TheStonereaper farm-nerfed?


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2006


Ordo Lupi Albi [OLA]


Has the farming of Steonreaper been nerfed by AN?I cant get Craw Stonereap to drop his staff for me as well as ANYTHING else!Ive done 30runs so far which only gave me 200g and 2 norma evil eye staves!Ive done bout 500 or maybe a lil less runs on Craw and i got the staff many times!Usually 1 staff per 10 runs.Now he wont drop anything!Looks like the anti bot code has worked here but ive done a lil of farming in other places like farming Jacqui the Reaver.Then i went back to Craw and still NOTHING.What the heck is wrong?AN nerfed this boss' drops?Is there any thread bout nerfed green drops?

Wrath Of Dragons

Wrath Of Dragons

Burninate Stuff

Join Date: Aug 2005

New Mexico


Meet teh evil antifarm code.
Its been around since.....ever.
The more you kill/rezone in a single area, your chances of drops decrease.
A person who has never killed stonereapwer has a much better chance of any good drop, opposed to someone who has repeatedley killed him some ~300 times.
Playing through missions and other maps all the way through helps significantly reduce the code's effect.
He hasnt been nerfed, you just havnt killed enough outside of his area for it to have worn off

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


Craw (and most factions bosses with decent stuff) aren't known to give out their stuff much anyway.

I've beat Craw 25 times before his staff before...(this is not in one time, cant get that anticode on you )

Ghial is even worse...

AW Lore

AW Lore

Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2006

Ancient Warriors Gaming Clan


A person who has never killed stonereapwer has a much better chance of any good drop, opposed to someone who has repeatedley killed him some ~300 times.
so true lol.

first time i ever kill that boss, he drops the green item... now time to find its price check




Join Date: Nov 2005

Noobs Just Took Halls [WTF]


its only worth like 7k, if you get lucky...i dont see why you would want to spend so much time farming it

I started farming arbortstone as a Rt/Me just for tanned hides and such, then realized i could easily take Craw down as well. Got the staff on the 3rd try


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2006


Ordo Lupi Albi [OLA]


I know bout the anti bot code.Thats why i went farming somewhere else and then got back to Craw.He wouldnt "spit"as earlier.On my 8th run ive decied im gonna do 2 more runs and leave em.And on the 9th run ive got the reaper!As well as on my 10th and 13th run!So its 3 reapers in 15 runs=total 20 minutes of farming.

Wrath-> i know how u reset the code.

Former->u r so wrong!Those staves drop for me 1 per every 10 runs on average and i can do a single run in 1-1,5minute.And you r right-Ghial is terrible!Ive never been able to kill him :/ Tried W/Mo solo but couldnt get it to work :/

Lambentviper->u r so WRONG!I sell reaper for 12-13l!Hah!Made over 120k on selling reapers so far!

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


Rebuttle - Reapers are sort of random, I've gotten 2 in 5 runs, and I've went like i said 25+ with no drop.

Rebuttle for other guy - Reapers are HARD to sell for over ~9k, I'd be surprised if you would cprove that you get 13k for them on a CONSISTENT (average time) basis.

Jeff Highwind

Jeff Highwind

Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2006

Grenth's Rejects [GR]


Originally Posted by Lambentviper
its only worth like 7k, if you get lucky...i dont see why you would want to spend so much time farming it

I started farming arbortstone as a Rt/Me just for tanned hides and such, then realized i could easily take Craw down as well. Got the staff on the 3rd try
You kid right? I've easily sold them for 12-15k every time (the 12k came from some newb who knew how to barter. I give that Touch Ranger credit.).

But yea, the more you farm the less it drops. Time to find a new Rit Farm zone, anyone up for killing Kaolin?


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2006


Ordo Lupi Albi [OLA]


Former-i easily sell reapers on gw guru auctions.There arent many reapers around since the touch farming build has been introduced.Ppl prefer to farm Vera and other stuff coz it sells for more cash.