Just a bit annoyed...
Nexus Icon
Just had a couple of things happen that have esentially wound up being the straw that broke the camel's back.
When I play GW these days, it usually means I'm playing Aspenwood. It's about the only thing that keeps me coming back to GW despite ANet's reluctance to acknowledge the inherent problems with the map (namely leechers and leavers).
So I just had a game where we had SIX leavers.
Whether they're leaving so that it's easier for the Kurzicks, or whether it's purely ragequitting, I don't care. It completely spoils the game.
And what's worse, it's utterly idiotic, like cutting off your nose to spite your face. You get NOTHING for leaving, but you get a good wodge of faction if you lose.
But that's not all.
After the map had finished, I checked my faction and discovered that if I cashed it in for jade, I could raise enough funds to buy that black dye for the 15k top I had treated myself to.
So off to Cavalon I go.
I buy the dye, dye the top (male mesmer Enchanter's from Grotto), and all that's left is to salvage my existing top to get the Superior Vigour.
Only what I get is not a Superior Vigour, but 44 cloth!
I honestly thought ANet had fixed this, but as it stands, it's just about enough to put me off of playing the game for a while. Unless there's some trick that allows you to sell 44 pieces of cloth for 32 plat.
GG ANet, way to punish your players.
When I play GW these days, it usually means I'm playing Aspenwood. It's about the only thing that keeps me coming back to GW despite ANet's reluctance to acknowledge the inherent problems with the map (namely leechers and leavers).
So I just had a game where we had SIX leavers.
Whether they're leaving so that it's easier for the Kurzicks, or whether it's purely ragequitting, I don't care. It completely spoils the game.
And what's worse, it's utterly idiotic, like cutting off your nose to spite your face. You get NOTHING for leaving, but you get a good wodge of faction if you lose.
But that's not all.
After the map had finished, I checked my faction and discovered that if I cashed it in for jade, I could raise enough funds to buy that black dye for the 15k top I had treated myself to.
So off to Cavalon I go.
I buy the dye, dye the top (male mesmer Enchanter's from Grotto), and all that's left is to salvage my existing top to get the Superior Vigour.
Only what I get is not a Superior Vigour, but 44 cloth!
I honestly thought ANet had fixed this, but as it stands, it's just about enough to put me off of playing the game for a while. Unless there's some trick that allows you to sell 44 pieces of cloth for 32 plat.
GG ANet, way to punish your players.
Salvage is never guaranteed to get the runes, nor the best mods. I feel your pain, but part of the game. I agree, I hate quitters. I disagree, there is much more than just aspenwood. And you should turn in your factions to get the map moved, not jade.
salvaging your own armor has always been a risk, the change you speak of only made it so that armor drops with runes had a 100% success rate with an expert or superior salvage kit. As for leavers and leaches, ANet is well aware of the problem, but as yet a good suggestion that doesn't potentially punish an innocent to prevent this has not come up. You know ho much people freak when a very small group of people get caught up in the bot hunt net and get banned till things can get sorted out, the same thing could happen here if ANet isn't very careful.
Count to Potato
Eh, happens to everyone, when i got my 15k warrior, transferred most of my runes but some i had to buy cuz salvaging the armors only got me half the runes, it also happens on rares and purple weapon, when u try to get a mod you will get like 11 wood planks
Nexus Icon
Originally Posted by lagrand1
I disagree, there is much more than just aspenwood. And you should turn in your factions to get the map moved, not jade.
As for handing in my faction, bollocks to that.
We're not in an alliance and have no desire to be. The line means absolutely nothing to me, as I have no desire to do the elite missions, and as for rare weapons, well that's just laughable. Why grind for a rare model & skin that has the exact same stats as stuff you can make yourself?
As it happens, I've just salvaged a Superior Vigour from my assassin's armour as I very rarely play him and it would be of more use on my mesmer, but that's still 32k down the pan.
I lose runes all the time.....I always make sure to have a spare, but I never use superior vigor so I am not worried that much-----it costs too much to lose!
and I hear ya on the weapons.....got lots of wood and dust recently from 2 moded staves.....oh well, guess I really didnt need those mods anyways.
and I hear ya on the weapons.....got lots of wood and dust recently from 2 moded staves.....oh well, guess I really didnt need those mods anyways.
The bad salvage has happened to me multiple times. It hurts but worse things could happen. http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/s...0032255&page=4
Nexus Icon
Heh, knowing my luck makosi, that would probably happen to me if I decided to farm the cash I needed to get a new Superior Vigour
Shantel Span
Originally Posted by lagrand1
And you should turn in your factions to get the map moved, not jade.
Phantom Gun
Originally Posted by Nexus Icon
So I just had a game where we had SIX leavers.
Whether they're leaving so that it's easier for the Kurzicks, or whether it's purely ragequitting, I don't care. It completely spoils the game. And what's worse, it's utterly idiotic, like cutting off your nose to spite your face. You get NOTHING for leaving, but you get a good wodge of faction if you lose. |
I thought I read something a while back that Expert Salvage Kits were not guaranteed 100% for rune salvages, but Superior Salvage Kits were. It may just be a figment of my imagination, so don't take the comment too seriously. 
As for Aspenwood, leechers and leavers? Nothing you can about it really. It's been discussed before and viable solutions are hard to come by.
Ever trying PMing a rage quitter, their usually 'offline', it's like shooting a person and then waving the smoking gun at the police saying you didn't do it. If you are going to ragequit at least stay 'online' and 'fess up.

As for Aspenwood, leechers and leavers? Nothing you can about it really. It's been discussed before and viable solutions are hard to come by.
Ever trying PMing a rage quitter, their usually 'offline', it's like shooting a person and then waving the smoking gun at the police saying you didn't do it. If you are going to ragequit at least stay 'online' and 'fess up.
I would use a major vigor in the mean time untill you can get a superior or go battle or farm for more faction.Quitters will always be in game as they think they are better but in all honesty they aren't I have seen them in RA a lot and PMed a few and said I am not playing with you guys who can't play.
Originally Posted by Esprit
I thought I read something a while back that Expert Salvage Kits were not guaranteed 100% for rune salvages, but Superior Salvage Kits were. It may just be a figment of my imagination, so don't take the comment too seriously.
![]() |
Yeah, the salvage thing does get old fast. One thing I've suggested before was some sort of salvage expert npc or some sort of kit. It could be rather expensive to use (1k per charge or something like that), but it would allow you to choose the mod (or all mods for an additional fee) and wouldn't have you end up with 9 wood planks for salvaging a perfect sundering axe of fortitude.
eternal pho
Lukily, I've never failed to salvage out a superior rune from any of my char's 1.5 or 15k armor. =D
I've found my self taking a break from GW, then coming back latter.
Factions, make a sin (mistake) and then painfully get the game beat (lux side only).... and I found myself stop playing. Realize I need 10k kuz to get to some skills / mission. End up taking a break.
Time passes, I fired up my ele again (1st character @ GW launch) start playing, realize I can get kuz faction easily with fort aspen (aka play not leech) found my tweaked fired build in pve works well in aspen, get 10k and now focues on getting her rdy for Nightfall aka 100% skill unlock and all map points in factions unlocked.
GW is meant to be fun, if you are getting burn out, I did, I took a break and came back and had fun again.
Factions, make a sin (mistake) and then painfully get the game beat (lux side only).... and I found myself stop playing. Realize I need 10k kuz to get to some skills / mission. End up taking a break.
Time passes, I fired up my ele again (1st character @ GW launch) start playing, realize I can get kuz faction easily with fort aspen (aka play not leech) found my tweaked fired build in pve works well in aspen, get 10k and now focues on getting her rdy for Nightfall aka 100% skill unlock and all map points in factions unlocked.
GW is meant to be fun, if you are getting burn out, I did, I took a break and came back and had fun again.
To comment on the burn-out comment, I, too, have experienced a lack of interest in GW of late, but as I ponder this, I feel it's because ANET changed the way GW plays so fundamentally with Factions, that the feeling of adventurous wonder that could be had in Prophesies, has been sacrificed in the name of forcing players down a very linear story path. The bonus/penalty of aligning with either Luxon or Kurzick factions is needlessly complicated & frustrating, and the lack of being able to just explore the entire landscape without suffering through very difficult missions that are nearly impossible to accomplish with henchmen, made this player go back to Prophesies with newly created characters from Factions, just for "fun". I realize that the game is called "Guild Wars" for a reason, but I really wonder how many of the "millions" of players are there because they enjoy enduring groups of "leavers" time after time in order to get through a mission, so they can open a gate and progress in Factions. My main character is a Tyrian "cartographer" because I enjoy exploring the virtual landscape with a few faithful guild members and/or henchmen, and even though I enjoy the storylines of both Prophesies and Factions, they are not what compels me to play, and don't care to be forced to follow them in order to explore the territories. Don't get me wrong...I think that GW is one of the most graphically beautiful, practically seamless, and technically inspired games to be found, and will probably always purchase the new episodes as they are released, just to see what ANET has come up with. Graphically, I think NCSoft & ANET hit a home run. The basics of ALL of the game play, begun in Prophesies, are rock solid and set the standard for MMO's, IMHO. I just hope they don't continue to alienate the "casual" gamers, like myself, in Nightfall. I'd like to see them get back to a more open and less linear style in the next installment. Time will tell.
some guy
Yeah that always happens, once tried to get a saundering mod out, instead got 13 iron.
to be honest its not really the quitters that annoy me, there can be loads of reasons you have to leave without having to explain to someone you dont even know.
the more annoying part is when you are 4 or so players down and the other side know it, they then decide to start talking crap to you knowing you are half a team down and will lose.
those guys surely are my heros :/
the more annoying part is when you are 4 or so players down and the other side know it, they then decide to start talking crap to you knowing you are half a team down and will lose.
those guys surely are my heros :/
Sir Skullcrasher
salvage is never guarantee for you to get whatever you wanted. I have lost numerous perfect to near perfect mods thanks to salvage kit. As for quitters, there is nothing you can do... but hope the team you're on won't quit on you. Heck, i been to fow and UW where the first minute. 2 or 3 peoples quit the team.