Hey all,
Recently I have started noticing many err7's out of nowhere over the past couple of days. Oftentimes I'll go afk and come back 20 minutes later to find out I had an err7 while I was gone. I almost NEVER err7'ed before this started happening two or three days ago.
But what's REALLY been annoying me is this. My last three UW duo runs (spirit bonder/SS nec) have been interrupted by an err7 in the EXACT SAME PLACE. This occurs near the entrance of the Ice Wastes, where there is a bit of a corner in the center of the first large area. My last three runs have ended in an err7 for myself and my partner RIGHT IN THAT SPOT. Luckily, I had the same partner all three times (alliance member). Now, he always has a mini Fungal Wallow out, but I doubt that's relevant.
Now, a new laptop for my family was configured to connect to our wireless router about a day before this started happening...I'll try to get any info I can if someone thinks they'll need it to figure this out. Note that I don't use wireless; I connect through a normal Ethernet cable.
Has anyone else been having this problem? I would send a support ticket to Anet but I don't want to overburden them...I'm sure they get too many err7 complaints as it is.
EDIT: I realize there is a similar thread about err7s, but I feel this incident is more specific in that ONLY my partner and I are kicked when this happens. No one else in the entire alliance. Also, I never seem to get err7 while actively playing, only when afk. So forgive me if this post should go in the other thread, and I will happily move it there if requested. I just feel that it is a more specific issue than that thread represents.
Multiple err7's over two days...three in the exact same place
gabrial heart
Somehow i doubt it's anything specific to you're hardware if your partner is getting the boot to (unless your both using the same equiptment/connection). If you're getting regular err 7's apon the install of a new router, then it's very possibly the cause. Router config can be very complicated if the lovely wizards provided don't make EVERYTHING work just right.
Depending on the manufacturer, you can get support on specific router models from thier site's. Before you delve into router config though, make sure you understand what you're doing and how routing works, otherwise you're very likely to cause more problems then when you started.
I haven't gotten an err 7 since doing the deep on a regular basis, been going to UW pretty regular and it's been fine.
Depending on the manufacturer, you can get support on specific router models from thier site's. Before you delve into router config though, make sure you understand what you're doing and how routing works, otherwise you're very likely to cause more problems then when you started.
I haven't gotten an err 7 since doing the deep on a regular basis, been going to UW pretty regular and it's been fine.
This is obviously occuring with the majority of players. I had several occasions when I had error 7s in a row of 4 or 5. This is not right and I am sure that the problem is not in my equipment, I even formatted the hard drive recently, it's getting really annoying, please, ANYONE from Anet - at least tell us that it is going to be fixed soon, I am threatened by this feeling for errors to even enther UW...
I am currently taking a break from GW since it's absolutely impossible to get anything accomplished with the errs the past few days. Like I said in another thread, it took 4 attempts to not err completing the Dunes bonus, 3 for THK (still errd out at Dorian the 3rd time), and I tried Aurora bonus last night erring midway. So, that was enough for me. I'd have assumed my connection, but others err'd out with me everytime. Ugh.

Here's a bit more info...
My partner and I are not using the same connection, and the router I use has been working fine with no problems until recently. I have been using that router BEFORE the laptop configuration; the laptop was just an addition. Also, I am not using that laptop to play GW. I use a desktop PC. I doubt it's a problem with the computer itself due to my partner getting the same thing, so posting system specs is unnecessary, imo.
So, based on the others' reactions, it does not seem to be a problem with the hardware on our end, but Anet's. Hopefully they get it sorted out. I just helped out an alliance member map out the "banished" area of the Imperial Sanctum mission, and lag spiked three times in it. Was never booted though, and the ally got what was needed.
I guess we'll just have to wait and see how Anet addresses this then.
My partner and I are not using the same connection, and the router I use has been working fine with no problems until recently. I have been using that router BEFORE the laptop configuration; the laptop was just an addition. Also, I am not using that laptop to play GW. I use a desktop PC. I doubt it's a problem with the computer itself due to my partner getting the same thing, so posting system specs is unnecessary, imo.
So, based on the others' reactions, it does not seem to be a problem with the hardware on our end, but Anet's. Hopefully they get it sorted out. I just helped out an alliance member map out the "banished" area of the Imperial Sanctum mission, and lag spiked three times in it. Was never booted though, and the ally got what was needed.
I guess we'll just have to wait and see how Anet addresses this then.
I've been getting the same problem lately. Mostly it's just lag issues but every so often I'll get the error 7's. My most recent one happened in a solo Totem farming run just as I killed the first behemoth.
And just a few minutes I ago my game lagged out yet again, so I quit and tried to start it up, but now I can't connect at all. Very odd indeed. This could be Anet's doing or it could still be the error.
I'm going to wait to see if any more topics pop up before I go pointing fingers at this latest problem.
And just a few minutes I ago my game lagged out yet again, so I quit and tried to start it up, but now I can't connect at all. Very odd indeed. This could be Anet's doing or it could still be the error.
I'm going to wait to see if any more topics pop up before I go pointing fingers at this latest problem.
Originally Posted by DirteeRice
I've been getting the same problem lately. Mostly it's just lag issues but every so often I'll get the error 7's. My most recent one happened in a solo Totem farming run just as I killed the first behemoth.
And just a few minutes I ago my game lagged out yet again, so I quit and tried to start it up, but now I can't connect at all. Very odd indeed. This could be Anet's doing or it could still be the error. I'm going to wait to see if any more topics pop up before I go pointing fingers at this latest problem. |

I've tried doing Urgoz three times today and every time I got a err7, just when we were about to cross the bridge with the fire flowers.
this started happening yesterday
I give up...
this started happening yesterday
I give up...
Everyone has been noticing increased lag spikes and err 7s. There are a number of threads on several forums about it. Hopefully they can fix it all up soon.