I never really understood why your faction unlocked skills could only be equipped on PvP characters. It's kind of counter-intuitive when you think about it, you're "unlocking" skills, they should be immediately available. It saves a lot of time and a bit of money for people who already have PvE primaries for a role they want to play. If ANet wants the best way to unlock skills to be a combination of PvE and PvP, I feel this change would be warranted (and welcome).
What are everyone's thoughts/complaints ? The only argument that I don't want to hear is that PvE unlocks are a necessary gold sink. This game doesn't have a strong economy in the first place, why would it need so many gold sinks ? We already have shiny armors and weaponry, grind should not extend to preparing PvE characters for PvP. It should be facilitated.
Allow PvE characters to equip all unlocked skills in PvP outposts.
I agree I've got 10K Balth Faction sitting there doing nothing as I dont have a PvP character, no free slots and avoid PvP like the plague as it doesnt really appeal to me.
Only reason I done Fort Aspenwood over the weekend was to get 10K Faction for Luxon/Kurzick to save keep doing the boring quests to get 10K Faction for the other chars who needed the Befriending Quest.
Only reason I done Fort Aspenwood over the weekend was to get 10K Faction for Luxon/Kurzick to save keep doing the boring quests to get 10K Faction for the other chars who needed the Befriending Quest.
It'll be nice if there was a way to make better use of these. I still have some free unlocks, and some unspent Balthazar Factions.
At first, I wasn't going to do anything with them, but felt they were wasted, especially if I continued to gain Balthazar Factions. In the end, I just went round randomly unlocking things.
I don't have a PvP character, so they're of little use to me.
If I want to use the skills in PvE, I'll have to buy them anyway. The only thing this does for me is make the unlocked skills available at any skill trainer. Which isn't such a big deal when I can just as easily locate the specific trainer and go directly there (or just head to Ember Light Camp for all Prophecies/Core skills).
At first, I wasn't going to do anything with them, but felt they were wasted, especially if I continued to gain Balthazar Factions. In the end, I just went round randomly unlocking things.
I don't have a PvP character, so they're of little use to me.
If I want to use the skills in PvE, I'll have to buy them anyway. The only thing this does for me is make the unlocked skills available at any skill trainer. Which isn't such a big deal when I can just as easily locate the specific trainer and go directly there (or just head to Ember Light Camp for all Prophecies/Core skills).
I posted this idea before...
that thread got closed cause people got rowdy
I wholeheartedly agree. PvE chars should have COMPLETE access to unlocked PvP skills while in a PvP outpost.
that thread got closed cause people got rowdy

I wholeheartedly agree. PvE chars should have COMPLETE access to unlocked PvP skills while in a PvP outpost.