necro build?
im building a necro, and i dont really know what second class to use. i hear vamparic horrors can heal, so i dont think i really need monk, ranger mabye for the pet, i dunno. help? (factions)
The Shadow
Generally, a Monk secondary is good for minion masters because you're gonna sacrifice life to heal your minions and need a way to regen. Mesmer is good for those Curses builds for the energy management line. Ranger is good for pet/minion bomber & minion master builds (will have a harder time healing your minions as /R) but you can also run around as kind-of-a touch necro too.
It's all up to you
Check the campfire section for necro builds.
It's all up to you
Check the campfire section for necro builds.
^^^--- good advice. Ranger offers Troll's Unguent and Healing Spring so there are some healing options there also.