria

Beatrix of Alexandria

Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2006

Ah didn't know that about spirits not being spells. Good to know!


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2006

Manchester UK


Originally Posted by Beatrix of Alexandria
Ah didn't know that about spirits not being spells. Good to know!
Not being spell make us able to carry on spamming spirit in elite mission with exhaustion and spell failure effect area.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2006


Warlords of Ruin


I use stuff i crafted in vasburg on Kurzick side, a communing wand and a restoration focus for 20/20 each, if you can get to there, or Luxon equivalent, your looking at 5K each + materials.

Beatrix of Alexandria

Beatrix of Alexandria

Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2006

Ah ok. I'll have to look at the crafter and collector stuff, so far I've just been using drops.

And I haven't tried the elite missions yet, but I probably will soon.




Join Date: Nov 2005

Northern California



ya know, i've heard (and believe from lots of first hand experience) that cast/recharge doesnt affect spirits, but I was wondering about the +1 20%?

Anyways my rit lord uses vengeance seeker (same as communing wayward wand) and quansong's. I've had a lot of luck farming quansong's....got one for a friend 2 nights ago even.

on the rare occasion I'm restoration, Spiritgarden works great (and flippin easy and fast to farm)



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2005

Former Member of Inyurface Gaming [IYF], Long Live IYF!


+1 20% works on all skills, not just spells, so there is still a change you will pop-up a higher level spirit once in a while.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

Stars of Destiny


The reason the 20% +1 is desireable for communing is becuase it boosts your attribute point, the spirits look at that level for their variable changes. It ins't that the skill is doing anything faster, it is just that you are able to make better spirits (even though just slightly) with 17 in communing instead of 16 when it triggers.