Fissure of Woe - First Chest

Dana Hawkeye

Dana Hawkeye

Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006

Scouts of Tyria [SoT]


The first chest that you come across in the Fissure of Woe is usually the one that appears alongside Rastigan the Eternal at the Tower of Courage.

Some say, that by opening it, all the following drops will decrease in value, ie; purples. Is this true or is this false?

I have personally done FoW 100's of times and I believe it is a false belief, but lots and lots of people do believe it, even to the point of threatening to leave the group if the chest is opened.

Can someone, much wiser or knowledge savvy (please ANET if you are listening) than me put the record straight, once and for all.

Does opening this chest make a difference to the drops afterwards?

Dana Hawkeye - Ranger



Desert Nomad

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i can tell you its false. my war has 3 mill exp from just the quests there in FoW and ive never seen any thing like that. and there are many rumors about that first chest. its a random keyless chest. Ie itll drop anything and i mean anything. however 90% of the time i have seen purples from it. has nothing to do with the rest of the chests in FoW

Sir Skullcrasher

Sir Skullcrasher

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005


15 over 50 [Rare]


I don't think so Dana. I heard that this chest is like the main reward if you beat all the quests in fow. Usually peoples get to that point, opened the chest and move on. Personally, i see no difference if that chest is opened or not.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2006

yup, its false. i done fow many times, and i can tell you that even with open chest (that one near rastingan at the end of quest) many gold drops where dropping, and many shards from monsters..sometimes even much more then without opening the chest... i dont know why theres so much noise about that chest...stupid rumors...



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2005

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Its not that much of a rumor its mroe of a trick. Suposedly the drop rate of gold was lowred in an update for that first chest since its not that hard to get, so people think that if you dont touch it things will be better. That would be called a "superstition".

Now the trick...some people will say not to touch it, to say its better if you dont. THEN if/when the group messes up or is finsihed and decides to leave they forget about that chest and one person will already be running back to that chets to go open it.

Seeing as that person is the only one around at the time when its opened it will be for that person.

Just open it, who cares. FoW has a lot just like UW that doesnt get explored. people dont get anything that great because of overfarm.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005

northern cal

Originally Posted by EagleEye33
Its not that much of a rumor its mroe of a trick. Suposedly the drop rate of gold was lowred in an update for that first chest since its not that hard to get, so people think that if you dont touch it things will be better. That would be called a "superstition".
actually all keyless chests in uw and fow will only drop purples now. I think this is true in sorrow furnace too. The only keyless chest to drop golds now is the one in hoh.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2006


Have seen this noobs claiming this and panicing, I open the chest I get like 6 shards that run. ppl are dumb.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005

Order of the Setting Sun


As soon as you zone into FoW then everything is set. This means that all the chests are pre-loaded. So, if every chest you open is a grape then it would have been grapes regardless of the first chest being opened or not. There are no modifications to an instance once you are in.


Dana Hawkeye

Dana Hawkeye

Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006

Scouts of Tyria [SoT]


Thank you all for your replies.

It is then, as I suspected - To open or not to open, makes no difference.

I have always thought that this was so, but as almost every PUG has someone in the party that says 'DONT OPEN THE CHEST', it does grind you down, especially when, as I said earlier, some threaten to leave the party if someone opens the chest.

As one of you said 'its a superstition' or just sheer ignorance.

Thanks all - Hopefully this puts the record straight.

Dana Hawkeye - Ranger



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2005


Angels Symphonys [AnSy]

they are all purple drops these days, however you can still get a nice Serpent/Dwarven Axe or a Crystalline Sword from them, they are like HoH chests, they can drop the rarest items out there. HoH is just a gold version of the FoW/UW chests. Although beware a friend of mine once got a non max damage weapon out of a HoH chest :S

Sheikh Al Stranghi

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2006

Army of Masks [AoM]


I find people who claim this highly annoying, and I always open it right after they tell me not to do it. Morons.