I dont see the point in it and i know some1 is gona bring up the IWAY build bu iv searched it on wiki and it looks to take some skill to be used efficently, and i understand giving a limit the minion masters, but now EoE is nerfed, thanks alot a-net every time u nerf u ruin moves and farms, Urgoz is now a pain in the a** to compleate, Instead of nerfing just fix the problem with the move instead
Xenex Xclame
Hmm what?
Same thing that was said in 50 threads?
Hmm need glasses?
Same thing that was said in 50 threads?
Hmm need glasses?
stfu u iwayers... urgoz is still farmable... cuz ive done it after the update...
The Pointless
A Kurzick guild was sending an EoE team to the Luxon side in AB and screwing things over, causing the border situation the other weekend. At least, this was what I heard...
Is there a question in that post? Or just *another* clueless, whining, meandering, useless post with no reason other than make one feel better about his/her inability to adapt?
well if u read it i ask why nerf when it can just be fixed
ow and iv hever used the iway build
ow and iv hever used the iway build
nerfs are fixes.
The Pointless
Some punctuation would be nice.
A proper question, and how you expect it can be fixed instead of nerfed would help too...
A proper question, and how you expect it can be fixed instead of nerfed would help too...
We don't need another thread on this, especially not in the Q&A forum. Closed.