what would make me buy nightfall



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2005


I'd buy Nightfall if my friends who stopped playing Guild Wars came back.

My enjoyment of online games is inversely proportional to the number of people I want to punch in the throat.

Unfortunately, most random players I run into in Guild Wars fall under that category.



Hall Hero

Join Date: Jul 2005

California Canada/BC

STG Administrator


Originally Posted by Xenrath
I would REALLY like to know how many of the sales of Factions turned out to be merged accounts i.e. fans of the original buying the second one. If it's a pretty high percent that rides roughshot over the whole "it's a standalone" game argument - people are buying them as expansions.

That is, of course, assuming there's a high percent of merged accounts as opposed to "standalone" accounts. Without info from Anet, no way of knowing really, but I'm going to take a guess from the forums at least most here are mergers and approaching it like expansions. They end up buying because most of their Guild gets it, for PvP reasons etc if they want to stay "up to date"

p.s. I mean active accounts, not ones who maybe stopped playing.
There are lots of inactive accounts out there the majority of beta testers have stopped playing back in 05.I am still thinking of Nightfall although I was going to opt out I may get it considering there may be more to do as it is not like Factions.I do enjoy GW but it takes a lot out of you especially when trying to make buck in the game.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

Worthing, UK

(Don't fear) The Beaver

Ummmm, what would make me buy Nightfall ? Not being made by the team that made Factions would be a plus point..

Sir Skullcrasher

Sir Skullcrasher

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005


15 over 50 [Rare]


just wondering.. how may of you would be getting the standard edition instead of the CE?



Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2006



Originally Posted by Sir Skullcrasher
just wondering.. how may of you would be getting the standard edition instead of the CE?
Depends if stores give us the choice of the 2. Aussies usually get the short end of the straw and have like 2 CE's per store.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006

i will be buying the CE, but i'm also in the US. As for buying Nightfall, i will get it becuase the 2 new classes and not to mention i like the game. As for factions, yes the story isn't great, but everything else is, the way they put it togeather and everything else. Also a few of my friends where beta testers and their still around, they don't play as much but that becuase their in college and work. So ya see ya all around



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2006

"Pre-nerf" is incorrect. It's pre-buff.

Requirement Begins With R [notQ]


I'll buy Nightfall if they beta-test with henchmen. They made a mess of the Factions Henchmen at the beginning and resulted in extreme rage on my behalf

That's my only request.



Join Date: Jul 2005


Originally Posted by Sir Skullcrasher
One thing i wanted to see are hidden areas or different bosses (diffcult one like Glint) who guards special areas or items. Also can we FINALLY get a better quests reward instead of xp, gold, and sometime crappy items?
Um. Try the Elite Missions much?

Also. Better quest rewards? In terms of what? There's only so many material items we can have in GW, and that's gold and items. XP isn't exactly material, though. Maybe increased rewards and better-stat weapons, but that would take away the purpose of weapons crafters, collectors and green items...hell, drops in general.

Nightfall barely looks promising to me. The fact that they were introducing TWO MORE CLASSES kind of turned me off. Then, the PvP event rolled around, and showed just how broken the Dervish and Paragon were. That really shut down any enthusiasm I had about Nightfall.

So, I have two requests:



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

I wasn't intending on buying Nightfall but my cousin who is looking for ppl to play GW with him might force me to buy. Oh well... better start saving money then...



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2005

pit of brimstone

Squad Six Six Six [ssss]


what would make me buy nightfall is if the original poster didnt buy it.

more "i think all i know is right." or some shit like that... k thnx...

The truth itself

The truth itself

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2005


First Degree



I'm sorry you bought GW to start with, this is clearly not a game for you.

If you want awesome RPG adventure, lots of visual yet useless stuff. This is the WRONG game for you.

GW focuses around PvP and generel balance, nothing will change that.

You're even ignouring that, adding more skills slots is making the game less skilled, why?
Because you no longer need to think a lot about your build, as it currently is, your build needs to suite the enviroment, keep it that way. It's like evolution.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Sep 2005

Guild Hall, Vent, Guesting, PvE, or the occasional HA match...

Dark Alley [dR]

Originally Posted by The Great Al
the only part that i agree with is that 8 slots is way too little...but i doubt that will ever change
wow with this being such a board with the people that we have on it that know abotu guildwars, i cannot believe that this hasnt been posted already but here goes....

The origional concept was that in GW beta testing, your skills were on rings that you wore on your fingers. you have 8 fingers, so therefore you have 8 skills available. that was the whole purpose behind the 8 skill slots.

i feel old now because i knew this...




Join Date: Dec 2005




Buy Nightfall. Play it. Be happy.

MistressYichi, I think Great Al means 8 character slots, not skill slots Q.Q



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Sep 2005

Guild Hall, Vent, Guesting, PvE, or the occasional HA match...

Dark Alley [dR]

i thought it was brought up as a reply to the origional poster sayign that anet would never give us more skill slots (see oringional post as i forgot exactically where its at.) so i thought i would shed some light on why its like that. sorry ill go crawl back into my hole now and go gvg more.


Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2005

Sentinels of Eternal Souls


It might be interesting to have access to all your elite skills at once, but it wouldn't be very fun, I mean come on, Aura of the Lich paired up with Life Transfer? Get a monk to put Spell Breaker on you and your almost invincible... especiallly with your secondary being a warrior and putting up gladiators defence...*

Ok, but seriously - I love the way Guild Wars is setup, and the limit of skills you can bring into an explorable area/mission is what makes the game for me. Sure you get the really bad players that bring frenzy who still havn't purchased good armor, but then you go back and play with the good people in your guild and you have fun using 7-8 skills (not just 2-3 like WoW) and the gameplay is usually so fast moving and entertaining, not pause, think out move, unpause. Sometimes I like to slow it down and play that type of game, but it's not really as satisfying as GW to me.

I for one, can't wait for Nightfall to arrive! (I will however, be sticking with my 5 characters and not making one from the new classes though, I dont even have an assassin or rit, the new classes just seem like a novelty really...)

* yeah, there's probably better elites that can go together for an invincible char, but I like that combo



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2006

Dragon Knights of the North


I will buy it but after I complete prophieces and start on factions. I will try to wait until it comes down in price a little bit though.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2006

Originally Posted by penguo
8 skill slots is perfect, plus you cant change skills or have 3 bars up wherever you are. If i wanted that non-strategy I would be playing WoW a lot more than I am.
That is an extremely interesting statement because I think ArenaNet has started to disagree with you. Hear me out -- if you can bring three "heroes" that you can customize everything about, what in effect you will be doing constantly is bringing 32 skills. The only restriction is that only eight of them will be entirely in your control at any time. I think picking which 24 other skills to bring will open up a huge new strategic element to the game and might end up being the shot in the arm that PvP needs. So I think it is not non-strategy.

On the WoW comparison, I think you are being a bit unfair. The WoW engine is extremely versatile and can potentially allow for a large and complex strategic landscape. Unfortunately, the people who designed the engine don't appear to be the same people who are running the game, as it is trending far too sharply towards homogeneity.




Join Date: Apr 2005

new pets to tame. i hope Nightfall got a Camel, Giraffe or an Elephant



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2005



Originally Posted by MistressYichi
wow with this being such a board with the people that we have on it that know abotu guildwars, i cannot believe that this hasnt been posted already but here goes....

The origional concept was that in GW beta testing, your skills were on rings that you wore on your fingers. you have 8 fingers, so therefore you have 8 skills available. that was the whole purpose behind the 8 skill slots.

i feel old now because i knew this...
Are you serious?

Why can't you wear rings on your Thumb?


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by Mordakai
Are you serious?

Why can't you wear rings on your Thumb?
thumbtimes you can but i want one (or two) for my nose as well

and hidden toes of backup skills

Horseman Of War

Horseman Of War

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2006

The Cult of Doom


Originally Posted by The Great Al
the only part that i agree with is that 8 slots is way too little...but i doubt that will ever change

all you need to do is purchase one slot, and assuming you get the presale package, you will have enough for one of each profession.

(personally I bought two slots, and after my three that are coming to me, I will have one of each class and an extra PVP slot)

some people might want to have two characters of a profession, but thats just kinda silly considering the amount of time and work go into just one. Id like to make a 2nd warrior to use non-hammer skills (lol) but at the same time, I am still only half-done with my current war (although a use for all these swords axes and shields WOULD be nice lol)


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by Horseman Of War
all you need to do is purchase one slot, and assuming you get the presale package, you will have enough for one of each profession.

(personally I bought two slots, and after my three that are coming to me, I will have one of each class and an extra PVP slot)


the topic is SKILL SLOTS not character slots



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2006

I don't think I'll be supporting Anets products after Nightfall (courtesy to cold shoulder given to A/Rt mostly) Would have probably quit already but I have always wanted to play a scythe wielding maniac. After that unless it's a GO RED ENGINE hen that lays golden eggs I'll move to greener pastures where people in charge are better motivated to keep me satisfied.

PS. and FF XII is coming out too...

Horseman Of War

Horseman Of War

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2006

The Cult of Doom


Originally Posted by Loviatar

the topic is SKILL SLOTS not character slots
uhm.... ok......

in that case, this thread is stupid lol

EDIT- its not like having 10 skillbar would stop these monkeys from crying about nerf/balance/blahblahblah.