LF New GW Ladder
I know most people use the guild wars official ladder... i prefer to have the stats of the iq ladder instead but they refresh every 12 hours... i was wondering what ladders you guys use or are there better ones that refresh faster that isn't the offical gw ladder?
I pwnd U
I just use the GW ladder, seems to work best for me. Its easy to find guilds and easy to read.
well i need more stats ... iq ladder has stats that are well worth looking at but they update every 12 hours like i said i believe the official ladder updates every 15mins. The official one is lack lustered when it comes to past games how poeple did in particular days its just not useful.. i mean if you want to know your opponents play times and their style then you have to use the iq ladder. I guess ill b sticking with iq since there is nothing else... i did c a german ladder though but it looked like iq's i didn't know their refresh times and it was in german.