gw.exe fps change
I remember that somewhere I read that you could change your fps cap by going into the gw.exe and changing some numbers. I was wonderin if anyone knew how to do that or how i can check my fps during gameplay.
Not sure about changing the cap for you fps, but adding -perf at the end of you gw.exe will display fps, data transfer etc, put a space before you put the -perf.
gabrial heart
There's no fps cap in the gw software.
alrighty then. well thx guys.
Also when I add the -perf where will i see it on the screen?
Also when I add the -perf where will i see it on the screen?
Omega X
Frames Per Second Limit - Can limit or cap the max frames per second
Usage: "C:\Program Files\Guild Wars\Gw.exe" -fps x
Where x = the max frames per second. If you say -fps 10 GW will not render more then 10 frames per second.
Search does wonders...
Frames Per Second Limit - Can limit or cap the max frames per second
Usage: "C:\Program Files\Guild Wars\Gw.exe" -fps x
Where x = the max frames per second. If you say -fps 10 GW will not render more then 10 frames per second.
Search does wonders...
johan the destroyer
Im gonna try to put it at 1 and play at that! Nice find though, I remember reading that a couple of weeks back and playing around with the swiches until I messed up GW and had to reinstall.
that thread is my answer. thx. and i tried searching the site but i didn't know the thread went by that name.
Omega X
Originally Posted by Eroth
that thread is my answer. thx. and i tried searching the site but i didn't know the thread went by that name.

gabrial heart
Ahh i thought he meant there was a cap by default limiting his frame rate and he wanted to uncap it. Wasn't thinking about the -fps command to limit it, sorry to much overclocked thinking... -perf is in the upper right corner next to the mini-map.
If you do a search, on just about any given topic, there are sooo many double topic posts, it's the nature of the beast. I wouldn't worry about it, the search function is randomly working enough to make searching easier, but not fool-proof.
If you do a search, on just about any given topic, there are sooo many double topic posts, it's the nature of the beast. I wouldn't worry about it, the search function is randomly working enough to make searching easier, but not fool-proof.