a new player



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2006

ok here it is i dont play guild wars yet but i just want to know what it is about and where should i start with what type of character i should play? plz help me!!!!

thank you very much!




Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

United States

Dark Side Ofthe Moon [DSM]


For a combat like charater, try Warrior/Monk.

For a support like charcter (back row), try Elementalist/Messmer (and stick with fire spells).

Messmer would one of the hardest to play with zero experince.. but one of the most verstile.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005

Eh I forget... o_O

Biscuit of Dewm [MEEP]


Necros are always handy as well!

If you are into storyline and such I recommend the first chapter prophecies.
If you are into pvp, I would suggest Factions.
Or get both and indulge the need for 6million skills =P

If you like hacking and slashing a wammo is definately the way to go, but most everything beyond that is support and all are pretty handy in their own way. I'm partial to Ranger and Necro.



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2006

thanks very much guys i will keep your advise in mind

Xenex Xclame

Xenex Xclame

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006



Wow you guys are seriously telling him to go Warrior/Monk.
We all know the hate for mending warriors that use healing signet+frenzy in battle.

I myself like to use w/me on my warrior just for physical/elemental restistance, also makes you have no drawback when using healing signet.

Divinus Stella

Divinus Stella

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005


Steel Phoenix

Its down to personal choice, go to the Priest of Balthazar in the Great Temple of Balthazar and read through the skill descriptions of each class, you will probably find which profession you prefer from there.

All professions are as powerful as you make them, dont be fooled into thinking otherwise.
That imo is the best part of the game, your only as good as your skill bar and the use of it.

If you dont already own Guild Wars, you should first pick up Prophecies as its going pretty cheap now in most shops, if you find you enjoy it then get factions.



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2006

ok now we have got that out of the way how do i get into a guild?

eternal pho


Join Date: Nov 2005

The Licious Fame Farmers {TLG}


Well, you could just join any guild by asking for an invite =). Or you can make one for 200g.



Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2005

LA, California



I would say choose a necro for your first character. Its a fun class to play, can farm very well, and is relatively cheap to make.



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2006

lol i havent acculty got a clue about the game so lol this will sound like a noobish question as i am a newbie : how do you get an invite?



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2006

well i g2g cya 2moro guys and thx for all your help you have shed some light on this asume new game!!!
