Survivor Title


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2006

Buffalo, NY


I am working on my Survivor Title with my Mesmer, she is level 4 and so far has 0 deaths. Problem being- when I open up my Hero [H] information, the the progress bar has yet to show up. I have over 8k experience thus far. Does it start tracking progress when you hit a certain amount of XP or reach a certain level?



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2006


when you reach the needed amount of experience


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2006

Buffalo, NY


No, what I'm saying is the just like any other title, there's a progress bar. Despite that I haven't died yet and I have 8k experience, it hasn't started tracking my progress and thus doesn't seem like it's recognizing the information I just stated.


Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2005

Reavers Of Chaos RoC


It starts at about 10k-15k :P



Site Contributor

Join Date: Apr 2005

Survivor 140,600 Indomitable Survivor 587,500 Legendary Survivor
(Max level) 1,337,500
Your progress bar is the Experience amount. Once you have reached 140,600, your title will be displayed in your Hero Information, but the Survivor title is only achieved at level 20.


Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2005

Reavers Of Chaos RoC


You people dont get what hes trying to ask.. He wants to know when his progress bar will show up It wont show up until the character has about 10-15k experience.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2006

Buffalo, NY


The tracking bar appeared as soon as I hit level 5, thanks Zerg.

BTW- I'm a SHE



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006

Kaineng Center

The Lightside


Another question on this title, can you die and then try to earn the points again? Just having total of zero deaths until you get the needed points and you should be in the clear for the first title right?



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006



No it's kinda like the title of Virgin, you only get one shot....

To gain the following titles, you must obtain the experience required and the command /deaths must return a zero. Once the title is earned, it will not be lost upon death. However, your progression towards the next title halts.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2006



Never trust a survivor title! I mean does it not really say that they ran away at the first sign of danger? I wonder how many partys have been screwed over by people trying to desperately keep there progress with the survivor title in tact


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2006

Buffalo, NY


Originally Posted by Tufty
Never trust a survivor title! I mean does it not really say that they ran away at the first sign of danger? I wonder how many partys have been screwed over by people trying to desperately keep there progress with the survivor title in tact
This has nothing to do with the original thread.

Please lock this thread.

Wrath Of Dragons

Wrath Of Dragons

Burninate Stuff

Join Date: Aug 2005

New Mexico


Tufty, please stay on topic. Off-topicness frequently gets a thread locked, and that really isnt fair to the people who are in the discussion.
booooyah, here is a link, incase you might want a few ideas for your title
Its basically a guide to the whole survivor title, along with a few tip s and tricks