Pet locations?


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2006

Heros and Nemesis


well im new to this game and i have a level 7 R/Me but anyways i was wondering where i can find good animals to charm for my level i got a level 7 moa bird but i want somthing stronger..... so if you can help me that would be great.... some kind of list would be good too. it doesnt matter. any help will do. thanks



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006

Well 1st off welcome to GW

All charmable animals have the same stats. They attack at the same speed (bears attack slower than the rest) and do the same amount of slashing damage except for 2 (in Prophecies) that do piercing damage instead of slashing; the Black Widow (Underworld) and the Dune Lizard (Crystal Desert).

However, the pet can evolve into Elder, Hearty or Dire.

Hearty = More health but does less damage than and Elder pet.
Dire = More damage but less health than an Elder pet.
Elder = The in-btween of Hearty/Dire.

Uhh that's pretty much all I know about pet evolution. Maybe someone else would be kind enough to post the link to the pet evolution guide (or I'll go look for it after I'm done typing this message :P).

Here's a list of pets available and where they can be tamed - - I think info on pet evolution is available there too.

Anyways, good luck

Chilly Ress

Chilly Ress

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Oct 2005

Kinetic Fusion [kF]


If you look in the Community Works section of these forums there are several fabulous guides to pets with extensive research done for precise stats.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

Tyria, cappin' ur bosses

Boston Guild [BG]


Rather than search the sections, I'll just link you to the guide. I swear, every Ranger needs this page on bookmark.