Originally Posted by actionjack
I was thinking about a seige game when this come to mind. It was mentioned before, but would be interesting to see a Mob Leader System.
Sometime in a fight (usually in a more scripted fight, like in mission), there would be a mob leader leading that group (can have skill more like paragons), which if kill first, could send that group in retreat, or in minor chaos. This could be done well in a seige like scenario, where you could "push back" the on coming wave or against a larger force. It is mean to add more interesting game play from the typicall "Must Kill them All" battles. Along the lineof "Push Them Back", I would like to see more case where the mob would retreat and/or regroup it self. It could be done as a scripted event, or with trigger such as (if the group suffer 50% lost) or (if they are in a fight for X minutes), or (if their hp is in danger), etc. This would be more for the tight space fights, like in corridor, canyon, or gates. Also another mob trigger action would to be call for help... A caller mob will call more monster around to joint the fight, even if they are not in aggro range. Or could have it run away, only to bring back a larger force. This is also to make player more picky of which mob to target and attack first. |
This also is pretty close to the ABs we have now; which IMO, is really sad due to the lack of staying power over a "point of interest". If the game would actually allow for some strategy* and skirmishes lasted for several minutes on one point, I would actually enjoy such a system. This said, I can see in my mind how the game would work, but like I said, it would require a major overhaul to how the combat works in the game.
*By strategy I am refering to actual game strategy, not just knowing how to build a good character and smash buttons in the right order at the right time. I mean, flanking bonuses, enviromental bonuses (such as attacking from hill tops, from behind cover, ambushes, etc), and more. GW has none of these things but would be sweet if it did.
So, sweet idea; which then adds the above GW not haves as more to add to improve PvE.