In Luxon guild, can i get kurzik armour

Xen Furiour

Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006



Ok this may be a stupid question, but im going to ask it anyway

Im in a Luxon sided guild. Can I, as I play through factions, take the Kurzik sided missions and gain Kurzik faction points with a character?

If I can do that, and hence could get to Zu Heltzer, could I then buy Kurzik armour for a character?




Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2006


Black Widows of Death


I believe all areas are accessible to you but you would have to gain more faction with the Kurzik to be able to bye it. Also you will have to kill your own people if you want to get the 15k style.

The Shadow

Academy Page

Join Date: May 2006

Wait... I thought you knew!!!

Natural Stoned Killers


Short answer

Longer more defined answer
The only thing I've noticed a guild "siding" is for is to default when your faction is 0, to be able to control towns and outposts by transferring enough alliance faction to do so, and to help put you on sides for AB's

Both Luxon and Kurzik sides of the map are accessible for any player. I myself am in a Kurzik guild and find myself farming (unsuccessfully) on the Luxon side for kraken eyes. Those things just don't drop too often for me.

As far as having to "beat up on your Luxon buddies", you shouldn't have to. Just do enough Kurzick quests in order to gain enough faction to use the traders. From there you can have the armor crafted.

Anywho, in order to buy through Kurzik, you need to have more Kurzik faction than Luxon. Be careful though; whenever you spend faction from one side, the opposing faction is diminished from your personal faction totals. If your Kurzik faction is higher than your Luxon, you will only be able to buy from Kurzik merchants. Personally, I would rid myself of all Luxon faction (or as much as possible) and then stock up on the Kurzick if that's the way you wanna go.

Just muster the faction to be able to buy from the trader, have the money and materials, and away you go.

edited for spelling



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2005


Angels Symphonys [AnSy]

you can still get Kurzick armour although in a Luxon guild, it is just harder to gain faction for the other side if you get me.

If you would like to do Kurzick Alliance Battles contact me in game and you can guest in my guild as many times as you need to