but I am not sure that she will be a useful force for a PVE team,
she has not huge damage power,
I will have a test ,
do u have good build for her?
(She's lovely, lol)
Desert Nomad
Join Date: Nov 2005
23 Aug 2006 at 02:46 - 2
A Me/N is about degen and interupts more dirrect damage, a good shut down mes is highly sought after.
Check Campfire for builds
Academy Page
Join Date: May 2006
23 Aug 2006 at 02:48 - 3
she can cause huge amounts of damage it's just more situational than most other damage dealers. I just built a me/n not long ago and for most of it I used domination skills and some blood.
empathy and backfire are great skills to bring along with some interupts like cry of frustration or power drain. vamp gaze came in handy along with barbed signet although I ended up ditching the whole blood magic line after awhile.
I forget what else I used but domination magic seems to be good and although people don't give ya much credit and think their doing all the damage, you really are helping out alot. Oh and Chaos storm is nice to get the warriors to run off if you have prophecies.
Academy Page
Join Date: Apr 2006
23 Aug 2006 at 03:08 - 4
Don't know what level you are or where you are currently or the chapter you're playing, but you should look into the fragility spiker once you achieve a decent level (i.e. 15+), if you can find the skills and have the resources. I've yet to actually try one but from having them on my team and watching them play it seems like a fun class with some nice damage. I'll post the link to the build when guildwiki decides to come back up...it's got a huge list of builds if you wanna look there for other things as well.
At lower levels, you could go illusion/curses to give nice degen to enemies, or as the others said domination is great for interrupts and stuff like that.
Hall Hero
Join Date: Jul 2005
California Canada/BC
STG Administrator
23 Aug 2006 at 03:33 - 5
You might want to try the Mesmer scetion of the campfire and try here for some good buildsalthough mostly PvP. click here