iway sucks and cant hold halls
We werent playing at dead times either, every single game there was at least 1 r9+ team there.
Holy Arch
hehe iway ftw! nice job, im tired of people saying iway sucks. well it does kinda, but it proves that a group of nubs can pwn at teh halls
Everyname Is Taken
iway is all based on luck though.
Originally Posted by Holy Arch
hehe iway ftw! nice job, im tired of people saying iway sucks. well it does kinda, but it proves that a group of nubs can pwn at teh halls
Actually, most in MATH are r9+, but they got their rank completely from IWAY. Hey it works for them, but most other IWAY groups just get steamrolled by good groups.
Everyname Is Taken
Yeah and they wont ever get those flawless hoh wins
if you know what you're doin, IWAY can indeed be very effective. but with all the noobs running it as well, ppl often get the idea the build sucks, rather than the ppl playing it
Originally Posted by Everyname Is Taken
Yeah and they wont ever get those flawless hoh wins
bah, who needs flawless, my faction is already capped.
bah, who needs flawless, my faction is already capped.
Sigh... 40 fame... that's just under 1/3 of my fame total.
Originally Posted by Racthoh
Sigh... 40 fame... that's just under 1/3 of my fame total.
racthoh, quit screwing around with aatxe. let's take the hall.
Smgzor and Famous... how could you sink to this level.
In other news, MATH can only do IWAY, so gg. Go play some other builds and still win, and then I'll call you good.
In other news, MATH can only do IWAY, so gg. Go play some other builds and still win, and then I'll call you good.
Originally Posted by Everyname Is Taken
iway is all based on luck though.
Maybe if you ran it in gvg, in tombs running into mass incompetence is almost a dead cert. eoe/iway is fast, so luck it isn't tbh.
Sir Aurik
omg u mean iway was nerfed? "who is MATH?"
Defendpeace Necros
well mine guild is also atm IWAY only, we are all R6+ and we like to play it, i realy dont know why are ppl so mad on us when we beat them, iway is not some uber invici build there are a lot of ways of countering them, we are a new founded guild but we are very good so far, when we started gvg ing, so far we had like 10 gvgs, won all and rank 620 already, pls sto whining against iway and counter it ppl will stop playing it. GG, MATH, but Digital wizzards >> you
MATH..pitiful all they run is iway it can be pretty hard to beat
Everyname Is Taken
Yeah I like to see MATH run something other than iway.
Ever since iway clowns flooded tombs, no one's ever taken it seriously. If you did this months ago, when people actually played halls, you'd recieve a cookie.
wow, so many jealous people here... if its so easy, go show me some sses of you guys holding hoh for 50 games, since its so easy...
Originally Posted by Asplode
Quote: Originally Posted by Lews
Smgzor and Famous... how could you sink to this level.
In other news, MATH can only do IWAY, so gg. Go play some other builds and still win, and then I'll call you good. Smgzor and famous arent close minded, stubborn jackasses who actually tried playing the build before calling it crap. Lews, go form an iway and show me how easy it is to get 14 consecutive wins. What you are doing right now is like me saying pizza tastes like shit before actually eating a good one...
In other news, MATH can only do IWAY, so gg. Go play some other builds and still win, and then I'll call you good. Smgzor and famous arent close minded, stubborn jackasses who actually tried playing the build before calling it crap. Lews, go form an iway and show me how easy it is to get 14 consecutive wins. What you are doing right now is like me saying pizza tastes like shit before actually eating a good one...
How about you try running iway for gods sake just once and tell me how far your group gets, and how many wins you guys end up with, maybe then youll see that being able to hold hoh with iway is a lot harder than it looks. If someone uses ts or vent they are now a skilled player? saying 3.. 2.. 1.. spike on a mic (i tried it just now, the words just werent coming out) is so much harder than it looks i must admit.
Originally Posted by Everyname Is Taken
iway is all based on luck though.
yeah it is, iway is all luck... shows how much youve actually tried the build out.
o wow.. ur right iway does suc and cant hold halls.. now how bout u take outt hat eoe skill their bud.. lets c u hold halls as iway then... gay iway.. i love it.. "hey put eoe down.. someone stay outa range with the ghost while eoe kills everyone!" "okay" ..15 secs later everyone dies.. "go up to the alter!! res!!" ..... yea good way to win if u ask me... and its the gayest unskillful way to win.. even if u use counters.. people still play it.
Originally Posted by Klmpee
o wow.. ur right iway does suc and cant hold halls.. now how bout u take outt hat eoe skill their bud.. lets c u hold halls as iway then... gay iway.. i love it.. "hey put eoe down.. someone stay outa range with the ghost while eoe kills everyone!" "okay" ..15 secs later everyone dies.. "go up to the alter!! res!!" ..... yea good way to win if u ask me... and its the gayest unskillful way to win.. even if u use counters.. people still play it.
thats not how we won fyi... thats actually what made us lose...
Everyname Is Taken
How about you run something besides iway. iway is the easiest build to use, a 7 year old can run it just as good as anyone else. You don't even need ts or vent. No experience required at all.
wow i get too excited dbgtboy
Originally Posted by Everyname Is Taken
Originally Posted by TheOneAndOnlyX
wow i get too excited one time only???? fyi were all rank 9 and have won hoh shitloads of times. please, before anyone tries to bash iway again, PLEASE FOR GODS SAKE! just show me an ss of you with an equal or greater amount of wins with iway, if you dont show me i will just ignore your posts and think of you as yet another a person who is jealous of us because we are gaining more fame than them. Savio
We don't need another thread about IWAY or a thread flaming other people. Closed.