Change appearance?
I haven't seen anything about his so I'm assuming that it can't be done, but can you change the appearance of yout character, such as hair color/style/etc?
No....I wish you could though.
no, but people have been hoping for a hair stylist as such to change it up a little bit, however a crude form of plastic surgeon to change appearance would be very unrealistic, and besides you should make your character as you wanted it, not so you can just change it all the time... if you ever want to change the appearance of a character you should've spent more time deciding the appearance in the first place.
use search as this topic has been beaten to death already.
somebody close this and put it out of its misery
somebody close this and put it out of its misery
Originally Posted by shadow39365
no, but people have been hoping for a hair stylist as such to change it up a little bit, however a crude form of plastic surgeon to change appearance would be very unrealistic, and besides you should make your character as you wanted it, not so you can just change it all the time... if you ever want to change the appearance of a character you should've spent more time deciding the appearance in the first place.
Originally Posted by Loviatar
use search as this topic has been beaten to death already.
somebody close this and put it out of its misery |
And for the record I didn't do a "OMG wouldn't it be teh awsome if you could change tyhe way joo look?"
I asked a simple question of function, so thanks for the respectful and intelligent replies.....
Originally Posted by ForgeBitch
Sorry to offend but I did try and search and I guess I didn't use hte proper criterai to pull up the information I was looking for.
I asked a simple question of function, so thanks for the respectful and intelligent replies..... |
considering some of the responses on prior threads i thought mine was non offensive.
as to the ability to change your character it will probably never happen as the account itself was meant to be tamper proof which means no changes.
even the offensive name change is not changing the core account but only some sort of extension so everybody sees the new name.
if you customize something on the banned name character the account holder still sees customized for *banned name* while everybody else sees the new non offensive name.
but the account is not changed
Originally Posted by Loviatar
as to the ability to change your character it will probably never happen as the account itself was meant to be tamper proof which means no changes.
This would seem to imply that appearence would be very possible to change, seeing as how it was unintentional, but then intentionally reveresed.
Not to mention as much as Gaile talks about wanting this feature, as well. You'd think that she'd stop talking about it if the devs told her it wasn't possible.
Originally Posted by arcanemacabre
Confused as to why you would think this. There have been recent patches (Dragon Festival and Nightfall PvP event) where characters had accidently been switched on appearences.
Not to mention as much as Gaile talks about wanting this feature, as well. You'd think that she'd stop talking about it if the devs told her it wasn't possible. |
as for Gaile you will notice in the chat logs that she says
i like the idea a lot
i will ask the devs about it
i think it is a nice idea
i know it is a popular request
notice that in all this time i have not seen a post or chat saying what the dev response is and if they are actually working on this or if i missed it what the importance on it is or any progress.
if someone has a linkie to update my info it would be appreceiated