Two questions about Monk Fissure Armor


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2006

Hi to all!

Two questions

First: This armor ( ) is dyed blue, right? I mean, is the normal blue or any mix?

And second: If, for example, I dye an armor in Red. Then I dye it in blue, what will be the result? blue? or a mix of Red+Blue?

Thanks in advanced.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2005

Ascetics FoW armor dyes unusually, so if you're getting that then you'd be best to look here. The other types dye normally I think. So that armor may be a form of blue, or it may be something like yellow dye on Ascetics.

For your second question, if you dyed an armor blue after you dyed it red then it will be blue (or whatever colour blue dye creates). The most recent dye is always the one that applies - it overrides all other dyes used, no matter the armor type. I'm not sure how blue + red would turn out. On normal armours I'd assume some shade of purple. But for you, only the blue dye, not the red dye, would apply.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2006

Originally Posted by Lafayette
Ascetics FoW armor dyes unusually, so if you're getting that then you'd be best to look here. The other types dye normally I think. So that armor may be a form of blue, or it may be something like yellow dye on Ascetics..
Thank you!

Anyway, can someone or yourself confirm 100% this? I though they changed it when they added obsidians to ascetic's.

Thanks again.

Added by Chief: Go to the GuildWiki Monk Obsidian Armor.