
Sir Rick

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006

Monarchy of Mercenaries


Does anyone know how to take two things (ex. demonic remains) and salvage both of them with one use of a superior salvage kit. Because I have the Factions Guide Book and it says to salvage 2 demonics remains and get an glob of ectoplasm. If you know how please let me know.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005

Tenacious Knights of Doom [TKD]

Wow, that's news to me..... can you quote the exact wording from the book so I can see if it gives any hints?



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jan 2006




The strat guide lied to you

Curse You

Curse You

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Apr 2006

South Pole

The Magus Order


Lol, salvaging two things at once. That's got to be a joke.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005

Area 52

That would be cool...

...I think you need a Horadrick Cube for that


The guide is hopelessly wrong when it comes to that, if you do manage to do it you'd be the richest player in GW

Knightsaber Sith

Knightsaber Sith

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2006

Few Fallen Heroes [FFH]


I believe the Prophecies strategy guide had ecto listed as a rare salvage. Just like you will occasionally slavage rare materials like steel; you're supposed to be able to salvage ecto from demonic remains. But most of the time you will get glitter.

Griff Mon

Griff Mon

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2005

In the Elfen Forests of Washington State

Damage Radius


I have heard from several players that on very very rare occasions that you can in fact salvage ectoplasm from demonic remains with an expert salvage kit. That being said I have never salvaged a single blob after salvaging hundreds of demonic remains.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2005

Nova Scotia


i believe this is just a game myth. you can't get ecto from demonic remains.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

Worthing, UK

(Don't fear) The Beaver

Probably the same (or less) chance of salvaging that than there is of salvaging jade or amber from weapons.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Tucson, AZ

The Black Hand Gang [BHG] and The Black Helm Gang [BHeG]

This is going to sound very urban-legendy, so I apologize in advance.

The other day, I was expert salvaging Demonic/Phantom stuff, expecting to get dust as always. I had a small pile of dust (nowhere near max of 250). The rest of my inventory was full.

I double clicked to salvage, and ... "Your Inventory is Full."

The ONLY way this would have happened was if I was about to salvage something other than dust!! Unfortunately, I'll never know what it was... my nightmare tells me it was an ecto...

Arwen Shiningstar

Arwen Shiningstar

Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2006


Absence of Evidence [AoE]


Originally Posted by Sofonisba
This is going to sound very urban-legendy, so I apologize in advance.

The other day, I was expert salvaging Demonic/Phantom stuff, expecting to get dust as always. I had a small pile of dust (nowhere near max of 250). The rest of my inventory was full.

I double clicked to salvage, and ... "Your Inventory is Full."

The ONLY way this would have happened was if I was about to salvage something other than dust!! Unfortunately, I'll never know what it was... my nightmare tells me it was an ecto...
And why exactly would you not know?? All you had to do was drop or sell something and continue to salvage. If it was going to salvage into ecto it still would have. Just because your inventory is full, it doesn’t change what the item was going to salvage into. I almost fell out of my chair laughing at that one! I sure hope you are joking.

Urban Legend indeed



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Tucson, AZ

The Black Hand Gang [BHG] and The Black Helm Gang [BHeG]

Originally Posted by Arwen Shiningstar
And why exactly would you not know?? All you had to do was drop or sell something and continue to salvage. If it was going to salvage into ecto it still would have. Just because your inventory is full, it doesn’t change what the item was going to salvage into. I almost fell out of my chair laughing at that one! I sure hope you are joking.

Urban Legend indeed
Are you sure? As each Phantom poo gets dropped, it's predetermined to salvage into ecto or dust?

Or is the % chance determined at time of salvage?

I'm glad you got a good laugh over ... what exactly.

Full inventory.
Pile of Glittering Dust (maybe 10 in it already)
Salvaging Demonic or Phantom (sorry, can't remember which)
"You have full inventory"
*sells things*
Continue salvaging.
Pile of Dust grows bigger.

If you can tell me an item is predetermined to salvage into one thing or another (steel vs iron, dust vs ecto, etc) then laugh it up. Otherwise....

EDIT: Oh, and the "urban legend" was my reference to my story of the "ecto that got away."

Arwen Shiningstar

Arwen Shiningstar

Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2006


Absence of Evidence [AoE]


I have no proof that stuff is predetermined but like wise you have no proof its not.


The ecto that "might" have gotten away.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Tucson, AZ

The Black Hand Gang [BHG] and The Black Helm Gang [BHeG]

Originally Posted by Arwen Shiningstar
I have no proof that stuff is predetermined but like wise you have no proof its not.


The ecto that "might" have gotten away.
But I actually have evidence, though it may not be proof. Those Demonic/Phantom things were trying to salvage into something other than dust at first; that's all I was trying to say. And, like I previously posted, my nightmares tell me it was ecto, but only 'cause of my kinda luck.

Monk Mystic

Monk Mystic

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2006

The Ka-Tet of Gilead


im pretty sure stuff ISNT pre determined lol do you know how much memory that shit would take up?????if EVERY item in the game was predetermined at the time of drop if not before the poor GW servers would blow up in minutes. that said when is this "ecto" movie coming out???



are we there yet?

Join Date: Dec 2005

in a land far far away

guild? I am supposed to have a guild?


it might not salvage into anything other than dust....I have on occasion gotten the same "your inventory is full" thing....I drop an item and continue to salvage only to get more of a common salvage thing I already in point, have maybe 10 wood on inventory is full so I decide to salvage a cheap wooden bow, 'Your inventory is full' I drop another bow....and salvage the cheapy...getting, yep more wood, pick up dropped bow and continue on....I know that the only thing I would get from that bow is wood, I have some on board, but the dumb thing still tells me to open a space so it can convert the one item into something I already had.....this happens LOTS of times.

Monk Mystic

Monk Mystic

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2006

The Ka-Tet of Gilead


yeah im not saying it wasnt a glitch im just saying that im almost positive things arent pre determined as to what they will salvage into


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2006

wow that would be so awesome if you could salvage from the demonic remains.....but the expert salvage kits sometimes screw you..i hate it when you're trying to salvage a mod or upgrade and then it ends up giving you ordinary crafting that one time i had a perfect vampiric bow string and it gave me 23 wood planks

Monk Mystic

Monk Mystic

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2006

The Ka-Tet of Gilead


lol they fixed that a while ago. now as long as your weapon is gold it will always salvage some mod(granted there has to be a mod present of course)

but yeah i did REALLY hate when that happened. happened to me like frieking 20 times lol im so glad they changed it



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2006

Eastern USA

The Eternal Vanguard of Tyria [VNGD]

Drops have to be predetermined, or else it could be EASILY abused. Fill up your inventory completely except for a pile of Jade/Amber. Expert salvage the Jade/Amber weapon (or something along that idea) over and over (getting "Your inventory is full") message, until it finally hits the magical Jade/Amber/Whatever salvage, and gives it to you.

Think about it.


Monk Mystic

Monk Mystic

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2006

The Ka-Tet of Gilead


im still wondering about the memory requirement neccesary to keep track of EVERY item in the game that is salvagable. that would be insane but i do understand your point. not sure how it works.I'd actually be very interested to find out.damn GMs and there no talking about game mechanics policy

Deacon Roswell

Deacon Roswell

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San Diego

Absence of Evidence [AoE]

Originally Posted by Monk Mystic
lol they fixed that a while ago. now as long as your weapon is gold it will always salvage some mod(granted there has to be a mod present of course)
Please don't post false information. If you think this was fixed, you're sorely mistaken. I continually get screwed when salvaging gold items. I still get crafting material. I've lost several +30 HP mods on sword and axes and ended up with wood or iron. I believe the fix your are referring to said they increased the chance of getting a mod, but it is NOT guranteed.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2006

Eastern USA

The Eternal Vanguard of Tyria [VNGD]

Originally Posted by Monk Mystic
im still wondering about the memory requirement neccesary to keep track of EVERY item in the game that is salvagable. that would be insane but i do understand your point. not sure how it works.I'd actually be very interested to find out.damn GMs and there no talking about game mechanics policy
What is there to wonder about? Somewhere in the depths of GW servers, there are character databases and item databases. Part of the character databases hold information for the items you have. It then looks up the corresponding item in the item databases. In that database, it finds information like upgrades it has, modifiers it has, etc. One can only assume another thing stored in that database is what the item salvages into. That information is then called when you try salvaging that item.


Hand of Ruin


Join Date: Jul 2006

Originally Posted by Monk Mystic
lol they fixed that a while ago. now as long as your weapon is gold it will always salvage some mod(granted there has to be a mod present of course)

but yeah i did REALLY hate when that happened. happened to me like frieking 20 times lol im so glad they changed it
Actually, you're full of s@#t. It is very possible to expert salvage a gold and only get common crafting materials.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Tucson, AZ

The Black Hand Gang [BHG] and The Black Helm Gang [BHeG]

Originally Posted by SaladFork
Drops have to be predetermined, or else it could be EASILY abused. Fill up your inventory completely except for a pile of Jade/Amber. Expert salvage the Jade/Amber weapon (or something along that idea) over and over (getting "Your inventory is full") message, until it finally hits the magical Jade/Amber/Whatever salvage, and gives it to you.

Think about it.

That is a good point.

But, what about when the same thing happened to me with Soul Stones? (Yes, I know I should sell, then salvage from now on lol!) These we absolutely know salvage into either Granite Slabs or Lumps of Charcoal.

Full inventory, existant pile of granite, Inventory Full, Granite Slab, Granite Slab, THEN a Lump of Charcoal.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2006


Originally Posted by Monk Mystic
lol they fixed that a while ago. now as long as your weapon is gold it will always salvage some mod(granted there has to be a mod present of course)

but yeah i did REALLY hate when that happened. happened to me like frieking 20 times lol im so glad they changed it
It's not *fixed* as other people said you can still end up with iron ignots from your gold weapon.

I WISH it was like that though.

Monk Mystic

Monk Mystic

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2006

The Ka-Tet of Gilead


damn flamers. first of all im pretty sure if you go through and look through all the updates im pretty sure youll find it.(sorry not enough of a loser to do it myself).second i havent gotten common materials in like 3 months maybe your just being punished by A-net for being such a damn prick.



are we there yet?

Join Date: Dec 2005

in a land far far away

guild? I am supposed to have a guild?


Originally Posted by Sofonisba
That is a good point.

But, what about when the same thing happened to me with Soul Stones? (Yes, I know I should sell, then salvage from now on lol!) These we absolutely know salvage into either Granite Slabs or Lumps of Charcoal.

Full inventory, existant pile of granite, Inventory Full, Granite Slab, Granite Slab, THEN a Lump of Charcoal.
pretend its a random number generator hit the salvage generates a number....for our purposes lets use 1-100...if the number generated is between say 90-100 you will get charcoal, otherwise granite.....I think most of the items that have rare salvage have the same kind of thing....salvage an iron weapon and say 60% of the time you get iron, the other 40% steel...soul stones could be 70/30 who knows???

and the gold items.....mmmmmmmm, thats still a mystery, some people always get the mods while others of us usually get the crafting crapp.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Tucson, AZ

The Black Hand Gang [BHG] and The Black Helm Gang [BHeG]

Originally Posted by cosyfiep
pretend its a random number generator hit the salvage generates a number....for our purposes lets use 1-100...if the number generated is between say 90-100 you will get charcoal, otherwise granite.....I think most of the items that have rare salvage have the same kind of thing....salvage an iron weapon and say 60% of the time you get iron, the other 40% steel...soul stones could be 70/30 who knows???

and the gold items.....mmmmmmmm, thats still a mystery, some people always get the mods while others of us usually get the crafting crapp.
Yes, I understand about random number generation.

Earlier I had posted that when I was salvaging something, full inventory but an existant pile of what I thought the item should go into, I was ridiculed. The person said "don't you know that even if you have full inventory the salvage comes out the same? LOL @ you noob" (not exact words).

Which it clearly does not, as illustrated by at least the Soul Stone example (if not the dust example).

My argument was, the random number (or whatever) is generated at the moment of salvage, not at the moment of drop.

Therefore, with an otherwise full inventory, you could potentially miss out on a Lump of Charcoal if you only have a pile of Granite... and according to legend--simply because I do not know anyone who has indeed salvaged an ecto from residue--an ecto if you only have a pile of dust.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006

Scars Meadows [SMS]


Originally Posted by Sofonisba
But I actually have evidence, though it may not be proof. Those Demonic/Phantom things were trying to salvage into something other than dust at first; that's all I was trying to say. And, like I previously posted, my nightmares tell me it was ecto, but only 'cause of my kinda luck.
people were using that trick to open only the gold-contaning dragon presents, so anet changed the mechanics, so that it would first check for room, and only then check what the item is salvaged into. I would belive that those remains are defined, like everything else, to have X% to salvage into common, and Y% into rare. it will check for the space even if you got a half stack of common, and Y=0.

Enchanted Warrior

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2006


"Rumor has it there are even some unscrupulous people that will sell you faction" Ya gotta love the unfounded rumors printed in the game and guides.. :P


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006

lol i thought you onley could find golbs of ectoplasma in drops?^_-


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by robminotaur
lol i thought you onley could find golbs of ectoplasma in drops?^_-
brilliant sherlock

Sereng Amaranth

Sereng Amaranth

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

The Amazon Basin [AB]

Originally Posted by Enchanted Warrior
"Rumor has it there are even some unscrupulous people that will sell you faction" Ya gotta love the unfounded rumors printed in the game and guides.. :P
Flame of Balthazar.