Acquiring Skills for Changed Secondary Profession?



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2005



I was under the impression that if you changed your secondary prof, you could redo any skill quests you had already completed to fill out skills for the new prof. Is this incorrect? I recently changed my newly-ascended W/Mo to a W/E, and while I was able to find the Elementalist-only skill quests, I'm unable to repeat any quests I've already done for new skills.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006

Mantle Assassins


It's just the profession-specific quests you can return to and complete by changing your secondary profession late in the game. I don't think there are any repeatable quests in Prophecies.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2006


i was W/Mo, then i changed to W/N, i got the Disenchantment Course from Ng.. and i was level 20.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2005



So how should I be acquiring skills? Buying them from trainers? Are all the skills I would have gotten from quests available from trainers?

Heinrich Deathlord

Heinrich Deathlord

Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006

Ice Cold Elements [ICE]


If you change your secondary, you can do the quests specific to your new secondary, but the general skill quests are done. If you can't fnd a skill, try Dakk at ember light camp or Zenaida at harvest temple. they have all the skills for their respective campaigns.

Monk Mystic

Monk Mystic

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2006

The Ka-Tet of Gilead


yeah listen to deathlord lol hes got the right idea youre gonna have to just buy the skills. thats the downfall of changing profs. cause usually your skill charges are up to 1k by the time you switch. damn i was broke after i changed from W/R to W/Mo.

Marty Silverblade

Marty Silverblade


Join Date: Jun 2006

Originally Posted by Monk Mystic
damn i was broke after i changed from W/R to W/Mo.
Yeah I know, still dont have all of them either. Generally not worth swapping unless your rich.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

Stars of Destiny


Are you tyrian or canthan born? Tyrian born characters can change their professions and do SOME of the skill giving quests in tyria (because catha doesn't have any). You can do the ones from Yak's Bend, Sardelac Sanitarium (or its environs depending on the profession, Ranger for example, isn't in town it is outside near the statue of Balthazar), and Serenity Temple.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006



Originally Posted by Cherno
Are you tyrian or canthan born? Tyrian born characters can change their professions and do SOME of the skill giving quests in tyria (because catha doesn't have any).
Canthan born charas do get some new free skills from Instructor Ng at Shing Jea Monastary after changing secondary. Not guaranteed, but usually there is a new course available, be it "Snaring Course"/"Disenchantment Course" etc etc, the new secondary might unlock one of those. Of course it's just a skill or two, but...