When did they remove monster xp'ing?

Shonmi Woolyhead

Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2006


Hi, I just noticed that monsters no longer seem to get leveled up after killing you repeatedly -- Anyone know when they changed that? And anyone know *why* they changed it?

Plushie Penguin

Plushie Penguin

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2006

That plushie penguin on a shelf in your bed room


leveling off killing monsters isn't really the intended way, and from the way you worded the question, your asking why monsters don't level off of you, if they keep killing you, would you want them to be harder to kill?

Shonmi Woolyhead

Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2006


The only way to level in pre-searing (was) to let the monsters kill you often, and then get the xp once they level. That way you could still climb up a level, even if only 8xp at a time...

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


"Better loot" is wrong :\

But it was ~2 months ago.

It was a fix to two things:
1) lvl20's in presearing becuase of it
2) People were letting pets lvl on them so when they charmed them they would be Dire because of cuasing all that dmg.

Shonmi Woolyhead

Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2006


Originally Posted by Former Ruling
"Better loot" is wrong :\

But it was ~2 months ago.

It was a fix to two things:
1) lvl20's in presearing becuase of it
2) People were letting pets lvl on them so when they charmed them they would be Dire because of cuasing all that dmg.
hmm... and why was this considered a problem? do you know how long it took to level up a monster? like 2hrs, just from 10th to 11th... more for the next level... If someone wants to spend that much time, for such little gain (8xp, or 16 when they doubled bosses xp), just to show off, was that enough of a problem that it had to be crushed? I don't get it. I thought GW was all about letting players develop their own little niches. They might not like it that there are so many ppl who love to stay in pre-searing, but they shouldn't try to make it less fun for the ppl who are there for other reasons than fleecing the noobs...