R9++ has Quistion for team arena


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006

digital gamerz international


hi all i been playing this game since almost 1 year and the game at that time was amazing coz it was pushing your creativity to think and build some nice builds. we was thinks all the days at the past to build a nice build and Test it in the PvP part of the game but all of that was over coz of the constant updating of the game i mean if you want the poeple be creative why are you manepulating there mind and the past we had so maney skills and builds to be used like MM factory, R- ranger, Mesmer Spikiers, IWAY, BALANCE, Hybrid, EoE BOMB, Smite. can you tell me where did all of this build go ????
now the Team arena start to push the poeple to p[lay only balance and that is why most of the best players has been saling their acounts through out Ebay and that is realy going to damage the game so i want to ask you this what are you trying to do and why ?? if you want us to play only the build you want us to play just tell use what you want us to play i mean you are beening nerfing the skills recently without any reason and replacing it with a worthless skills can you explane to me what is the gool behind this please ??
please help me undersand what you are trying to do !!

Poison Ivy

Poison Ivy

Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006




English just got slapped in the face.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006

We Are All Pretty [ugly]

Originally Posted by Poison Ivy
English just got slaped in the face.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005

translation please

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


I've been playing for almost a year, and liked the game because it promoted creative builds. We liked to create and test nice builds in PvP like IWAY, Smite, EoE Bomb, ETC, but with all these constant nerfs where have these builds gone? IN Team Arenas, these nerfs are promoting the use of Balanced builds which is making the "true" PvP'ers sell their accounts on EBAY because they can't EoE bomb and such anymore. So why is ANet ruining their game?? If you didn't want us playing gimmicky builds like this, why did you put them in the game in the first place, nerfing them later is just making people quit the game??

Just to help other posters.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2005

Toronto, Canada


Gimmick builds are nerfed because Anet as smart as they are could not possiblly think of all the things to nerf before they are already in play. Once they see a build is too powerful and easily hinders creativity of new build they will nerf it... its the way it works. IWAY is not nerfed trust me ive been praying for it to be since last september but its still alive and kicking.

When they nerf it... it doesn't mean you can't run it anymore you can still run dual smite and other things.. its just that it is not effective as it once was but the real reason is people lose confidence in teh build. I'm not saying you are but you sound like someone who loves to run iway and things like that and eoe got u down in the dumps. The real reason no one plays those gimmick builds anymore is because they are bored of it. There is only so long you can run the same build over and over and over. In the end it doesn't come down to the build but the player.

and now a not so brief reason why players are leaving.

yea the americans are mostly leaving in anticipation of other rpgs like archlord, diablo3, etc...

i for one hate mmorpgs... i play first person shooters... then u ask why am i in guild wars?... well because there is no grind and i only do GvG and occasional HA ^_^. I'll be with GW till the bitter end... because it is balanced it is fair it tests your skill not how much u paid for gold and weapons on ebay an it subscription free...

as for the leet pvpers... let them go leaves room for other noobs to dominate ladder ^_^...

the euro domination of ladder is a phase really...

if u recall back to release of gw only people with favor was korea and occasoinally the US... if you even mentioned europe people would laugh their asses off saying those noobs probably still use mending in tombs...

well korea started leaving around the end of summer.... probably for lineage 2... the stats in korea is that 1 in ever 3 people in south korea play lineage 2. Now those stats are just insane... especially because lineage is such a crappy game.

America started dominating around july-Oct... then the europeans were on the rise...

ironically they were on the rise right after the creation of iway and were one of the first poeple to embrace iway even more so than the americans... is this a coincidence? maybe? or maybe not.

and more and more american players started leaving till you have the state today... if you examine the Ladder for approximation of what the GW community is composed of then you have

Americas: 320 guilds 32 %
Europe: 552 guilds 55.2 %
Korea: 30 guilds 3 %
Japan: 90 guilds 9 %
Taiwan: 8 guilds 0.8 %



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2005

In a House...duh

Untouchable Heroes


People who say nerf are WHINERS, they do that to skills for BALANCE in the game. This game was based on skill. Gimmick builds are made to be easy and get quick wins. Where's the skill it any of it anymore? Skill is what this game was suppose to be based on (hence the lvl 20 cap).
They dont realize what some of the skills can do when combined becuase theres so many. More balance is fun, because it tests more of your skills. I'd like to see more people looking to make balance groups in HA.

Seriously on another note, your Rank 9 or anyone else 9++. Arent you tired of doing those same builds? I know it takes a lot of fame to get to rank 9 at least.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

Stars of Destiny


Originally Posted by Poison Ivy
English just got slapped in the face.
There is a very good chance that the OP is not a native english speaker based on some of the word choices and grammar mistakes in the post.

As for the OPs topic, there have been more than enough threads on nerfing and its effects on PvP and PvE.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2005

Toronto, Canada


Originally Posted by EagleEye33
People who say nerf are WHINERS, they do that to skills for BALANCE in the game.
Couldn't agree with you more... they have nerfed worst things that... EoE means shit.. no serious build takes it... its for you iwayers...

Originally Posted by EagleEye33
I know it takes a lot of fame to get to rank 9 at least.
r9 don't mean shit because of the gimmick builds...

if they didnt nerf stuff guess what would own... thats right air spike... when you took 5 air spikers.. and spiked chain lightning and took out 3 guys at once... ^_^... but they killed the dmg and decreased the range of the chain lightning jump. No nerfs are bad it just takes some getting use to.




Join Date: Nov 2005


Originally Posted by V I O L I N
hi all i been playing this game since almost 1 year and the game at that time was amazing coz it was pushing your creativity to think and build some nice builds. we was thinks all the days at the past to build a nice build and Test it in the PvP part of the game but all of that was over coz of the constant updating of the game i mean if you want the poeple be creative why are you manepulating there mind and the past we had so maney skills and builds to be used like MM factory, R- ranger, Mesmer Spikiers, IWAY, BALANCE, Hybrid, EoE BOMB, Smite. can you tell me where did all of this build go ????
now the Team arena start to push the poeple to p[lay only balance and that is why most of the best players has been saling their acounts through out Ebay and that is realy going to damage the game so i want to ask you this what are you trying to do and why ?? if you want us to play only the build you want us to play just tell use what you want us to play i mean you are beening nerfing the skills recently without any reason and replacing it with a worthless skills can you explane to me what is the gool behind this please ??
please help me undersand what you are trying to do !!
Hi there!

Please sit in the corner and be quiet.





Join Date: Dec 2005




Wait. The OP is whining that A.Net nerfed some gimmick builds, and then cries because it forces us to play balanced ( "in TA" )? Isn't that A.Net's goal? A balanced game ,unlike iway or rspike? Where every profession is needed( almost )? He says "good" players are selling there accounts? "Good" players that leave because IWAY got "nerfed"? Wow! Guts M'boy?

( Generous on the sarcamsauce)


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006

digital gamerz international


mm why is every one keep nagging about IWAY ? was it that annouying i mean if the poeple was not creative enough to encounter it they should not play GW by the way did any of you guys heared that any IWAY team guild reached Guild rank 1 ????????? oO they did not since the start of the game but the noob people keep thinking that it is over power Build + i am not talking about the builds is GW i am talking about the nerf of the skills they been doing recently. there was some build which was fun like MM factory i mean you will not take the HoA with it but it was fun and now no one is using it + there was another build called EoE Bombed and now no one is using it.
i thought that the aim of playing GW is be creative and build in some nice builds. i need some one to answer this Q please why did they nerf the R-Spikers ? it was almost balance . they put 2 new carater is Faction right ? can some one tell me any guild using these 2 new caracter as a primery caracters ??? and for the member who said that i should stay at the corner and quit will i will quit if we have impolite children who do not know how to talk in a polite way like you



Debbie Downer

Join Date: May 2006


Originally Posted by V I O L I N
and for the member who said that i should stay at the corner and quit will i will quit if we have impolite children who do not know how to talk in a polite way like you
Well, that's quite a paradox.




Join Date: Dec 2005




R-spike wasn't balanced. I could let bots do Rspike.

Counters vs IWAY...Then you won't have counters against a real balance build. Besides, IWAY is really hard to encounter. ( and played too much. Everyone who plays it basically begs to shout at )

Remember how A.net said there were 6 core characters, and 2 extra per chapter? Those 6 core character are better at general jobs. Also , lots of guilds use rits or sins. But general balanced is better in every point. ( don't quote me on that one ).

V I O L I N.. being polite starts with the ability to make your test readable for everyone. Are you dyslexic?



Site Contributor

Join Date: Apr 2005

Closed. V I O L I N created this ID today. You fail to articulate your point in an intelligible manner about Team Arenas and Builds? I do not see a constructive question here and nobody desires to hear your whining ... especially if you are Rank 9++, as you so stated. PLEASE!

Originally Posted by Yanman.be
...V I O L I N.. being polite starts with the ability to make your test readable for everyone. Are you dyslexic?
According to my records, he is from Kuwait, thus he/she may not have the ability to write coherent English.