Is FoW worth it?

kintah tah

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006



Is FoW worth how much you spend on getting in?
What do u think is better UW farming or FoW faming for a warrior?
what is your best drop from FoW and ow mch is it worth?

Don Zardeone

Don Zardeone

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2005

I would suggest playing all classes first. Once you know how it all works then you can reward yourself with fow armour.

Also, once you have multiple characters, you'll see your moneygain grinding to a halt because you spend the money you get on needed equipment like weapons, armours etc.

Fow is only worth it when you can spend excess (money you don't know what to do with anymore) on it.

If you only have 1 char then don't bother, people will accuse you of ebaying then anyway.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2006


Better Than Life (BTL)


1) That is an entirely a matter of personal opinion. For some people it is worth it, for others it isn't. There is no correct answer to this question I am afraid.

2) There are usually more teams going to FoW looking for Warriors than teams going to UW looking for Warriors. UW is more often farmed by trapper ranger groups or Mo/W & N/Me duo farmers. This does not really reflect which area is better but more reflects the standard groups that are (rightly or wrongly) considered best for each area.

3) My best from FoW was a 14^50 chaos axe worth around 80K at the time. Not particularly wonderful as these things go, but it made the trip worthwhile :-)

Knightsaber Sith

Knightsaber Sith

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2006

Few Fallen Heroes [FFH]


Personally, I don't think most of the fow armors look cool enough to warrant the cost. The ele, monk, and maybe rit are the only one's I'd say were worth the price. I much prefer the Kurzick 15k to the fow warr retarded bird helmet. But buy what you like

edit* just re-read op and realized you were talking more about just farming than armor. lol
Anyway, fow is better for farming on a warr as uw farmers usually don't take a whole team


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2006

The Lotus Eaters


I'd like to tack on a question to this to cut down on clutter.

When is the best time to grab a group in America for FoW "Forgemaster"

My Male Mesmer needs to grab his two pieces of armor and it never seems America can grab favor and hold it at a reasonable hour. Insight would be greatly appreicated here.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2006


If you get a full team for FoW, it's normally 125g each unless you get a leech who wont chip in, so it's not going to break the bank.

I'll only go for a UW "team" if I know the Monk and/or the Necro as theres a lot of tossers about who'll just disappear and solo farm, so be careful when going UW, and if the Monk keeps quiet, is Mo/W /N or has a remotely sounding Chinese name, kick him out as 99.9999% chance he's a 55

@Jgaff, best time for America is around 2am GMT so work out what time zone your in and go from that.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2006



Originally Posted by JGaff
When is the best time to grab a group in America for FoW "Forgemaster"
Late at night when the Europeans are sleeping lol


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2005


Heroes of the Horn [HoH]


FOW keeps your skill playing sharp. You can tell right away between an expert and a novice player. The drops are not bad at all. 10k xp for a quest is the best way to get skill points. The quests are also challenging,basically makes most other missions and quests seem easy by comparison. And if you are into the FOW armor,obsidian shards are a must have.

huMptY DumPty

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2006



It's entirely up to the individual........

Apparently...I'm wondering the same question... I'm not sure if I should buy my FoW for my ranger...monk...or warrior....

Is it worth it? or should I just collect weapons....

kintah tah

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006



its up to you..........
but personaly i would collect weaponds



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2005


Angels Symphonys [AnSy]

whether it is worth it or not depends entirely on how well you do as a group, 1 shard drop means yes it is worth it as you make a minimum of 3k off a shard these days.

FoW farming is easier for a Warrior than UW farming, as with UW solo War farming you have to get into an awkward position to have one aatxe attacking you at a time, not as simple as just getting good at a build. However soloing FoW gets incredibly easy after a little while (spider run i mean) once you learn to avoid the Skales, and lure the driftwoods into the right places etc etc.

The Herbalizer

The Herbalizer

<3 Ecto

Join Date: Jul 2005

Is 1.2 ish million gold alot to you?

Can you afford spending 1.2 million gold on armor?

Will you have gold left over after buying it?

Is the grind worth it (you may not need to grind for it)?

Have you played all the other character professions as some may be more fun to play?

The best place for a warrior to farm is drok troll cave or elona minos. A warrior can go in a group to uw or fow but its hardly farming. The chances of getting a perfect drop in either uw or fow are very slim too. A monk or necro is a better farming character. Monks can go uw with a necro and two man farm.

If you have only one character getting fow armor is kinda silly.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2006

The Lotus Eaters


My Male Mesmer is grabbing two pieces, a Chest and some footwear. The gloves are hardly noticable and the pants can mostly be bluffed with some black dye, saving 600k. Keep that in mind when buying any armor sets that come with a price tag, ala 15k sets.

My other remaining questions (This has been a solid thread with quick replies, much appreciated) are how long is a forgemaster run in an average group and what should a Mesmer bring that would be the most effective overall?

The suggested time for America to enter and hopefully have favor is around 9-10pm at night, a time I usually start getting ready to turn in for the night (especially after 10 pm). It would be good to know the duration of the quests so as to not be caught up at 11:30 still playing with work the next morning. Also, when America does get favor, it lasts about 30 minutes and before I can get grouped we lose it. What Mesmer builds are worthy/known to the FoW PUG mentality? Some input might be good here too...




Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Jun 2005

The Clouds

Scars Meadows [SMS]


Jgaff, dont forget mesmer fow leggings have a crotch patch if you look closely, not the best looking thing in the world :/

Don Zardeone got it right in saying that you should make all of your characters perfect (multiple weapons sets for every attribute, every situation, superior vigor) before you buy fow

Vermin Farming (if u have factions) and fow spider runs are hands down the fastest money makers for warriors.

The Herbalizer

The Herbalizer

<3 Ecto

Join Date: Jul 2005

Originally Posted by derrtyboy69
Jgaff, dont forget mesmer fow leggings have a crotch patch if you look closely, not the best looking thing in the world :/

Don Zardeone got it right in saying that you should make all of your characters perfect (multiple weapons sets for every attribute, every situation, superior vigor) before you buy fow

Vermin Farming (if u have factions) and fow spider runs are hands down the fastest money makers for warriors.
Oo yeah totally forgot spider farming.


Join Date: Dec 2005




Fow is not worth it. 15K is not worth it. 1.5K is not worth is. presearing is not worth it. This game should be played naked, to remove all " my armour is better than yours " and all weapon skins should be the same.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2006

The Lotus Eaters


I second Vermin farming for cash. Has made me 300k easily from a casual two hours here or there. It yields about 9-15k+ an hour depending on your luck and speed, etc. Wammos delight really.

@Derrty: What pants could you suggest wearing with FoW Male Mesmer armor?




Join Date: Jul 2006




haha i give it up to the person who said it should be played naked LOL :P


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006


The Lost Saracens


I got Fow armor because i love the look's on the armor and its something to keep your mind on thing's, but before you get the armor make sure you know how you are going to get it in the first place.

Yes its worth it if you have the cash to blow on it or you would love to have it on your fave char.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2006

Do you mean FoW armour or FoW the place. If you mean the armour, that is subjective. If you mean the place, then yes, it's worth it. In an average PUG you will spend 125g each on entry, and just from the gold you pick up and from selling all the stuff you get to the merchant you will make 2-3k, so you will make money rather than lose it.

Griff Mon

Griff Mon

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2005

In the Elfen Forests of Washington State

Damage Radius


I got it for my female necro and am quite happy with it. Although I get some comments from time to time that people that have FoW armour "have no lives and farm all the time" or are buying "e-bay" armour.

I know I earned it by farming, a little help from guildies with price breaks on Ectos and Shards, and lots of FoW and Underworld runs.

I bought a lot of the ectos and some of the shards with in-game cash that I earned by farming and salvaging everything for rare crafting materials. I also got some lucky drops from Ettin Farming like Black Dye, Superior Absorption Runes, Superior Monk Runes, and some other things that sped up the process. The release of Factions helped as the market price of certain items like Chittin Fragments and Plant Fibers went way up and I was able to cash in.

I will be buying a new FoW piece soon as I want blood-stained boots for my Necro and although I currently use the Droks Blood-Stained for my MM build, I want the FoW piece to keep the look consistent.

I occasionaly get complimented on it, but I think it earns a certain amount of respect especially in-game when your game skills reflect the fact that you earned the right to wear it.

It does set you apart from other players, and if there are some negative remarks directed at you for having FoW armour, it is likely out of jealousy or some experience with crappy players who got run to the Forgemaster and bought it with e-bay gold.

Saider maul

Saider maul

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2005

Baltimore, Maryland

For me I like mix and match. I currently have 5 of my 10 characters in 2-3 pieces of fow and either drok or 15k mixes. However my monk does have 2 seta of fow sandels,pants,and bracers..1 for healing 1 for 55 ( he earned it ) . I do need to get there sometime soon for my rit helm ( for a flintstones look lol ).
Now days its fairly cheap for FoW. when i went in for my first piece ecto was around 15k now its what 7k?

I do recomment running dual in UW as a rt/me and a spiritbond monk and seperate at after the aatxes for speed.
FoW is also best as a 2 man 3 if you wanna be safe with a monk and a necro and a 3rd monk or rit if you wish.
FoW is where its at though. 3x the cash then UW on most runs. the rit is nice cause while the necro and monk go the the forge master the rit can go to the forest and start on the beach at same time. makes quick work of a large area.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005

Hells Percipice ID 1

The Brotherhood Of Sleep [zZz]

For the farming, I think that UW is better ( considering you take a group ! solo farms, that's something else )...the 55 + ss combo is very fast and easy, and you got nice money ! ectos + golds ! eternal shields and storm bows are dropped quit often ( I gett like 1 per 5 runs ) and in fow, the chance of getting a good fellblade or chaos axe is small - you have more chests tho !
( I never did a 2 - 3 man run in fow, so I don't rly know how much money per person u get )

about the fow armor ( wich you didn't ask I think, but i'll give my opinion ) ...meh, what can I say ! It costs a lot ( for most ppl - for some it's nothing ) , and some don't even look nice. It's fun tho, I got my first one yesterday ( female necro ) and i've had serveral ppl telling me I have a cool armor ! but some ppl are saying that yer an ebayer, or scammer, or do nothing but farming, wich is not true! It saddens me to see ppl like this - specially cus I worked for every penny of my armor ! I didn't scam, nor ebay it!



Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2005

Toronto, Canada


money could be better spent on getting your pve charecters ready for pvp.... with near a million gold you can make all your charecters pvp ready. Buying numerous strategic armors with perfect greens/golds.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2005


I purchased my FoW Ranger Vest purely for aethestic reason... I didn't like the Druid Overcoat look.

Your mileage will vary... I personally prefer to spend my gold on making my characters PvP ready.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006


[HH] [Hax]


From what i can read of his post he aint asking for ANYTHING about FoW armor... It seems he is talking about the place as an Area. And asking if ppl think its worth the 1k gold of entering the place.. So i dont see why half of the ppl who posted is talking about FoW armor..

Now, imo then FoW is a great place.. Its a high lvl area that is a little more harder than most other places.. But it still has a few nice areas that you can solo farm... So basicley when you get to know what you are during there, then the gain will be better than the gold spend on enterance..

Edit: About FoW vs UW then i think i like UW most becouse its more like a farming area than fow is.. Its easyer just to enter as 2 man and then kill alot of it, than Starting a team with more ppl to go fow.. Also the Solo farming in UW seems like more fun to me than Forest + Spidercave

And about the best drop, hmm Shards i think xD


Malice Black

Site Legend

Join Date: Oct 2005

only buy if you have more cash, its not worth making yourself broke for...nobody gives a shit if you wear fow armor these days anyway


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2006

The Lotus Eaters



What Pants would go well with Male Mesmer FoW Armor if I'm not going to by the hose?

Also, Using this thread as an ask all about the Fow is better than 4 or 5 more extra threads to clutter the forum. Let's keep using this for FoW related questions for now...



Hell's Protector

Join Date: Jul 2005

The Eyes of Texas [BEVO]


The only one that I'd consider getting is a female Mesmer FoW...that's the one set that always catches my eye and really has nothing equivalent/similar in the 1.5K and 15K sets.


Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2006


FoW is very worth it just get in with some guildies doin a 2 or 3 man and let them go do the battle field while you run off and teach yurself the spider cave
fun and the drops are good enough to keep you coming back

*sidenote* the armor is all fugly all but like the guy said female mesmer



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006

Weak and Ineffectual [Lame]


I have a set of FoW on my mesmer (same as in the avatar) really because thats what I play in gvg usually. I really wanted something that would stand out, so for roughly 16 days of the summer I grinded and grinded and grinded and made the 1.2mil (mats, dyes, runes) that I needed for it. That is not something i want to go through again, so I am probably gonna buy the money for a second set if I decide I want another. I'd just rather grind fame(which is actually fun) then farm, chest run, etc.

Hand of Ruin


Join Date: Jul 2006

I solo fow and even at 3-4 shards per run, the money isn't that great. I prefer topk or just plain chest running...



Join Date: Dec 2005



if anyone says you ebayed your fow or say you have no life there just jealous and ironic..playing a game to call someone sad for playing the game lmfao cracks me up

Elwynn Swiftwind

Elwynn Swiftwind


Join Date: Jul 2006

Beep Beep Im A Jeep


Originally Posted by czymann
FOW keeps your skill playing sharp. You can tell right away between an expert and a novice player.
Umm,no. I hate to say this and dont get me wrong, but the most 'noobs' I met that act all elitist and all to newbies were in FoW armor.

Tark Alkerk

Tark Alkerk

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2005

In a Black Hole



In my opionion,
Fow is worth it if you want to look like a bit of bling in a hairy mans chest,
but its becomeing more and more common.



Join Date: Dec 2005



i dont mind fow armor but when you only have 1 piece on warriros usually the head it sucks



Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006

Lievs Death Squad


I jave NO idea why the thread is about armor since the thread starter is asking about FoW in general....
I'd say it IS worth the trouble..always a chance of a shard.. excellent chests - tho some LUCK is a must or you're going bankrupt.. and I'd never go in with randoms.. too much time invested to waste it all cause some loser got a hard on and decided he wanted to leave all of a sudden. That type of thing I do only with my guildies.
and best drop I had in FoW was a hest drop - some bow worth round 200k which I was stupid enough to salvage by accident
as for farming, I did both with war solo...and I suggest FoW cause it a lot easier and refundable - as in, you can learn to farm it to regain your entrance fee back a lot faster than uw...


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2006

The Great North

Pheonyx Rising (PR)


I think that if you have the time to farm, then by all means do it.

Guildwars is great because of the simple "No godly Items" rule... however it does tend to make things a little boring when everywhere you look someone is wearing 15k this or that. FoW allows you to look a little different then Joe Schmo. It takes time, effort and skill to EARN it, plus a little luck.

My Ele has it. Looks like a biker. So far I've only seen one other Ele wearing it and he was "looking for a run" through Thirsty. So I'm happy knowing I earned my FoW and can't wait to get the rest of my chars outfitted in it... even if it does take me the next 10 years.

Malice Black

Site Legend

Join Date: Oct 2005

I jave NO idea why the thread is about armor since the thread starter is asking about FoW in general....

Is FoW worth how much you spend on getting in?
see...alot of ppl play fow/uw on the basis that they will use the money gained to get fow armor



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006

Weak and Ineffectual [Lame]


Originally Posted by Elwynn Swiftwind
Umm,no. I hate to say this and dont get me wrong, but the most 'noobs' I met that act all elitist and all to newbies were in FoW armor.
Yea thats true. Last night I had a warrior in FoW armor ask me how I emoted (/rank). He thought it was glad points. But, there are plenty of good people sporting FoW. Im a Pally and Famous are well known pvpers and have FoW. I'm in a top guild and have it. It just depends on what you want to focus your time on. I suppose if all you do is pve then its possible to be a total pvp nub.