max sickle and tribal exist or not




Join Date: Dec 2005

In the woods

Elite Crew


Ok i was sitting and thinkin about this and. well i came to wonder if a max sickle or tribal actually exists or not.

Has a-net ever said that they do exist?

Maybee it is like a few of the areas in prophecies and didnt get finished all the way.

If you think about it. the plasma sword seemed to be somthing that felt unfinished. I mean a cool name like that in a low level area and a spatha skin. it had to be an unfinished item.

Maybe they programed the sickle or the tribal axe in at 6-10-27 max and had them drop to that. and had planed to impliment more perfect ones in later levels. but never got around to it.

if you think about it there is alota stuff that never got finished in prophecies due to the release deadline.

So maybe.. just maybee .. they dont exist..

But then again.. maybe nightfall will fix all that.



Join Date: Dec 2005



i think new chapters bring more problems than solutions

Meikleham of Tyr

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2006

Knights of Sacrosanct Law





Join Date: Dec 2005

In the woods

Elite Crew


^ not sure what exactly your showing me here bud...
are you saying that this thread has been done before?

Or are you saying that there is proof in that insane ammount of posts that there is a max one

Feminist Terrorist

Feminist Terrorist

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005

Oh Noes! The 'burbs!

Is that that huge thread? I'm not going in there. Nope, no way. You could get lost and die in there.

Meikleham of Tyr

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2006

Knights of Sacrosanct Law


...there's only 25 posts, most only one sentence. If you're saying you're too lazy to look at that thread, because it's "huge" then how can you expect anyone to put any effort into answering your questions?

That thread covers your question and answer as much as needed, and it's only a few hours old. The whole - Prophecies is unfinished - discussion happens at least once a week, if not more often.

A new thread does not need to be posted about everything that gets thought of, there's a search function, as well as a handy little way to look back through older threads without searching.

Think of it this way: You work at McDonald's, and you run out of milkshakes one day. You put sign on the register that says, "Sorry, we are currently out of milkshakes. We apologize for the inconvenience." Then, every customer for the next eight hours comes in, and orders a milkshake, and gets slightly disgruntled when you tell them you're out.

I don't mean to offend you, but it's really hard to care enough to try to answer people's questions when they are not willing to put any effort into their ideas.




Join Date: Dec 2005

In the woods

Elite Crew



...there's only 25 posts, most only one sentence. If you're saying you're too lazy to look at that thread, because it's "huge" then how can you expect anyone to put any effort into answering your questions?

That thread covers your question and answer as much as needed, and it's only a few hours old. The whole - Prophecies is unfinished - discussion happens at least once a week, if not more often.

A new thread does not need to be posted about everything that gets thought of, there's a search function, as well as a handy little way to look back through older threads without searching.

Think of it this way: You work at McDonald's, and you run out of milkshakes one day. You put sign on the register that says, "Sorry, we are currently out of milkshakes. We apologize for the inconvenience." Then, every customer for the next eight hours comes in, and orders a milkshake, and gets slightly disgruntled when you tell them you're out.

I don't mean to offend you, but it's really hard to care enough to try to answer people's questions when they are not willing to put any effort into their ideas.

..... dude.. you just freaked out for no reason at all..

this thread is "similar" to some other threads. but that was other peoples opinions and this is mine. and i will tell you right now that my opinion is different than other peoples.

you say you see a thread about this every week? That means in 4 weeks there would be 4 threads on does max sickles and tribals exist or not. Hmmmm lemme search for that....

yup only found one and that is the one you refferd to.. and guess what. it says some things about the sickle. but other than that it never answers any of my other questions.

Now did anyone else in that thread talk about the game being unfinished and use the plasma sword as a reference? did anyone else ask for other opinions on whether they exist or not?

you should stop trying to sound like you know it all and are sick and tired of people posting things you know sooooo much about.

If you are tired of threads like mine.. then just dont read it. If you accidently read it then just dont respond.

your post only makes one point obvious. that you need to somehow justify your own "game Knowlege" by entering forums and bitching about how tired you are of hearing about it..

and frankly im tired of you know it all, heard it all, shut up cause im so 1337 types

so you want threads like this to stop and i want people like you to stop posting..... looks like we are both S.O.L




Join Date: Jun 2005

Somewhere between Boardwalk and Park Place

I don't like where this is going and the other thread offers an appropriate area for this discussion. Please use that instead.