Which char should I delete?

Lord Oranos

Lord Oranos

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

Fort Aspenwood

Ive been beating the subject around for sometime now. I have an Assassin, Warrior, Ranger, Necromancer, Ritualist and Monk. Two of the factions classes really seem to only fit niche builds and my Assassin seems to only be useful when I'm using the AoD shock build,(trust me, I have tried many attempts at builds that can work just fine, and they have, but none have had the surprise potential). And the rest of my classes that I play have started to become dull, I used to get alot of fun out of my Ranger interrupt build, but even that is getting old.

Ive been thinking of making an ele, mostly because of the support they can provide due to the strong e-management skill, Ether Prodigy, it leaves room for many experimental builds I would like to play with.

I would also like to try a Mesmer for the pure shutdown ability they provide.

It really seems though, that out of all the classes I have put work into, the ritualist and assassin have provided the least amount of fun and wide range of builds to play.(Yes I know about rit lord, the shock-sin, etc etc...)

Since I dont have a credit card, I will not be able to buy new slots to try make the Mesmer and Elementalist into permanent chars in my account.

So, I ask you. In your honest opinion, what should I delete to make room for the Elementalist and Mesmer classes?



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2006


If you get the pre-release thingy of Nightfall you get one extra char slot (as far as I remember).

Otherwise I guess you should nuke the Assassin.

Astraea Zopyros

Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2006

Save the Ascalonian Rabbit [STAR]


Well, I would also take into consideration the amount of xp you have on each character, how far they have progressed in the campaigns, and the age of each character. I would keep the older, higher-xp characters. If your assassin and ritualist are your two least experienced characters, I'd get rid of one of them. Personally, I love Ritualist armors, so I'd keep the Rit just for ascetic value... :P



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2006

Originally Posted by majoho
If you get the pre-release thingy of Nightfall you get one extra char slot (as far as I remember).

Otherwise I guess you should nuke the Assassin.
If you get the pre-release, you are supposed to get 1 for that, and then 2 more if you merge nightfall with your account so that would be 3 total.

To the OP, if I were you, I would either wait for nightfall and use the extra slots from that, or delete characters.

If you decide to delete (which it seems you will) then you probably should delete you least favorite character and/or the character you have the least fun playing. Even if you spent hundreds of plat on a character, what good is it if you don't like it?

Riken Chrono

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005

around the corner and up the block


delete assassin plz

Lord Oranos

Lord Oranos

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

Fort Aspenwood

Double post... >.<

Lord Oranos

Lord Oranos

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

Fort Aspenwood

Well, since all my rit seems to be good at is spirit spamming, and mediocre healing Ive decided to delete him. My Assassin will most likely be next as I only use him for pvp anyway. Ive been having some fun using the blinding prodigy ele, and a personal migraine mesmer build.

True gamecube, I liked my Ritualist, but, spirit spamming can only be so much(fun?) before it gets old, and Channeling is downright pitiful and only decent when used as pbaoe. Restoration is a nice alternative to a heal monk..... but I already have a monk for support >.>

Though Attuned was fun to use in a couple of oddball builds.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006

8o8 State

Girls in Bikinis [Maui]


id say delete the assassin too

they do nothing for you and they do get quite boring after you get lvl 20 for like a week



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2005


Angels Symphonys [AnSy]

well tbh i deleted my sin and regretted it, so you could get the slot from the pre release pack or just buy one. You may find the character you delete to have some worth in the future and you may end up missing it.

Lord Oranos

Lord Oranos

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

Fort Aspenwood

Originally Posted by shadow39365
well tbh i deleted my sin and regretted it, so you could get the slot from the pre release pack or just buy one. You may find the character you delete to have some worth in the future and you may end up missing it.
Yeah, I prolly will miss the char that I deleted. I deleted my necromancer awhile back, then I remade him, still having lots of fun with the necro.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005


Delete Ritualist. Assassins can be fun in PvP.



hamonite anur ruk

Join Date: Jan 2006

Echovald Forest

[PhD] Teh Academy


Try a new build for your ranger... beast master or something. That should renew your interest. Keep assassin, after all, I think a pve assassin in pvp is a greater asset than a pvp assassin in pvp. I would probably delete the ritualist, in all cases. Even my own is facing the axe, becasue in all honestly, I do not see a solid future ahead for the class.

Also, keep in mind, eles tend to fall into very routine.. and mundane notches on the team game play level in pvp as well.. heal party spamming flagger, heal party spamming warder... shock/aftershock/shockwave spiker, blind bot.. etc.

Assassin just hasnt been around for nearly as long as ele and people have yet to figure out the true utility of the class. It is effectively in its infancy and as an infant, it is underdeveloped. Too quickly people cast it aside as a 'ganker' and a 'kd pro'. Assassin can do so much more, so.. stick it with a different secondary and experiment until you find a build that will make people say 'wow'. You can find strength in the strangest places when you are bored. ^^

Ritualists are just falling by the wayside and people are accepting the cookie cutter stereotypes more rapidly for this class. i.e.. sit down, shut up and keep those spirts spamming and in pvp, tend to keep the class so diversified across its attributes that it is really not very effective as even what they are asking it to do for them..

So, across those two.. I would dump the rit.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2006


Meh, you should have kept the Ritualist it's great for farming.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2006


Better Than Life (BTL)


Remember also that each character receives a "birthday present" mini-pet on the 12 month anniversary of their creation. It would be a great shame to miss out on one of these potentially valuable presents by deleting a character that was say 11 months old.