Necro rez skill
Sereng Amaranth
5 energy
3 second cast
5 second recharge
Target other ally is revived. Ally receives +5 damage for the next (90...10) seconds.
Soul Reaping
Other thoughts would be to make the +5 damage against holy only, just like minions and certain necro armor take. I also thought about having the extra damage in effect until the character dies again or a monk/rit/sig rez was used on the living ally.
1st modification:
5 energy
3 second cast
5 second recharge
Target other ally is revived. Ally receives +5 damage for the next (90...20) seconds.
Death Magic
2nd modification:
5 energy
3 second cast
5 second recharge
Sacrifice 10% health. Target other ally is revived. Ally receives +5 damage for the next (90...30) seconds.
Alternate description:
Sacrifice 10% health. Target other ally is revived with 25% health and 50% energy. Ally receives +5 damage for the next (90...30) seconds. Ally receives (1...4) health regen while you receive (1...4) health degen for 10 seconds.
Death Magic
5 energy
3 second cast
5 second recharge
Target other ally is revived. Ally receives +5 damage for the next (90...10) seconds.
Soul Reaping
Other thoughts would be to make the +5 damage against holy only, just like minions and certain necro armor take. I also thought about having the extra damage in effect until the character dies again or a monk/rit/sig rez was used on the living ally.
1st modification:
5 energy
3 second cast
5 second recharge
Target other ally is revived. Ally receives +5 damage for the next (90...20) seconds.
Death Magic
2nd modification:
5 energy
3 second cast
5 second recharge
Sacrifice 10% health. Target other ally is revived. Ally receives +5 damage for the next (90...30) seconds.
Alternate description:
Sacrifice 10% health. Target other ally is revived with 25% health and 50% energy. Ally receives +5 damage for the next (90...30) seconds. Ally receives (1...4) health regen while you receive (1...4) health degen for 10 seconds.
Death Magic
Plushie Penguin
as long as it's not a elite, yay![isn't your duration backwards?]
Sereng Amaranth
Duration is backwards, yes. Low Soul Reaping means that the ally takes damage for a longer duration. 12 in SR would mean 10 seconds of extra damage.
Originally Posted by Sereng Amaranth
Target other ally is revived. Ally receives +5 damage for the next (90...10) seconds.
Off topic, but on the issue of necro and ressing, I always thought Vengeance should be a necro spell, not a monk spell.
my initial read thought it gave your allies a damage bonus, but am I glad I re-read
They need more rez skills for classes which atleast should have them, (Monk, Rt, Necro) that don't just straight out rez, but also make using them a bit of a challenge, such as Flesh of My Flesh.
Tyggen, I totally agree with, i've never seen anybody really use vengeance, but it would go down a treat on a necro, especially maintainable.
They need more rez skills for classes which atleast should have them, (Monk, Rt, Necro) that don't just straight out rez, but also make using them a bit of a challenge, such as Flesh of My Flesh.
Tyggen, I totally agree with, i've never seen anybody really use vengeance, but it would go down a treat on a necro, especially maintainable.
Sereng Amaranth
Yeah, I was thinking about that 10 secs at 12 SR thing.
And yes, this is somewhat in the same vein as Vengeance, but with a Death Magic twist. Maybe the attribute should be Death?
And yes, this is somewhat in the same vein as Vengeance, but with a Death Magic twist. Maybe the attribute should be Death?
Your cast time and cost is silly. It should definitely require saccing and take 5 seconds to cast.
I would have suggested a reverse life siphon, like another nec skill. 10 energy, 5 second cast, sac 10% --- target ally revived with 25% health and (2...6) health regeneration for (10...20) seconds, while you suffer (4...2) health degeneration.
I would have suggested a reverse life siphon, like another nec skill. 10 energy, 5 second cast, sac 10% --- target ally revived with 25% health and (2...6) health regeneration for (10...20) seconds, while you suffer (4...2) health degeneration.
I always wished necros had a skill similar to that, only like the Vengence monk skill. The necro casts the spell, however the player is a minion (that looks like the player) untill the duration ends, then the player is returned to life, if he/she survives being a minion for the spell duration.
I like the concept of the skill, but the first description to make it practical to impliment as a non-elite. 90...30 would also be a more practical duration. Overall I like the skill.
Side Note: I think Vengance should just be removed, it's the dumbest res other than Unyeilding Aura (due to elite status).
Side Note: I think Vengance should just be removed, it's the dumbest res other than Unyeilding Aura (due to elite status).
Originally Posted by BaconSoda
I like the concept of the skill, but the first description to make it practical to impliment as a non-elite. 90...30 would also be a more practical duration. Overall I like the skill.
/signed Side Note: I think Vengance should just be removed, it's the dumbest res other than Unyeilding Aura (due to elite status). |
Unyielding Aura however, I have seen it put to good use in those silly Challenge Missions where healing is almost pointless as you are rushing through to kill as fast as you can. Monk would, instead of healing, just pick up the tanks with Unyielding and let them go back at it. It was rather funny to see. /shrug
Sereng Amaranth
Originally Posted by Carmine
Your cast time and cost is silly. It should definitely require saccing and take 5 seconds to cast.
I would have suggested a reverse life siphon, like another nec skill. 10 energy, 5 second cast, sac 10% --- target ally revived with 25% health and (2...6) health regeneration for (10...20) seconds, while you suffer (4...2) health degeneration. |

Another twist would be for it to fail with Death Magic 4 or less, similar to Golem.
Originally Posted by Carmine
Your cast time and cost is silly. It should definitely require saccing and take 5 seconds to cast.
I would have suggested a reverse life siphon, like another nec skill. 10 energy, 5 second cast, sac 10% --- target ally revived with 25% health and (2...6) health regeneration for (10...20) seconds, while you suffer (4...2) health degeneration. |
I think Death Magic or Soul reaping is good either way, as it can be explained in both veins DM - well they're dead, SR - forcing the soul back in.
Also in SR, it means that people will really have to think about using it as it can do alot of damage too.
Personally OP suggestion rocks, apart from effect time of degen for the levels I wudnt change a thing. Skills for Ch3 are probably finalised, otherwise my Necor would be heading off to Elona first to get this if they would use it.
Lyohn S
i always thought flesh of my flesh should be a blood skill
makes alot more sense imo
makes alot more sense imo
Originally Posted by BaconSoda
Side Note: I think Vengance should just be removed, it's the dumbest res other than Unyeilding Aura (due to elite status).
-3 Second cast, shortest of all rezzes
-5 Energy, lowest of all reuseable rezzes
-Full Health, which few other rezzes have
-Full Energy, which no other permanent rezzes have
-If everyone in your party has been enchanted with this, you're completely immune to death penalty, as long as no one else in your party rezzes people with any skill othr than this.
-Only requires 5 divine favor to be effective
-Reuseable with relatively low recharge
-If players get low on energy, you can kill them off and immediately rez them, effectively restoring their energy to full.
-You can kill any ally at any time (actually is useful, such as if the person aggros a group of foes that are not in your groups aggro circle yet, but the ally is mistakenly luring them toward you, you can kill the player and save your team a lot of effort)
If somone on your team is pissing you off, its always amusing to kill them off and way they are like "WTF!!!!!", you just say God has comdemn you.
-Elite skill
-Requires upkeep, which in an 8 person group, will take all of the maintainer's effort to manage the -3 pips, unless they are really skilled.
-If the maintainer runs out of energy or it is removed, the enchanted person dies.
-Can only be used by monk primaries.
-Energy denial will cause the last 3 people ressurected to die
The shelter from dp along with only a 3 second casting time with full health and energy makes and incredibly effective all purpose rez. Its fast and effective, and it prevents dp in the future.
The necro rez is a good idea. I think something along the MM line would work well. They get rezzed at full health and energy, but suffer minion like degeneration.
Whatever skill you must remember the mobs get to use it. Keep in mind: Having a bunch of necro mobs in Chapter ___ with the skill, will it be a pain to wipe out with a skilled group?
Ex. 5 Flesh of my flesh ritualist mobs along with a plethora of other mobs can be a pain without a MM or AoE damager.
If necros get to res, it should make sense... maybe something that is linked to soul reaping and has relative attributes to flesh of my flesh and the death magic line.
================================================== ======
Rework of original poster:
10 energy (to be on par with monks), 6 cast (Rebirth/Resurrect), 20 recharge (Light of Dwayna/Lively was Naomei) <- my changes to your suggestion
Atribute:Soul reaping
Exploit the body of target party member (not ally, ally would imply minions or pets). That ally is resurrected, with 15-75% HP (like Lively was Naomei) and 5-21% of the caster's energy (sort of Flesh of my Flesh mixed with spirit siphon). Ally receives +5 damage from holy for the next (90...20) seconds but cannot be diseased (sort of like tainted flesh) during that duration.
Chilling Revenge
Attribute: Blood Magic (the most party buffs are in this line I think)
5 energy (to be on par with flesh of my flesh), 4 cast (Light of Dwayna), 20 recharge (Light of Dwayna)
Target fallen party member is resurrected with 25% HP and steals (5...30) health from all adjacent foes.
Alternate 2:
Ethereal Sorrow
Attribute: Soul Reaping/Curses
10 energy (Rebirth), 6 cast (Rebirth), 0 recharge (rebirth)
Target fallen party member is resurrected with 5-25% HP and you lose all energy. For each energy lost that ally gains an additional 5 Health.
(Kind of more for mesmer given the energy thing)
Alternate 3:
Call of the undead
Attribute: Death Magic
5 energy (Flesh of my Flesh), 5 cast (Flesh of my flesh) , 0 recharge (Flesh of my flesh)
Target fallen party member is resurrected with 25% HP. For each minion you control that ally gains (1-5)% HP.
Alternate 4:
Eye for an eye
Attribute: Death Magic
5 energy (Flesh of my Flesh), 5 cast (Flesh of my flesh) , 0 recharge (Flesh of my flesh)
Teleport to target fallen party member. That party member is teleported to your original location with 25% HP and 0 energy. You lose 25% HP.
(so much like Consume corpse with rebirth mixed in)
================================================== ======================
What we really need is a battle res for every class within reason (rit/monk deal with spirits and healing).
Necros = animate corpses
Eles = no res (reasonable since they don't deal with healing)
Mesmers = no res (reasonable since they don't deal with healing)
Rangers = Restoration Spirit should have been THEIRS
Assassins + Warriors = no res (reasonable, they just attack/shout/stance)
Paragon = needs res (they are s supportive shout/echo/chant class)
Dervish = no res (attacker)
================================================== =======================
For the record:
- Resurrection Chant (Healing Prayers)
Spell. Resurrect target party member with up to your current health and 5..29% Energy. This spell has half the normal range.
Energy:10 Cast:8 Recharge:0
- Light of Dwayna (Monk other)
Resurrect all dead party members in the area. They are returned to life with 25% Health and zero Energy.
Energy:25 Cast:4 Recharge:20
- Resurrect (Monk other)
Resurrect target party member. Target party member is returned to life with 25% Health and zero Energy.
Energy:10 Cast:6 Recharge:5
- Rebirth (Protection Prayers)
Resurrect target party member. Target party member is returned to life with 25% Health and zero Energy, and is teleported to your current location. All of target's skills are disabled for 10..4 seconds. This Spell consumes all of your remaining Energy.
Energy:10 Cast:6 Recharge:0
- Restoration (Communing)
Create a level 1..8 spirit. When this Spirit dies, all party mesmbers in the area are resurrected with 5..41% Health and zero Energy. This spirit dies after 30 seconds.
Energy:10 Cast:5 Recharge:45
- Flesh of my Flesh (Restoration Magic)
Lose half of your Health. Resurrect target ally with your current Health and 5..17% Energy.
Energy:5 Cast:5 Recharge:0
- Lively Was Naomei (Restoration Magic)
Hold Naomei's ashes for up to 45 seconds. When you drop her ashes, all party members in the area are resurrected with 15..63% Health and zero Energy.
Energy:15 Cast:6 Recharge:20
Ex. 5 Flesh of my flesh ritualist mobs along with a plethora of other mobs can be a pain without a MM or AoE damager.
If necros get to res, it should make sense... maybe something that is linked to soul reaping and has relative attributes to flesh of my flesh and the death magic line.
================================================== ======
Rework of original poster:
10 energy (to be on par with monks), 6 cast (Rebirth/Resurrect), 20 recharge (Light of Dwayna/Lively was Naomei) <- my changes to your suggestion
Atribute:Soul reaping
Exploit the body of target party member (not ally, ally would imply minions or pets). That ally is resurrected, with 15-75% HP (like Lively was Naomei) and 5-21% of the caster's energy (sort of Flesh of my Flesh mixed with spirit siphon). Ally receives +5 damage from holy for the next (90...20) seconds but cannot be diseased (sort of like tainted flesh) during that duration.
Chilling Revenge
Attribute: Blood Magic (the most party buffs are in this line I think)
5 energy (to be on par with flesh of my flesh), 4 cast (Light of Dwayna), 20 recharge (Light of Dwayna)
Target fallen party member is resurrected with 25% HP and steals (5...30) health from all adjacent foes.
Alternate 2:
Ethereal Sorrow
Attribute: Soul Reaping/Curses
10 energy (Rebirth), 6 cast (Rebirth), 0 recharge (rebirth)
Target fallen party member is resurrected with 5-25% HP and you lose all energy. For each energy lost that ally gains an additional 5 Health.
(Kind of more for mesmer given the energy thing)
Alternate 3:
Call of the undead
Attribute: Death Magic
5 energy (Flesh of my Flesh), 5 cast (Flesh of my flesh) , 0 recharge (Flesh of my flesh)
Target fallen party member is resurrected with 25% HP. For each minion you control that ally gains (1-5)% HP.
Alternate 4:
Eye for an eye
Attribute: Death Magic
5 energy (Flesh of my Flesh), 5 cast (Flesh of my flesh) , 0 recharge (Flesh of my flesh)
Teleport to target fallen party member. That party member is teleported to your original location with 25% HP and 0 energy. You lose 25% HP.
(so much like Consume corpse with rebirth mixed in)
================================================== ======================
What we really need is a battle res for every class within reason (rit/monk deal with spirits and healing).
Necros = animate corpses
Eles = no res (reasonable since they don't deal with healing)
Mesmers = no res (reasonable since they don't deal with healing)
Rangers = Restoration Spirit should have been THEIRS
Assassins + Warriors = no res (reasonable, they just attack/shout/stance)
Paragon = needs res (they are s supportive shout/echo/chant class)
Dervish = no res (attacker)
================================================== =======================
For the record:
- Resurrection Chant (Healing Prayers)
Spell. Resurrect target party member with up to your current health and 5..29% Energy. This spell has half the normal range.
Energy:10 Cast:8 Recharge:0
- Light of Dwayna (Monk other)
Resurrect all dead party members in the area. They are returned to life with 25% Health and zero Energy.
Energy:25 Cast:4 Recharge:20
- Resurrect (Monk other)
Resurrect target party member. Target party member is returned to life with 25% Health and zero Energy.
Energy:10 Cast:6 Recharge:5
- Rebirth (Protection Prayers)
Resurrect target party member. Target party member is returned to life with 25% Health and zero Energy, and is teleported to your current location. All of target's skills are disabled for 10..4 seconds. This Spell consumes all of your remaining Energy.
Energy:10 Cast:6 Recharge:0
- Restoration (Communing)
Create a level 1..8 spirit. When this Spirit dies, all party mesmbers in the area are resurrected with 5..41% Health and zero Energy. This spirit dies after 30 seconds.
Energy:10 Cast:5 Recharge:45
- Flesh of my Flesh (Restoration Magic)
Lose half of your Health. Resurrect target ally with your current Health and 5..17% Energy.
Energy:5 Cast:5 Recharge:0
- Lively Was Naomei (Restoration Magic)
Hold Naomei's ashes for up to 45 seconds. When you drop her ashes, all party members in the area are resurrected with 15..63% Health and zero Energy.
Energy:15 Cast:6 Recharge:20
Sereng Amaranth
Alternate 3: Call of the undead Attribute: Death Magic 5 energy (Flesh of my Flesh), 5 cast (Flesh of my flesh) , 0 recharge (Flesh of my flesh) Target fallen party member is resurrected with 25% HP. For each minion you control that ally gains (1-5)% HP. |

Manic Smile
I like the idea...but if we give the necro a rez skill then now we have Monk/Rit/Nec all have rez. Isn't that kinda of unbalancing to other caster classes? I wouldn't really care as I'm Nec primary but it might be an issue to the community.
Personally when i started playing Necro i kinda thought they would be able to hard rez as it seemed ideally suited for them, I knew monks would, and tbh I didnt think rits would and seeing FomF was a real bonus for me. Personally I feel Mo/Rt/N should be the only profs with a hard rez, it firts them, and I'm certain most people wudnt make an Ele and expect a hard rez, it just doesn't make sense to me.
Although yes I can see Paragon also having a hard rez possibly, something from motivation line or something.
Although yes I can see Paragon also having a hard rez possibly, something from motivation line or something.
Sereng Amaranth
Reworked to be similar to the Animate skills.
5 energy
3 second cast
5 second recharge
Sacrifice 10% health. Target other ally is revived. Ally experiences minion-like degen and only receives necro healing for the next (60...20) seconds.
Death Magic
Another alternate description.
Sacrifice 10% health. Target other ally is revived. Ally experiences minion-like degen and receives half healing from non-necro skills for the next (90...30) seconds.
5 energy
3 second cast
5 second recharge
Sacrifice 10% health. Target other ally is revived. Ally experiences minion-like degen and only receives necro healing for the next (60...20) seconds.
Death Magic
Another alternate description.
Sacrifice 10% health. Target other ally is revived. Ally experiences minion-like degen and receives half healing from non-necro skills for the next (90...30) seconds.
There already is a necro rez skill, actually 4 of's just that after rezzing they aren't quite the same.......
sorry. had to do that. Anyways my thoughts is that bringing something from dead back to regular life (not undead) is pretty much the opposite of what a NECRO is all about. They like dead things. If you go back to all the games that have had necromancers or mages with specialization in necromancy (Wizards of the Coast games, D2, Elder Scrolls, etc), you'll see that healing/resurrecting is a skill set of characters that have completely opposite alignments and world views.
sorry. had to do that. Anyways my thoughts is that bringing something from dead back to regular life (not undead) is pretty much the opposite of what a NECRO is all about. They like dead things. If you go back to all the games that have had necromancers or mages with specialization in necromancy (Wizards of the Coast games, D2, Elder Scrolls, etc), you'll see that healing/resurrecting is a skill set of characters that have completely opposite alignments and world views.
Originally Posted by BaconSoda
Side Note: I think Vengance should just be removed, it's the dumbest res other than Unyeilding Aura (due to elite status).

Originally Posted by VitisVinifera
There already is a necro rez skill, actually 4 of's just that after rezzing they aren't quite the same.......
The Primeval King
10 Energy
4 Second Cast Time
10 Second Recharge
Sacrifice 50% of max health. Target ally is revived with full health but has 0 energy and experienced -20 degen for 10 seconds.
10 Energy
4 Second Cast Time
10 Second Recharge
Sacrifice 50% of max health. Target ally is revived with full health but has 0 energy and experienced -20 degen for 10 seconds.
I want a warrior rez skill..
Liquid of Life - 10 adrenaline
Lose all adrenaline, target touched ally is rezzed with 25% life and suffers from disease for 15 seconds.
You got the animation already down just make the rezzer start dancing (if its a war).
Liquid of Life - 10 adrenaline
Lose all adrenaline, target touched ally is rezzed with 25% life and suffers from disease for 15 seconds.
You got the animation already down just make the rezzer start dancing (if its a war).
necro res skill:
Grenth's Bargain 10 5 20
sacrifice 13% max health per party member. raise all fallen party members.
Raised Party has 20%health and 0 energy (thats 91% for a 7 person res)
~the "I dont like you guys enough to res you" Rat~
*by the way* you have no choice on how many of them you raise. its an all or nothing kinda thing.
Grenth's Bargain 10 5 20
sacrifice 13% max health per party member. raise all fallen party members.
Raised Party has 20%health and 0 energy (thats 91% for a 7 person res)
~the "I dont like you guys enough to res you" Rat~
*by the way* you have no choice on how many of them you raise. its an all or nothing kinda thing.
Ian Savage
Necro Rez Skill
Gifts Ungiven
5e, 2cast, 20 recharge
Sac 100% Max Health, Revive Target Fallen Party Member with 100% Health and up to Your Current Energy. (50% Chance of Failed Resurrect with 7 or Less Soul Reaping) Death Caused in This Fashion Inflicts no Death Penalty.
Gifts Ungiven
5e, 2cast, 20 recharge
Sac 100% Max Health, Revive Target Fallen Party Member with 100% Health and up to Your Current Energy. (50% Chance of Failed Resurrect with 7 or Less Soul Reaping) Death Caused in This Fashion Inflicts no Death Penalty.
Mr. G
Some brand new resses
Dance With the Devil
Blood magic
15 4 20
Spell. Target Party Member is Revived with 40....80% health and 50% energy, for every 1...3 points of energy the Target has you have a 2% chance of dieing leaving an unusable corpse, Any deaths cuased By "Dance With the Devil" will no Cuase Death Penalty
[Notes: I Think this is a good emergancy "shield" rez, for when you need a tank up, or a good substitute for hard monk rez's not so usefull on monks themselves though, i Chose Blood beacuse it seems sacrificy]
"No man Left Behind"
10 0 40
Revive Target party member with 20...40% health, for 3 seconds that member gains 15 armour and 33% movment speed. For 10....5 seconds you move and attack 20% slower and an extra 20% Slower for each Ajacent foe to the target.
[Notes: Another sacrifice skill, I think if a class doesnt apeal to a hard res they should have to lose quite a bit to compensate, bieng a shout its a pretty good Insta res, but its only real perpose is getting a monk up or retreating]
Heated Devotion
Fire Magic
10 3 60
Spell. Target is Revived with 30....60% health and 25% of your current energy for each energy point, your next 8...2 Fire based spells cost 25% more energy for 5 seconds
Icy Preservation
Water Magic
10 3 60
Ward. Friendly Bodies inside this ward cannot be the target of enermy necromacer spells and recive 5...25% extra health if revived within it
Respectful Burial
Earth Magic
10 2 40
Spell. Targets the nearest 1...4 Friendly Bodies, they are moved to our current location
[Notes: The fire based Rez can really hit an Ele where it hurts, in the energy storage. The ward really came to me when thinking of what ice could do. The earth could be used with light of Dwayna to great effect I suppose]
The Circle of Life (or Rencarnate for a less Lion king title)
Beast Mastery
10 2 40
Skill. Sacrifice your pet, What ever % of you pets life remained when activated is transfered to target Dead Party member. 10...50% of this is given as energy to that member. Pet who are killed in this way do not cuase skill blocks.
[Notes: after writing this i realised the deadly power of this in Iway]
Insperation of Purity[E]
20 6 60
Spell. Target Other Ally is Revived with 5% health for each point in insperation magic you have, and your recive a +2 bonus to all insperation skills - You cannot attack or use hostile skills for 10 seconds
[Notes: Mesmers are really hard to think of]
Justice Served
5 1 60
Skill. Target Ally is enchanted and this skill is replaced with Avenge Signet for 30 seconds. If the target is killed within this time, the signet will become active when the targets killer is Killed by (and only by) you. The signet can be used to revive the ally with 50% health and 5 energy
[Notes: perhaps a bit complicated, may work on some dervish Paragon rez later...Or perhaps a rt 1, then again they have enough lol]
Dance With the Devil
Blood magic
15 4 20
Spell. Target Party Member is Revived with 40....80% health and 50% energy, for every 1...3 points of energy the Target has you have a 2% chance of dieing leaving an unusable corpse, Any deaths cuased By "Dance With the Devil" will no Cuase Death Penalty
[Notes: I Think this is a good emergancy "shield" rez, for when you need a tank up, or a good substitute for hard monk rez's not so usefull on monks themselves though, i Chose Blood beacuse it seems sacrificy]
"No man Left Behind"
10 0 40
Revive Target party member with 20...40% health, for 3 seconds that member gains 15 armour and 33% movment speed. For 10....5 seconds you move and attack 20% slower and an extra 20% Slower for each Ajacent foe to the target.
[Notes: Another sacrifice skill, I think if a class doesnt apeal to a hard res they should have to lose quite a bit to compensate, bieng a shout its a pretty good Insta res, but its only real perpose is getting a monk up or retreating]
Heated Devotion
Fire Magic
10 3 60
Spell. Target is Revived with 30....60% health and 25% of your current energy for each energy point, your next 8...2 Fire based spells cost 25% more energy for 5 seconds
Icy Preservation
Water Magic
10 3 60
Ward. Friendly Bodies inside this ward cannot be the target of enermy necromacer spells and recive 5...25% extra health if revived within it
Respectful Burial
Earth Magic
10 2 40
Spell. Targets the nearest 1...4 Friendly Bodies, they are moved to our current location
[Notes: The fire based Rez can really hit an Ele where it hurts, in the energy storage. The ward really came to me when thinking of what ice could do. The earth could be used with light of Dwayna to great effect I suppose]
The Circle of Life (or Rencarnate for a less Lion king title)
Beast Mastery
10 2 40
Skill. Sacrifice your pet, What ever % of you pets life remained when activated is transfered to target Dead Party member. 10...50% of this is given as energy to that member. Pet who are killed in this way do not cuase skill blocks.
[Notes: after writing this i realised the deadly power of this in Iway]
Insperation of Purity[E]
20 6 60
Spell. Target Other Ally is Revived with 5% health for each point in insperation magic you have, and your recive a +2 bonus to all insperation skills - You cannot attack or use hostile skills for 10 seconds
[Notes: Mesmers are really hard to think of]
Justice Served
5 1 60
Skill. Target Ally is enchanted and this skill is replaced with Avenge Signet for 30 seconds. If the target is killed within this time, the signet will become active when the targets killer is Killed by (and only by) you. The signet can be used to revive the ally with 50% health and 5 energy
[Notes: perhaps a bit complicated, may work on some dervish Paragon rez later...Or perhaps a rt 1, then again they have enough lol]
Back From The Dead
No Attribute
Hex Spell
10 1 20
For 30 seconds target enemy is hexed. If target dies while hexed, targets corpse is exploited and the nearest dead party member is Summoned from the corpse with 50% health and 10% energy.
No Attribute
Hex Spell
10 1 20
For 30 seconds target enemy is hexed. If target dies while hexed, targets corpse is exploited and the nearest dead party member is Summoned from the corpse with 50% health and 10% energy.
samurai snack
Name: Blood conduit
Attribute: Blood magic
Energy:10, Casting time:5, Recharge time:0
Sacrifice 80...50% health, Target party member is revived with 50...80% health and 0 energy
(little over-powered i think)
Name: Recycle flesh
Attribute: Death magic
Energy:15, Casting time:0, Recharge time:[dunno]
Target party member is revived with 50% health, 0 energy and is diseased for 20...10 seconds
(im thinking a high recharge time)
Name: Illusion of resurrection(got it from illusion of weakness)
Attribute: Illusion magic
Energy:25, Casting time:6, Recharge time:20
Target party member is revived with 100% health and 100 energy. After 10...30 seconds, this party member dies. Deaths from this spell dont cause death penalty
(too much like vengance i think)
Name: Blessing or curse?
Attribute: Curses
Energy:[dunno], Casting time:[no clue], Recharge time:0
Target party member is revived with 100% health and 50% energy (50% failiure) if this spell fails, you experience -12...8 degeneration for 10 seconds
(unsure if it should be curses)
Attribute: Blood magic
Energy:10, Casting time:5, Recharge time:0
Sacrifice 80...50% health, Target party member is revived with 50...80% health and 0 energy
(little over-powered i think)
Name: Recycle flesh
Attribute: Death magic
Energy:15, Casting time:0, Recharge time:[dunno]
Target party member is revived with 50% health, 0 energy and is diseased for 20...10 seconds
(im thinking a high recharge time)
Name: Illusion of resurrection(got it from illusion of weakness)
Attribute: Illusion magic
Energy:25, Casting time:6, Recharge time:20
Target party member is revived with 100% health and 100 energy. After 10...30 seconds, this party member dies. Deaths from this spell dont cause death penalty
(too much like vengance i think)
Name: Blessing or curse?
Attribute: Curses
Energy:[dunno], Casting time:[no clue], Recharge time:0
Target party member is revived with 100% health and 50% energy (50% failiure) if this spell fails, you experience -12...8 degeneration for 10 seconds
(unsure if it should be curses)
What about making it like unyielding aura, but timed within atts stats.
Devils payment
Attribute: Soul Reaping or Blood magic
Energy 15, cast time: 1-2, recharge time: high!
Target deceased party member is returned to full health After 30...10 seconds party members experiences deteration. Whilst enchanted the caster gain energy from the party members attacks (respective to atts)
Devils payment
Attribute: Soul Reaping or Blood magic
Energy 15, cast time: 1-2, recharge time: high!
Target deceased party member is returned to full health After 30...10 seconds party members experiences deteration. Whilst enchanted the caster gain energy from the party members attacks (respective to atts)
It is kinda silly that a class which is suppose to reanimate the dead cannot rez a fallen ally.
Originally Posted by curtman
It is kinda silly that a class which is suppose to reanimate the dead cannot rez a fallen ally.
~the Klatoo nicto ver---achooo Rat~
Illusion of Life
Mesmer Illusion spell
Revive target ally for 20-50% health and 35% energy. You are left with 20-45 health.
Mesmer Illusion spell
Revive target ally for 20-50% health and 35% energy. You are left with 20-45 health.
Sereng Amaranth
Ok guys, this is getting way out of hand. I didn't mind reworking of my necro rez skill. I kinda didn't mind the alternative skills posted. But please read the title again. This is a Necro Rez Skill thread. Please comment on my suggestions. Please make your own thread for other classes.
Reserved Egotist
Soul Seeds (Soul Reaping)
15 energy
4 second casting time
20 second recharge
Elite Enchantment Spell. For 10 seconds, this Enchantment does nothing. When it ends, party members in the area are resurrected with 10...25% health and 0 energy, and for every foe killed in the area each party member gains an additional 40...70 health and 2...5 Energy
15 energy
4 second casting time
20 second recharge
Elite Enchantment Spell. For 10 seconds, this Enchantment does nothing. When it ends, party members in the area are resurrected with 10...25% health and 0 energy, and for every foe killed in the area each party member gains an additional 40...70 health and 2...5 Energy
It seems a bit unfavourable.
Maybe Scrifice 25% max health and Keep the dmg from 90...15 Rather then your health degen?
It seems a bit unfavourable.
Maybe Scrifice 25% max health and Keep the dmg from 90...15 Rather then your health degen?