hey guys, I made a new site - I freelance design and here's my thing to well, show off!
vector and 3d, the works. too bad I have to be overworked to stay in college. Ironic really.
the site itself isn't new, but this is the new VERSION.
p o r t f o l i o
nice work, i cant find any guild wars related ones tho
I didn't know I was supposed to put GW related things in this forum o.O I saw some other forums that didn't have much GW in them
Ulivious The Reaper
Nice works, quite a few of those would make a good background, i'm presuming done in photoshop? far beyond what i could acomplish, i don't care if its not gw related, i really like it when people put up their personal portfolios it really shows how good the artist is without binding them to gw subject
oh much more than photoshop, but yes that was involved. 3DSM, illustrator, maya, and much much more were used for all my pieces
thats very nice. congratulation
Lookin' spankin' cool.