Master of Hexes - Not a Possible build?
His Attribute Distribution is well beyond that of any players at level 20.
Life Transfer:
-7 Degen
11 Second Duration
requires: 12 points into blood
Parasitic Bond:
102 health at when it reaches it duration
requires: 12 points into Curses
133 points of damage per casting
requires 14 points into Domination
The Attribute Distribution simply doesn't add up. In addition to this, he doesn't have awaken blood active while he is casting. He is also able to consistantly cast all those numbers meaning he doesn't use chance of + skill gear.
Best situations:
Dom: 10 + 1 [head gear] + 3 [Superior Rune of Dom.]
Curses: 12
Blood: 8
Doesn't achieve the -7 life transfer
Dom: 10 + 1 [head gear] + 3 [Superior Rune of Dom.]
Curses: 8
Blood: 12
Doesn't achieve the 102 health from parasitic bond
Dom: 12
Curses: 9 + 3
Blood: 9 + 3
Doesn't achieve the 133 damage per cast by foe from dominiation
Am I missing something?
Life Transfer:
-7 Degen
11 Second Duration
requires: 12 points into blood
Parasitic Bond:
102 health at when it reaches it duration
requires: 12 points into Curses
133 points of damage per casting
requires 14 points into Domination
The Attribute Distribution simply doesn't add up. In addition to this, he doesn't have awaken blood active while he is casting. He is also able to consistantly cast all those numbers meaning he doesn't use chance of + skill gear.
Best situations:
Dom: 10 + 1 [head gear] + 3 [Superior Rune of Dom.]
Curses: 12
Blood: 8
Doesn't achieve the -7 life transfer
Dom: 10 + 1 [head gear] + 3 [Superior Rune of Dom.]
Curses: 8
Blood: 12
Doesn't achieve the 102 health from parasitic bond
Dom: 12
Curses: 9 + 3
Blood: 9 + 3
Doesn't achieve the 133 damage per cast by foe from dominiation
Am I missing something?
Am I missing something? |
Doesn't it defeat the point of sparring since it doesn't really simulate an actual player which must follow the rules?
And this matters, how?
Skyy High
...and...Glint has thousands of hp.
Outside the Great Temple of Balth there are several lvl 20s for you to fight against, this is one of em, he doesn't follow the rules.
Anyway, if you beat him, more power to you
Anyway, if you beat him, more power to you

Carl Butanananowski
Or you can just say 'Well, f**k that.' and go back to RA.
Former Ruling
Isle isn't to accurately test against a human.
Its to test how your buiild does against 1 simple ideal. Hexes, Spirits, Enchantments, Healer, E-denial, etc.
His attributes are better so he can EFFECTIVELY use all those hexes.
Its to test how your buiild does against 1 simple ideal. Hexes, Spirits, Enchantments, Healer, E-denial, etc.
His attributes are better so he can EFFECTIVELY use all those hexes.
what's the use if there's no way you're gonna find a guy with those attributes?
Numa Pompilius
The use is to give you a sparring partner so you can train to defend against hexes. Remember that he's a sparring partner, not an actual target.
The hexes are max to give you more incentive to actually do something about them rather than just hit Healing Breeze and power through.
The hexes are max to give you more incentive to actually do something about them rather than just hit Healing Breeze and power through.
maybe perhaps because PvP is never 1vs1 so its showing the diverse amount of hexes you can get on you.
Mera Regila
Actually, it is possable. 11 Points in Dom, 10 points in blood, 10 points in curses. I suppose he must've had Awaken the Blood on, otherwise this wouldn't work. Maybe he just doesn't follow the rules.
If you're up against a degen team, chances are you will get hexes from different players who combined will have the same attribute levels the Master has. As this game is not built around 1 vs. 1 combat, it is a mistake to think in those terms.
Malice Black
lol i seriously wonder why ppl drag up dead posts..they die for a reason...they are no longer interesting
Phaern Majes
renewed interest I guess....
He also has ignorrance on him and it is a carpon copy of Dunham a Me/N.HB will save you rofl.
Guardian of the Light
Well all I have to say is
Master of Hexs= Master of Haxes!
Master of Hexs= Master of Haxes!

Terra Xin
bah, the Master of Hexes is supposed to give you an insight as to what hexes can do to you, he's not your enem by which his purpose is to defeat you.
The isle of the nameless is supposed to give you an insight on how to play the many mechanics that are involved in PvP, they are not training grounds where you can practice your skills and counters. I mean, consider it more of a school of learning, and less of a school of applied learning, if you know what the difference is. If you want to test out builds, you go to RA, or to the Zaishen Elite.
The isle of the nameless is supposed to give you an insight on how to play the many mechanics that are involved in PvP, they are not training grounds where you can practice your skills and counters. I mean, consider it more of a school of learning, and less of a school of applied learning, if you know what the difference is. If you want to test out builds, you go to RA, or to the Zaishen Elite.
Silent Kitty
Originally Posted by The Admins Bane
lol i seriously wonder why ppl drag up dead posts..they die for a reason...they are no longer interesting
Did you rather have him start a new thread about this very same topic? Geesh, someone uses "search" and immediately people start to whine.

I think those NPCs have about 12-16 in EVERY attribute without the health penalty of runes. The dmg from the Master of Axes is way too high to be normal.