what is the range needed to gain exp from pwrlvl
ok i know it changed awhile ago. couldnt find it on GWupdates or here. so what is the maximum distance to gain exp from pwrlvling. cant remember if the person had to actually had to be in a half aggro circle range or close whereabouts. and what date the update on it was.
Get a flatbow and participate in the battle. That way you get most of the xp. Only ones that you might not get is the rangers firing arrows at your powerleveler. If you use a skill on the powerleveler after he/she as aggro, you can back away about a full aggro circle and still get the xp. Using skills before they aggro doesn't count. Hope that helps.
Former Ruling
Just outside the Aggro bubble works, you dont have to attack them, or use spells on the plvler...all urban myths :\
yeap thats about what i was thinking about the range. just couldnt remember what the change was on it.
Originally Posted by Former Ruling
Just outside the Aggro bubble works, you dont have to attack them, or use spells on the plvler...all urban myths :\