need help with capping flesh golem


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006

8o8 State

Girls in Bikinis [Maui]


i am curently lvl 13 and trying to cap flesh golem before i get to lvl 15 so i can go into shiverpeaks arena with animate flesh golem

i got to the mission right before senji's corner but cannot complete the mission with henchman

i will pay a team of 7 other people to help me finnish the mission

ign: Born and Raised


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2005

You mean the Nahpui Quarter mission? Hmm, maybe if you can't complete that mission with only henchmen, you don't deserve to bring AFG into a 15 or less arena. Meh, but that's just me. Good luck finding people to carry you.

Oh, and your thread title is a bit off. You should change it to something like "Need help completing Nahpui Quarter Mission".



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2005

BC Canada

Firstly you really have no business being that far at that level. You are a drag on any team you join. If you MUST get Flesh Golem out of Senji's, exit the gate and go RIGHT. The boss on the other side of the bridge headed north will come rushing at you so be careful, and as a level 15 you haven't really got a hope in hell. It is hard enough with 8 level 20's. If you make it across, continue North to a Tengu settlement where you will find a really easy quest for 10,ooo exp! Have 2 plat on you to bribe a guy back by the gate to Senji's easy run back and then return as you have supposedly cleared the area of enemy. OK then from the Tengu settlement go west and north a few hundred yards and you are at the Necro Boss. Better yet...stop taking shortcuts and go back and do all the missions and quests to level up properly so you won't be so helpless and a burden to your team.

Riken Chrono

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005

around the corner and up the block


Hire someone in the services Section, i recommend Knight Devaney. he can carry you through the mission with guildies or henches.