Trade talk

Lil' Bill

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2006

The Unholy Legions


Im very new so this will be very nooby

I'm a terrible trader and have been in every game I have played but in guild wars I have a excuse I can't understand trade

talk to me axe 15% 20/20 mumbo jumbo makes no sense

I have been on many guides for trading but none explain trade talk so if someone could give me a link to guide that explains it or could explain here I'd be very happy

I understand requirements, max damage and basic stuff like that I gathed that +15%>50 is something like +15% hp while over 50% hp (I know im so clever even though I think I got it wrong) The thing im worst with is stuff like +15%/-3 or the equivilant but +15% what and -3 what Im very confused so 1) what i just said probably makes no sense and 2)any help is greatly appreciated since you can see I have no idea about one of the most important trhings in any game which you interact with other players

Jumping Is Uselss

Jumping Is Uselss

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2005

-... . .... .. -. -.. / -.-- --- ..-

Originally Posted by Lil' Bill
talk to me axe 15% 20/20 mumbo jumbo makes no sense
That just means you do 15% more dmg when your health is above 50%. The 20/20 means it has the highest sundering mod which is armor penetration 20% with a 20% chance happening.

this is how some people might go about and advertise their items

15%^50 = 15% more damage when hp is higher than 50%
20/20 = 20% armor penetration with a 20% chance of working

Hope this helps.



Insane & Inhumane

Join Date: Feb 2006

u might see things like 15%-5 (15% dmg always -5 energy), 15% -10 (15% dmg always - 10 armor while attacking), those mods are the inherent ones, things like 10% furious, +30 hp 20/20 sundering is all mods that u can change, if u go to the PC fourm theres a weapons mod price check at the top of the page it tells u all the mods for weapons, most people dont give to much info on the weapon so they can fit more in their post so u usualy wont see them explaining alot of details and that might be why they dont always make to much sense


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2006

Dragons Brood


Hi Lil Bill My ingame is Rolf Nightshade and if you want you can call me and I will help you with pricing and lingo, I love selling as muching as playing and therefor do a lot of it so call and Ill help.

eternal pho


Join Date: Nov 2005

The Licious Fame Farmers {TLG}


15%+while health is above 50% weapons well quickest, although 15%/ -5 energy and 15%/-10armor while attacking weapons are harder to sell.

Lil' Bill

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2006

The Unholy Legions


TY everyone Rolf I won't be able to talk to you for a while cos I'm at my dads house and his computer isnt good enough to play guild wars and the internet isn't working at my mums houseing thats but my IGN is Raistlin Necro God

anyway so if it says +15% or something thats always damage
-5 thats always energy
-10 thats always armour
and 20/20, 1st 20 is the armour penertration and 2nd 20 is the chance of that happening I think I've got it but what would you say if it was for a illusion staff for example (10% chance for +1 illusion magic is one I have) would that be 1/10 illusion magic staff (dont worry I have no hopes of selling it I know its rubbish)