AoE Code
Darth Marth
I was under the impression that Meteor SHower doesn't trigger the AoE code because its damage is spaced 3 seconds apart. But I often notice neemies fleeing when I cast it more than once on them. Is htis because the damage becomes closer together and triggers the code, or is it not my fault?
I would say that it is becourse the damage comes more often, but of course, i'm no expert.. All i'm saying is that i havent had a single run coused by AoE code when used meteor shower once and i had serveral while doing it twice.
Former Ruling
Meteor Shower DOES trigger the code, You just almost never notice it because they are getting knocked down and dont have time to move from its radius.
Its the easiest to notice when you have someone else up there around them, because you'll notice they break aggro.
Its the easiest to notice when you have someone else up there around them, because you'll notice they break aggro.
Originally Posted by Former Ruling
Meteor Shower DOES trigger the code, You just almost never notice it because they are getting knocked down and dont have time to move from its radius.
Its the easiest to notice when you have someone else up there around them, because you'll notice they break aggro. |
Former Ruling
Originally Posted by Kakumei
This is false. A single Meteor Shower will never cause mobs to break aggro; however, echoing or Glyph of Renewal-ing it almost always will, due to the damage being closer together.
But like I also said, You'd never notice it probably because of the timing of the knockdowns making it where they can't do very much about it in most cases.
Swinging Fists
A single cast of Meteor Shower will NOT trigger the AoE code. If mobs are breaking aggro, it is for some other reason.
Monk Mystic
lol im with former ruling on this one cause ive done single meteor showers on mobs where NOTHING else could be making the break and they have ran from it a few times. ive seen them running but not get out of the circle untill after the shower was over, and then they went right back to the warrior.