Need some help =D

Dante the Warlord

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2006


Hello i am a male warrior.....

I was farming amber to afford my new 15k armor...but right now it seems that ill actually make a nice profit looking that now ambers are really increasing in a small amount of time they will each be 1k each!

My question is very confusing bear with me. Should I:

1. wait until next week and sell them
2. just sell them now
3. get 4 more amber to afford a new suit of 15k armor, if so which type ( i know that this should be in warriors column....but i was just too lazy to continue) , I've got 15 swordsmanship, 13 strength, and 6 beastmastery.... I already own a 15k luxon and i've got about 100k of money saved up for something special... and ive already bought my sword and shield so i dun need anymore of these.

Any and all advice will be appreciated =D

Knightsaber Sith

Knightsaber Sith

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2006

Few Fallen Heroes [FFH]


If you feel you really need more money; may as well sell now. Sometimes if you wait thinking it'll go up; it'll just drop. If you want the armor more then you need cash; get it. I got my 15k kurzick back when amber costed 3.5k a chunk



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2006

Eastern USA

The Eternal Vanguard of Tyria [VNGD]

Think about it. If you sell the amber now, when you need to buy amber to make your armor, it'll only cost you more,




are we there yet?

Join Date: Dec 2005

in a land far far away

guild? I am supposed to have a guild?


amber is cheap right now because of the triple faction weekend stuff (got lots of amber and jade because of that) I would wait for the price to go up if you want the money, if you want to armor----buy amber now!!!

Terra Xin

Terra Xin

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Mar 2006

New Zealand


The prices of Amber are rising? that's news... If everyone traded between people, that would be the only way to stabilise the amber NPC market.

Dante the Warlord

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2006


Hmmm....3.5k for one a lot!...I see why faction farming waz a great way to get lots of money! i dunno...i a lil scared that if i hold on to the amber too much now... when nightfall comes one will want it. I bought a few of mine.... and right now i have about 110k to i am not 100% percent poor. has anyone estimated the cost of ambers in a timeline? will they ever go back to 3k or so?

Dante the Warlord

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2006


its been stable at 850 at the trader...i think ill sell them now.... ive have 90 amber now...any last pieces of advice? These amber are looking like stock now... im afraid that the amber market is going to crash when nightfall comes out! :-(

Shonmi Woolyhead

Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2006


Originally Posted by Dante the Warlord
its been stable at 850 at the trader...i think ill sell them now.... ive have 90 amber now...any last pieces of advice? These amber are looking like stock now... im afraid that the amber market is going to crash when nightfall comes out! :-(
I doubt that the price of amber will crash with Nightfall. Remember what happened with the price of chittin and plant when Factions came out -- chittin was essentially like bone still is now, where you're selling often to the merchant to keep the inventory down to one or two stacks, but then shot up to where you could easily sell >25g per. Now they have finally come back down to under 15g, and will probably slowly drop to 10g, maybe less, until a boatload of new (unarmored) players happens along.

Since Amber and Jade are easily gotten from trading away faction, they are influenced more by how many want their guilds to go up in faction and how many couldn't care less. Those who've achieved their faction goals will eventually care less about faction and sell their amber and jade, and so as this attitude spreads will bring down the prices of these two rares.

The way I see it, the only way Nightfall can push down the price is if there are easier drops/rewards of amber or jade in Nightfall than there are in Factions, which is almost impossible to imagine. The price will go up as ppl move away to the new continent and temporarily stop farming amber, then settle down as ppl who miss farming amber come back.

There was some speculative buying before Factions came out, of chittin, bones, and granite -- luckily i only sold all my granite and bones for 6 per at the time, and kept my chittin. perhaps with Nightfall the price of bones will spike, as they find new uses, although the new armors don't look like there is lots of bone there. It's probably only tanned, plant, and cloth that will be the common ones that spike up, as well as the old standbys steel and leather. Two new rares are likely as well: ivory and pearl, i hear.