So what is the story with Gwen?



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006



I picked up her flute a long time ago and I'm keeping it in storage, but what ever happened to her, Will we see her again?

Although I really like Prophecies and Factions and the outdoor arenas are great landscapes, awesome graphics, I still think Pre-searing has the best atmosphere and music

Uh Um

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2006

I agree, pre searing, the scenary is lush and green and relaxing. But at post searing, everything becomes dull. The sky is always stormy etc. In post searing I think Gwen died because I found a broken flute not sure.

Ninetail Trickster

Ninetail Trickster

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2006

A pleasant place that needs more rain. T_T

The Rose Society

No one's sure what becomes of Gwen. Rumors are scattered about her appearing in certain high-level areas, and a few people claim to have seen her in Cantha. (These are usually dispelled quickly.)
...I personally think she's the final boss of Nightfall; Menzies' little sister or something. >.> <.<



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006



Originally Posted by Ninetail Trickster
No one's sure what becomes of Gwen. Rumors are scattered about her appearing in certain high-level areas, and a few people claim to have seen her in Cantha. (These are usually dispelled quickly.)
...I personally think she's the final boss of Nightfall; Menzies' little sister or something. >.> <.<
Interesting, so I take it she was converted to the darkside or something. I like the way the flute was in Old Ascalon giving some sense of mystery.



Join Date: Jul 2005


Earlier, a couple months after release, there was tell of an official ANet response saying that the whole Gwen thing was just an unfinished quest. I'm starting to doubt that now, though.

Gwen seems to be just there to make us wonder why she's there, and where she went...

We're not going to find out her story any time soon, so it's best not to dwell on it in my opinion. It just leads to inanity. Lots of inanity.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Dec 2005

America. How about you, commie?

Fellows of Mythgar [FOM]


There have been numerous speculations on Gwen, such as quests, and crazy theories such as bringing 50 iris flowers, 15 tapestry shards, and 10 broken flutes to the Underworld and it would reveal a ghost Gwen or something.

While it is more than apparent she is probably dead, it has sort of become a community trend to come up with all these theories, such as this one made by yours truly.

As for pre-searing, I agree that it is beautiful, and in Prophecies, it can only compare to Maguuma. Post-searing Ascalon can be boring, since they spoiled us with the beauty of pre-searing.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006



Maybe more shall be revealed in Nightfall. I hope Nightfall features some nice scenery.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2005

i read somewhere in lore section that give gwen enough red iris, she will eventually give you a tapestry... together with broken flute and some other stuff scattered around tyria, bring it to her mother in UW, she gives you a scroll making you kill mobs easier...

that's the most credible story i heard so far...

Caethas Turan

Caethas Turan

Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2006

Auckland, New Zealand

Reapers of Oblivion [Ruin]

The tapestry and other items don't work. Tried that

It's just a broken quest, but I think she will be evil eventually, she drove me nuts with her talking in Pre.