

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2006


heros or valor


Hey guys hows it going..well iv had guild wars factions for 2 weeks...awsome game..cant stop playing atm i have a assassin and i'm j/w whats a good 2nd profesion for a assassin??right now its a monk but erremrm...i herd a eley is good but i'm not sure

Also...i'm in a guild..but they dont help me to much with anything soo i'm looking for a new guild...i have only 1 char wich is lvl 18.

Also..whats a good build for a assassin?like gear and stats right now my assassin isnt soo bad i got max amor and all day stuff

And i'm thinking of makeing a 2nd char.whats should that one be?and is there any good builds for it?



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2006


Black Widows of Death


To answer your question

And i'm thinking of makeing a 2nd char.whats should that one be?and is there any good builds for it?

This answer is my own opinion. Most people have Warrior/monks because of healing skills like live vicariously which heals you as you attack plus the best armor in the game. Since you have played only a couple weeks for starting out a Ranger/any seemed to work out best for me. A. You are not targeted first "usually" by monsters-they like monks and casters which gives you more time to think B. You attack from a distance. C. Evasion / healing / disruptive skills for a Ranger are good. D. You can have a pet which can help you out giving you an extra body for your team. Once you learn skill combos / cross skills for both profession and have a good understanding of the game then try something like a monk/any, Elementalist/any, and Mesmer/any they are harder classes to play.

The Shadow

Academy Page

Join Date: May 2006

Wait... I thought you knew!!!

Natural Stoned Killers


Ok as far as second profession goes, there are pros and cons for each one (obviously). Ele has some good wards and stuff, but is hard on energy. Mesmer has some great interrupts and energy management skills, but very energy intensive if you use several of the skills. Warrior has some good stances... etc. Monk is pretty much a default for most characters. Later on, you will come across a profession changer. You will always be an assassin, but you can change back and forth between your secondaries. I say try each one, and pick the one you like most. That said, I don't use my secondary on any of my characters much.

If you're looking for a good build... try checking out the fireside forum here. Check under the subclass for Assassins.

As far as gear is concerned, it all depends on your build. You're going to want to find something that's max damage (7-17 for assassin) with a mod or 2. from there you can add 2 mods to whatever you have to suppliment your build.

Ex: if you were A/R... using daggers with a poisoners hilt along with apply poison extends the length of the enemies being poisoned by 33%. It all depends on your build.

I normally fill all 4 weapon slots with different kinds of weaps so I can switch depending on my build. If you're looking to create your own build, my suggestion would be to find a skill or 2 that you like and find skills that suppliment those.

As far as your next character, they're all fun. I have 1 of each type. You have 4 slots (with the option to buy more). I say... expiriment and have fun.

I know I really didn't give you any hard information, but it's all about your preference. There is no "right and wrong" way to play (even though others would tell you there is). Just play and have fun. After all, it's still a game... isn't it?



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

As far as guild recruiting goes, you can post a profile in this thread. Q&A isn't really the forum for guild recruiting.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild,

Don't worry too much about not using your 2nd prof too much, for some builds it just works better to focus on your primary profession. Do bring a reusable rez from monk though.

A caster would make for a very different character compared to an assassin, perhaps try either necromancer or elementalist. It is all a matter of preference and play styles. Don't feel too bad about trying one out and abandoning it, no big deal if you don't blow a ton of cash on gear. Use the collector armor until you decide if you wanna keep them.