I've tried a few times to bid in an auction on this site, and when i try, it tells me that i need to login. Then when i give my login and password, it will always say "login incorrect" in big red letters. Is there something im missing, or not doing right, or what?
You have to sign up separately for the auction system.
Legion Magnus
The GWG Auction and Forums sites use different logon accounts. If you've not set up an Auction account previously you'll need to do so first. If you have already, then there is the possibility that it might have been disabled.
ok, i registered another account there, and it did the same thing. What am i doing wrong?
Caps lock? Maybe its on? Nums Lock? Maybe you have numbers in the P/W?
Have you verified the account in your email? You get a confirmation email from GWG Auctions, you must click the link there first, before you can log in.
Hope this helps.
Have you verified the account in your email? You get a confirmation email from GWG Auctions, you must click the link there first, before you can log in.
Hope this helps.
i never got an can i make them send another one?
Umz. You should get the email. Unless you made a typo on the email address. I suggest you make a quick Hotmail account and sign up under another name a.s.a.p before your item goes.