Modding a weapon to increase it's value?

Hand of Ruin


Join Date: Jul 2006

Well I have a req 9 15>50 stormbow I want to sell, (as well as other rare-skinned 15>50 weapons) and I have been advised by several people to add a 20/20 and a +30 mod to them, and doing this will greatly increase their value as well as make them easier to sell.

My question is, have any of you personally done this with your weapons and found it to be true, or do you sell as i?

Now I know there is a sticky that says "Modding weapons will NEVER increase their value" however myself and many other's I've talked to find this as utter BS.

Perhaps modding a weapon wont make it worth any more in the minds of the elite few who consider themselves "experts", but in the minds of the average buyer looking for a great weapon with an good skin, I think mods matter...

So I'm asking for an answer from your own experience, not a reference to a sticky written by some obscure "expert", will modding a weapon make people pay more for it?

Marty Silverblade

Marty Silverblade


Join Date: Jun 2006

I doubt that very much. A 20/20 bow string is sometimes worth more than a bow that has 20/20 on it because they can put a 20/20 whereever they want.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006

We are all pretty [Ugly]


When I am buying a weapon, I really dont care if its just 15^50, or 15^50 20/20 +30. Once I buy it, I will mod it myself.

However, with a rare skin like a stormbow, it may increase the value, but you would not make as much money, and may even lose some.




Join Date: Jul 2005


My advise is that if you mod it - add ONLY fortitude mods. Because I personally hardly ever use 20/20 mods, while a vamp/zealos/ele dmg mods are my favourites. But i assume most of the players wouldn't mind having 30hp mod on it. I've seen people that would re-add the same mod just to make it look right. In my opinion this is quite a bullsh*t.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005


I dont really believe "Modding weapons will NEVER increase their value".

But I think that modding weapons will only increase their value if you happen to find a buyer that wants those specific mods and would have purchased them also anyway. So not worth modding in my opinion, just makes it harder to sell, and even so the amount its value is increased is not more than the mods are worth anyway.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2005

don't mod... rich players have their own perspective on what should be modded... even if you mod it youself they will cover the mod...

personally, when i buy weapons, i never look at the mod, only the skin + bonus + req...

The Herbalizer

The Herbalizer

<3 Ecto

Join Date: Jul 2005

Originally Posted by Hand of Ruin
Well I have a req 9 15>50 stormbow I want to sell, (as well as other rare-skinned 15>50 weapons) and I have been advised by several people to add a 20/20 and a +30 mod to them, and doing this will greatly increase their value as well as make them easier to sell.

My question is, have any of you personally done this with your weapons and found it to be true, or do you sell as i?

Now I know there is a sticky that says "Modding weapons will NEVER increase their value" however myself and many other's I've talked to find this as utter BS.

Perhaps modding a weapon wont make it worth any more in the minds of the elite few who consider themselves "experts", but in the minds of the average buyer looking for a great weapon with an good skin, I think mods matter...

So I'm asking for an answer from your own experience, not a reference to a sticky written by some obscure "expert", will modding a weapon make people pay more for it?
Wow O Wow Modding weapons with perfect mods does not do you any favors. It puts you at a disadvantage.

True Story: I am in the market for a nice Storm Bow. I wont buy your 20/20 15>50 +30Hp one as I want to use a 5/1 Vamp mod instead. I would not want to pay x amount of k more for a mod I will replace.

People all have different uses for the bow they want. Some may want to put a poisonous string on the bow, others 5/1 vamp. Not everyone wants to use 20/20 sundering or +30Hp. I may want a sword for a fow build which has +30Hp but I wont buy it as I want to use a 20% deathbane mod. I have alot of weapons with armor +5 or with slaying mods. Not everyone wants +30hp or 20/20 sunder. In fact sundering sucks and is in many people's opinion its one of the worst mods to use. There have been many many discussions on it and vamp, zealous, elemental and even furious are more useful. Just based on that alone I wouldnt mod a weapon with sundering as anyone with an ounce of common sense would add something different to boost the performance of their weapon.

You have a Req 11 15>50 Flamberge say worth around 5k. Adding a 60k +30Hp mod wont make it worth 65k.

The "average" player like you said would not buy it either if it would mean paying more. Anyone paying more for mods they will change is wasting alot of gold.

In my year of trading I have never once modded a weapon to increase its value. Modding a weapon with a +30Hp for bow which cost around 30k ish wont add more to the value of your bow. You MIGHT be able to sell it for 30k more but then again you might not. Buying a 15>50 Recurve Bow for 10k and adding a +30Hp mod wont make it worth 40k +.

All modding weapons with perfect mods does is put of potential buyers. You are limiting your potential customer base through adding expensive mods which they do not want.

I obtained a Req 8 15>50 Short Bow which was worth alot at the time. It also had a +30Hp mod on it. What the bow and fortitude mod were worth separately was in the region of 85-95k I think. In the end I sold it for 60k after days and days of spamming.

To be quite honest it would be easier and more beneficial to sell the mods separate from the weapon. You can hate on the "experts" all you like but they are the ones with months and months of trading experience. They are not trying to cheat or trick you. They are trying to help you and are providing a very useful service to the Guild Wars community.

Yup its BS that people with months and months of trading experience think that modding weapons puts you at a disadvantage. Clearly they dont know anything.


Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2006

I think a more accurate statement would be "Modding weapons nevers increases that value of the weapon proportional to the value of the mods".

Let's say a 20/20 Sundering Bow string & a +30 Fortitude grip cost around 40k each. That's 80k to ungrade a bow. Now a 15^50 Req. 9 Stormbow, would probably sell for 90k by itself regardless of mods, with a 20/20 Sundering and +30 Fortitude grip, maybe it would go for 120-150k.....but it probably won't go for 170k, which is what you would need it to cover the investment in the mods.

In general, I think the sum of the parts is greater than the whole. So if you already have a 20/20 string, a +30 grip and a 15^50, 9 req rare skin, you can make more money on selling those individually than together.


Bah...The Herbalizer's edit beat me to the punch

Hand of Ruin


Join Date: Jul 2006

Yes, how dare I question an almighty price check guru's sticky... after all, your name is green and mine is not!

The Herbalizer

The Herbalizer

<3 Ecto

Join Date: Jul 2005

Originally Posted by Hand of Ruin
Yes, how dare I question an almighty price check guru's sticky... after all, your name is green and mine is not!

You clearly have issues with the people who try to help the community in the Price Check section of Guild Wars Guru.

It is rather sad you cant take the advise given and instead have to result to name calling and acting jerkish for some unknown reason :S No point posting questions if you then go on to insult people who are trying to help you save gold.

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


All Modding weapons does is cut your Profits down...

a Weapon is Worth what the WEAPON is worth - What the Mods are worth has nothing to do with this. You can't add a 30k grip to a 20k bow and expect 50k for it...for example.

Hand of Ruin


Join Date: Jul 2006

Originally Posted by The Herbalizer

You clearly have issues with the people who try to help the community in the Price Check section of Guild Wars Guru.

It is rather sad you cant take the advise given and instead have to result to name calling and acting jerkish for some unknown reason :S No point posting questions if you then go on to insult people who are trying to help you save gold.
No what's sad is that you throw around snobby and sarcastic remarks because you think you have some kind of status here... If you wanted to help you would have given me a simple answer, not some long-winded rebuttle about how ludacris I am and how you are OBVIOUSLY an expert, and I a mere novice...

If that's how you choose to help me, next time keep it to yourself missy. I've already decided what I'm going to do so you can relax now that your duty has been done.

The Herbalizer

The Herbalizer

<3 Ecto

Join Date: Jul 2005

Originally Posted by Hand of Ruin
No what's sad is that you throw around snobby and sarcastic remarks because you think you have some kind of status here... If you wanted to help you would have given me a simple answer, not some long-winded rebuttle about how ludacris I am and how you are OBVIOUSLY an expert, and I a mere novice...

If that's how you choose to help me, next time keep it to yourself missy. I've already decided what I'm going to do so you can relax now that your duty has been done.
Wow calm down there. You were the one making nasty remarks in your opening post. Here are some of your remarks in your first post: -

Now I know there is a sticky that says "Modding weapons will NEVER increase their value" however myself and many other's I've talked to find this as utter BS.
Perhaps modding a weapon wont make it worth any more in the minds of the elite few who consider themselves "experts", but in the minds of the average buyer looking for a great weapon with an good skin, I think mods matter...
So I'm asking for an answer from your own experience, not a reference to a sticky written by some obscure "expert", will modding a weapon make people pay more for it?
You clearly are a hate filled individual who has issues with people who are trying to help people. The people with the "green titles" wouldnt have been given them if they were not good at what they do. They actually have to know what they are talking about I doubt it would be allowed to remain a sticky if it was soooo wrong. I really see no reason for your opening posts remarks.

I set out to EXPLAIN why modding weapons does not always add value to an item. YOU were the one who first posted many nasty / hate filled remarks.

Yes, how dare I question an almighty price check guru's sticky... after all, your name is green and mine is not!
Totally uncalled for. Why have I been given a green title? Because I know what I am talking about. The sticky is there for a reason because it is true.

No what's sad is that you throw around snobby and sarcastic remarks because you think you have some kind of status here... If you wanted to help you would have given me a simple answer, not some long-winded rebuttle about how ludacris I am and how you are OBVIOUSLY an expert, and I a mere novice...

If that's how you choose to help me, next time keep it to yourself missy. I've already decided what I'm going to do so you can relax now that your duty has been done.
I cannot see any snooby remarks. Snobby would be, "I have accumulated upwards of 10 million gold mainly through trading so I know what I am talking about." I dont need to think I have some sort of status because I do. It is a fact just like 2+2=4. The long answer was done to EXPLAIN to you WHY modding weapons does not increase their total value. I felt the need to explain in as much detail as possible and not a few sentences as you unable to grasp the fact that the sticky is there to HELP you.

If you are a mere novice please refrain from insulting stickies and those who contributed to them which are there to help you.

I suggest that if you have issues with the Sell forum and those who post / help out there then you post here: -

Maybe you can explain why the stickies are wrong and what the problems are with what you call "experts".

Bane of Worlds

Bane of Worlds

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006



just close this topic since it has passed it's usefulness...



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

This is the Q&A forum; anyone can answer questions here. Many people already gave the same answer as Herbalizer, yet you singled him out just because his name is green. If you don't like the answer given, you're free to go someplace else. Closed.