higest level of flesh golem

Eternal Ender

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2006

Nottingham, UK


as i put earlier my friend now has his golem.
He has seen a level 28 golem earlier today.
his is currently lvl 26.
How can you make it to a lvl 28?




Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2006

Manchester UK


Originally Posted by Eternal Ender
as i put earlier my friend now has his golem.
He has seen a level 28 golem earlier today.
his is currently lvl 26.
How can you make it to a lvl 28?


I think there is a spell that +2 to Death?

Eternal Ender

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2006

Nottingham, UK


any idea what spell?



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2005

A cardboard box in England

Men Of Substance [YMCA]


The spell your thinking of is Awaken the blood I think but that gives +2 to blood and curses. You can get 17 death magic with a +1 death mod. Not sure what level the golem would be if hes raised with 17 death magic.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006


i think you'd get it up to level 27 at best! like with the bone fiends and a +1 death mod you get up to level 19 instead of 18... all i can say try it out!



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2006

At my computer

Teh Nine [lll]


With 16 death(scar pattern and sup rune) you use a +1 to death magic(20% chance), you should be able to get 17 death magic if the 20% kicks in which would probably result in a lvl 27 or lvl 28.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006


Originally Posted by Burton2000
The spell your thinking of is Awaken the blood I think but that gives +2 to blood and curses. You can get 17 death magic with a +1 death mod. Not sure what level the golem would be if hes raised with 17 death magic.
uhm hello?? didnt u just read what burton wrote? awaken the blood does NOT raise the attributes of death magic! and why 16 on curses and not on death? doesnt make any sense to me...


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2005

Originally Posted by icedragon981
With 16 curses(scar pattern and sup rune) you use a +1 to death magic(20% chance) and then awaken the blood, you should be able to get 18 death magic if the 20% kicks in which would probably result in a lvl 28.
16 in curses won't do anything for death magic and Awaken the Blood does not boost death magic.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2005

Fissure of Woe

Voices of Impending Doom [V.O.I.D.]


Awaken the Blood does nothing for death magic.

Enchantment Spell. For 20 seconds, you gain +2 Blood Magic and +2 Curses, but whenever you sacrifice Health, you sacrifice 50% more than the normal amount.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2006

At my computer

Teh Nine [lll]


Oops, I wasn't thinking about my post, sry about that, 17 death magic it is. (I'm not allowed a little mistake now and then?)



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2005

The Combine


Well u can get 18 in death magic

Maxed out stats 12
Sup rune 3
Scar pattern 1
+1 staff mod 1
Blessing of Grenth 1

So that makes a grand total of 18 in death magic. Dont know what lvl the golem would be but im guessing 30 or so.


Academy Page

Join Date: May 2006

Frenzy Heal Sig [FhS]


you can get a 16 via runes, +1 from 20% mod, and +1 from monument of grenth so u can hav 18 death magic which will give you a lvl 29 golem

16= 26
17= 28


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006


Originally Posted by icedragon981
Oops, I wasn't thinking about my post, sry about that, 17 death magic it is. (I'm not allowed a little mistake now and then?)
no problem... but i just thought of something... now i know how to reach an death magic attribute of 18 for a lvl 28 golem! its rather simple.

i dont know if this works in prophecies, but it definately works in factions:

you need 16 on death magic, a +1 death magic item and, grenths blessing! when you have the favor of the gods, kneel down in front of a grenth statue, and purchase "necromance of grenth", which will raise ALL your necromancer attributes +1 for 20 minutes!!

so, with a chance of 20% with the +1 item and plus grenths blessing +1, you have a temporary attribute lvl of 18, and a golem level 28



Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2006


With a +1 death mod you can raise your golem to 28. I'm fairly certain that if you have favor and are in a place with the right statue, you can get a blessing for +1 death magic, resulting in a level 28 golem, or 29 if you have a +1 death magic mod and get lucky. For some reason, level 27 golems do not exist. Just as some other levels don't, go check it out and you'll see (consider that the skill is "animate a level 3...21 flesh golem" with the attributes 1-12, so they can't have a level for each attribute point, i.e. it skips a level every couple of attribute points).

Just for people wondering, 20 is the max attribute level possible, but only with elemental spells (glyph of elemental power), and blood magic and curses (awaken the blood), which both add +2 to the selected attributes. To get to 20, you must precast glyph of elemental power or awaken the blood, have a blessing for +1 in the attribute, and have a +1 mod activate on the spell. For other attributes, the max is 18.

heh...everyone got to it while I was posting :P


Academy Page

Join Date: May 2006

Frenzy Heal Sig [FhS]


Originally Posted by Z'HA'DUM
no problem... but i just thought of something... now i know how to reach an death magic attribute of 18 for a lvl 28 golem! its rather simple.

i dont know if this works in prophecies, but it definately works in factions:

you need 16 on death magic, a +1 death magic item and, grenths blessing! when you have the favor of the gods, kneel down in front of a grenth statue, and purchase "necromance of grenth", which will raise ALL your necromancer attributes +1 for 20 minutes!!

so, with a chance of 20% with the +1 item and plus grenths blessing +1, you have a temporary attribute lvl of 18, and a golem level 28
the transition from 16 to 17 actually boosts by 2 lvls and 17 to 18 is another 1 lvl, making lvl 29


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006


yeah thats true, sorry about that mistake :P

Eternal Ender

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2006

Nottingham, UK


what is a scar tissue and where can it be found/bought?