when did the monster xp'ing go away?

Shonmi Woolyhead

Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2006


Hi, I just noticed that the monsters no longer level up when they kill you repeatedly -- when did they change that, anyone know? And anyone know *why* they would change that?



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2005



Yep that nerf really made the all time pre people really mad. I dont think arena net wanted lvl 20 pets in pre searing so they nerfed it... its kinda sad because it really was almost impossible to charm a lvl 20 pet seeing the monsters only gained xp from things no more than 6 lvls higher then them. So you would have had to do this at lvl 7 and try and charm a high lvl monster...yea i think it was a dumb thing to nerf but...anet seems to enjoy nerfing the fun out of gw so wat the hell!



Tech Monkeh Mod

Join Date: May 2005

Good Old North East of England


Wrong Forum, this is for technical issues, not this.





Join Date: Nov 2005

Noobs Just Took Halls [WTF]


yeah, i thought this happened a while ago really, but it did make leveling up hard(er) in pre searing.

i still knew a level 16 W/R who got xp from the charr bosses around the flame temple. Took him foreverrrr

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


This is dupe thread. What had happenedis this guy psoted the same topic in 2-3 forums it seems. Mods didnt know that, and are moving the dupes back to this forum when it already exists here :\

Shonmi Woolyhead

Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2006


I tried to post on the Game and Dev Tracker forum, but it didn't show up, so I realized it wasn't a general forum and came here to post. I guess they then moved my post here d'oh