W\E needs help

Sam The Ripper

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2006

So i am warrior\ele,12lvl and i have a healing problem.especially near yak's bend i can die Very easily(i can kill 3-4 alone but...).so,i have 2 healing skills by now.
healing signet and another one which adds some life for a period but then takes it back.I'm not happy with them caz the #1 needs time to be casted and the #2 does(in my opinion)NOTHING.If u use it u'll add some points that will be taken again every attack damages your normal health again.What can i do??
Is there any way to see my overall armor protection??(like in oblivion,morrowind??....)



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005

Grind is subjective

learn this please

Why are you playing solo? Bring henchmen.

eternal pho


Join Date: Nov 2005

The Licious Fame Farmers {TLG}


Well, all you need to do is add.^^ There's a percentage of where you will be hit on your 5 armor pieces. The chest and legs are mainly hit. To find out your overall armor protection, simply add all extra armor points provided by skills like "watch yourself", your shield/weapon armor boosting mods, and the stats of one of your armor pieces.(if all your armor pieces have the same stats. Btw, if you're dying a lot then you should consider buying yaks bend armor? The skill "Watch Yourself" is a very good defense skill to have too.(+20AL to you and all party members) Also, you really shouldnt be dying with the healer henchie with you?

Sam The Ripper

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2006

no,when i take the healer with me i don't die.she dies 1st and then i die too!!!!
Most times we do well though

Hephaestus Ram

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2005



Since you're a W/E maybe you can bring Ward against melee or
Frozen Burst... something along those lines to help the henches
survive a little longer. Maybe Shields Up to reduce the damage
from ranged attacks and Dolyak Signet to prevent knockdowns
from the Beastmasters?
If you don't have a maximum damage weapon, you might want
go back to Ascalon and see if you can buy one cheap from one
of the multitude of spammers camped out there.
Look at the skills available to you a lot of them actually work well,
and can make the difference.

Don Zardeone

Don Zardeone

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2005

Use henchmen or go with people. Right now, where you are, making a build is pretty hard because you lack skill points, skills and attributes. You also lack weapons, shields, armours, runes etc.

So the best thing to do is just level up a bit, use henchmen and proceed to the next area.

But that's just what I would do/did.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild, http://4guildwars.7.forumer.com

There is a reason that the team size increases from 4 to 6 - it is a tougher area. Take a full team.

Did you buy armor at Ascalon? Your armor should be 50 by now and the armor level available at Yaks is the same as at Ascalon but I believe it is the first place you can buy Gladiators for extra energy, which may be of value if you use much from elem, but if you already have AL 50 then I wouldn't bother buying anything at Yaks.

Do you use a shield? If so, do you meet the requirement for it? What AL is it?



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2006


Black Widows of Death


I agree with all of the above posts bring a full team always to play the game and only solo when farming for gold. Rule of thumb if you solo the game by yourself always take healers if two are available bring both they are your friends.